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Everything posted by tracer

  1. Well according to "Old Dogs" manual "modmakers basics", Old dog states and I quote "Gordon Molek will assign you a rule number", this is written in the Rule or Rules paragragh, under the heading of "THE RULES PACKAGE". And I don't think anyone mentioned anything about Gordon being "snobbish" in my dealings with him he is always, and I'll say it again, always helpful.
  2. The CMMOS is a good idea, the only problem with it, in my opinion (and everyones got one)is that the folks who aren't to computer savvy have a problem with the installing of it. Other then that I think it's a good idea, and does make it easier to use mods. But then you come to the next question. If you have to get a special tag for you to use to make the mods compatible for CMMOS( you know like the w_w_12345.bmp)you will have to get it from a individual, who will assign it to you so there aren't any conflicts with others, THAT IS IF THAT INDIVIDUAL WANTS YOU TO HAVE IT. meaning that if he (or she, not to offend anyone}feels that your mod is good enough in thier opinion for CMMOS then you will be assigned one, if not, well I guess you keep on posting at the mod data base (great site}
  3. That's great thanks for the tip,and being the first one to help out
  4. cm mod data base I needed a grey truck winter mod so did this one, tell me what you think. I's at the data base
  5. Well, just the basics, you know, like panzer martin told cannon about his stugIII and how to put a layer over it with a 50 or 60 opacity to tone down the rust effect, just little things like that. They don't seem to all important to the old time modders, but to the new guys it's a good tip
  6. Thanks for the info on the rail, and also thanks for letting me know about having to redo the mods when the patch comes. I guess we can use them until the patch comes out (whenever that is)
  7. Well Mr. Bob Toole put out a manual about how to add a mod to the CMMOS, you have to get a prefix for your BMPs from Gordon Molek (he will give the modder sorta like a I.D.}example Joe Bob's I.D. j_b_12345.bmp, and joe bob would have to put this in front of his mod bmps, I think that a ruleset# would also be assigned to joe bob so his mods would work in CMMOSm a little complicated, but not to bad
  8. I posted a topic once, but did'nt get any replies. If you could, please leave a modding tip, so the newer modders (and maybe the older) can get a little advice. Since there isn't a forum for modding, I figure this is about the only way to shre tips and tricks.
  9. I notice that there are a lot of long forum topics that really don't do anything as far as info goes, so I was wondering if modders could leave a reply with a modding tip, here. since there isn't a modders forum, this would help out people who are new to modding, and maybe give a tip that the older modders could use to. thanks to any that would leave a modding tip
  10. thanks panzermartin, those are some good tips, you don't mind if I use them??
  11. One thing you have to be sure of, is the mod your downloading compatible with CMMOS?? if it is not there will be a conflict with the BMPs. If you notice the BMPs are named differently, for example a CMMOS mod bmp will have a name somthing like this ww_2345.bmp, whereas a mod that is not compatible will have 1234.bmp, I think that is probably what is happening.
  12. I found out one thing, don't put a summer month, like June, then by mistake, put it as havin snow, you get summer trees and snow, looks kinda strange
  13. Holy s*** !! I downloaded it this morning and have skimmed through the scenarios, you guys deserve 5 stars, great work, the research must have been incredible for this pack. Thank you very much.
  14. well , thanks for the feed back it's been a lot of fun modding these vehicles. Now that the CMMOS is out I don't know how this will work, but I guess we will see
  15. Thanks for the feed back everyone,also if you see things that could be improved please let me know
  16. looks good, I like the rust effect.
  17. ok the the dirty PzIIIJ camoed, the red 808 early PzVIE option pack,battle V2 worn pzIIIJ and the PzVIE early option pack are mine also.
  18. send it my way, I will be glad to help www.rbellerose419@yahoo.com
  19. I figured I needed a finnish Pz for my winter battles and modded this one, tell me what you think, it's here http://cm.cozog.com/
  20. Thanks, and let me know if there is anything you see that I can improve on
  21. I know that there is one rail on the front of the Pz that is not done, but for some reason I couldn't find the bmp that went to it, I know it is somewhere in all those thousand's of bmps. I'am going to try and contact someone from BFC and find out where it is, then I'll post a update zip to fix it. Other then that it is a minor thing and still looks better for winter battles.
  22. Thanks, I think I'm finally getting the winter technique down. I found that by putting the thick snow on the last layer, it looks better.I'm using pics of modern day tanks in the snow I took while in germany to help in modding of winter tanks,I also look at WWII tank pics in the snow and noticed that not all are "white washed" and just have snow build up on them.
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