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Everything posted by tracer

  1. Listen here you lost souls, who weren't blessed by god to be born a american, that's not the U.S.s fault, take that up with jesus when you meet him in the here after. LOL!!(might as well open the can of worms}
  2. Next some one will be asking "why aren't there any blonds on the battlefield"jez, lol
  3. Oh yeah, and about the U.S. military today, well might be true, but you know what they say, "actions speak louder then words"nuff said, gung ho!! gung ho!!
  4. Well, back when I was in the military, they always told us that if you take out the leaders,(CO, platoon leader etc..) that the soviet grunt would be lost, and would'nt know what to do. Don't know if that's still true.
  5. Great work really nice QB map you did up thanks and good work, I like it.
  6. zhit, I think the zart fooled me, and i gotta zurd in my trousers instead.
  7. Kmead, I can e-mail it to you, I don't think Gordon would mind, but I will still ask him first, but I'm sure he will say yes, then I will send it your way asap.
  8. Oh yeah forgot to mention for new folks it's here, along with a lot of other kick butt mods http://cm.cozog.com/
  9. This is the last Panther I had to winterize from KrawzyDog's "Panther Pack", so now all the Panther are ready for the winter.
  10. crap here's the link http://www.geocities.com/military_archeology/tanks.htm
  11. I found this site where they found T-34 in a marsh no battle damage, they changed the oil and did some minor tweaking , and the tanks started up!! after 60 years check this site outhttp://www.geocities.com/military_archeology/tanks.htm
  12. Thanks, and I figured you were kinda busy just wondering if there were any plans in future for a sort of modding tutorial.
  13. Oh yeah, I also read some where that the germans white wash was put on in such a way that it could be sprayed and then wiped off, in the spring. I wish I could remember where I read that at.
  14. I think you and Gordon are on the top of my "best modders list", there are some real good modders but you guys are the masters(in my opinion), What I was going to ask you was if you have any plans of putting out a modding tutorial. Gordon put out a "Mud Tutorial" and I use it a lot. Your "panther Pack" is excellent, so i was wondering if you plan to share some of that modding "expertise" with the rest of us modders. If you did, it and Gordon's "Mud Tutorial" would be my modding bible.
  15. Thanks MadMatt for the info, it was driving me crazy trying to figure out the prob, if it was my machine or what.
  16. well hell tanks a lot is one of the best on my list, no doubt.
  17. I don't have a prob seeing "rocky" it's the "rough" that gives me probs
  18. Well it's suppose to be secret, look at the screen shot for the M-5 dirty mod at the data base, then look at the front tires, they have tank treads on them,makes for extra grabbing power.
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