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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Check out Scipios latest interview at WarfareHQ.com
  2. Infantry trenches, could turn out to be very interesting.
  3. Try the tutorial that comes with the CD first off. Combat Mission HQ.com will also give you links to sites that have battles for newbies. You can also create a few quick battles under different conditions which will help you develop your skills. Then you can go to the OPPONENT FINDER forum on this site for real head to head competition, which is probably the best teaching tool around.
  4. According to a chapter in "Gotterdammerung 1945", by Russ Schneider relating actions on the Baltic coast, the pocket battleships Lutzow and Amd. Scheer supported the GD division and the rest of the 4th Army with 11in guns "expertly pinpointed by forward observers stationed on shore" One can assume either naval officers or FOs trained to work in concert with the navy were integrated in Heer units fighting along the Baltic.
  5. Although I am new to this forum, I have read many of the exchanges of all the people involved here. I dont know a lot of the people personally, but I can deduce that many of them have a passionate, committed additude within this community and are truly honest in their desire to maintain interest in the CM family of games, and to move them forward not only for business reasons, but for the benefit of the people out here who enjoy the game and the camraderie. Whenever there is a group of more than two who have the same interests and committments, clashes of will or ego or whatever are bound to happen. What makes any project really worth continuing is the fact that people will argue and disagree over the best way to move things forward, and the dynamics of that is what brings forth new ideas and inprovements. My two cents, in what seems to be a personal affair is; lets let bygones be bygones, we all have the ability to contribute in some way, and committment can sometimes lead to conflict. Welcome back TB155! lets move forward from here!
  6. Mr Soddball you have totally misunderstood me, its like the phrase "getting on" an airplane, I would always want to "get in to" an airplane. I would correct myself and say the game is "on" my hard drive, and the CD is "in" my CD drive. However if I could get the Cd "into" my hard drive, it would surely save me a couple of mouse clicks. [ August 23, 2002, 10:43 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  7. ...the Combat Mission HQ website has not posted an update in over a week???? :confused:
  8. Thank God I still have a job, but I went out and bought a new system just so I could play CMBB, my older one was chugging along with CMBO, but I never got fog nor could I play large battles. The new one is a P4 2.7ghz with 512 SDRAM and a 64 meg vid card. CMBO flies, with all hi-res mods, and fog is such a wonderful thing. Can't wait to see CMBB. The only CD in my hard drive from now on will be CM.
  9. I'd say 4,120, do you think BFCs server will be able to handle the pressure? Hopefully the two scenarios are long ones, with lots of new mods.
  10. The war game I have waited for all my life!!! My wife hates it with a passion, but I tell her; "at least I am ignoring you at home, not in some bar with a strange woman" Women are weird though, they make no distinction, cheating with a woman=playing CM when you should be having meaningful conversation. As Ebenezer Scrooge once said "I'm too old to change" :eek:
  11. According to "Encyclopedia of German Tanks of WW II" The PzKw II Ausf. A and later variants produced from 1936 to 1942 were armed with a turret mounted KwK30 and 38 L/55 2cm automatic cannon, capable of firing AP and HE ammunition. I could not find what the rate of fire was, but homogenous armor penetration at 100 m 30 deg from vertical is 20mm. The KwK was an adaptation of the FLAK version, so it should be pretty lethal. [ August 14, 2002, 08:58 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  12. I read that a lot of the slogans were put there by the workers in the tank assembly plants. A lot of Russian tanks went straight to the front from the assembly line without paint jobs at all, and I guess the slogans were meant to be morale boosters for the crews.
  13. One of the key things to consider, especially in the woods, is to maintain C&C with your platoon leader and to keep your squads/teams in visual contact with each other. You must also be aware of their experience level. I dont know how well CMBO models the isolation factor in woods, but I have had many a squad break when under fire in wooded terrain. The ability to place superior firepower onto targets in the woods is really the key. Many rapid fire weapons attached to squads heading into close terrain is also a good thing. Having the ability to conduct flanking assaults on defensive positions is also a plus. This is where planning comes in, but it is easier to discuss it here than in the heat of a wooded ambush situation.
  14. Michael you are good, I missed the little pointy elf hat poking out from the driver's seat. I understand that the elves were the only ones who could drive the vehicle due to its propulsion mechanisms.
  15. Easy: Michael Wittman? Medium: Max Schmelling?
  16. I would say that you were doing the smart thing. If you can disrupt your opponent's likely areas of assembly with a few well placed mortar rounds, you are able to disrupt his plans early on and put him at a disadvantage. The entire game setup gives you that opportunity.
  17. Hasn't it been said that most CMBO battles, even MEs are imminent affairs. Ive read threads about scouting and recon being a waste of time because time to contact is measured in minutes. We have to assume then that some artillery prep has been planned for, especially on the allied side, where historically artillery shells were abundant. In CMBB I think arty will be more devastating and available, considering then Russians lavish use of it later in the war. "Gameyness" is the nature of the simulation, there will always be situations that are not completely "historically realistic". As individual players we have our preferences, and the choice to decide what is gamey or not. MY TWO PFENNIGS
  18. I know I'm addicted when my wife says; "Are you playing that damned game again?" When I start talking to myself in German "Volle Deckung!!!" When I havent taken the CM disk out of my drive for nearly a year and a half. I have dreams about the Hurtgen Forest. Hey who says life has to be all fun and games anyway?
  19. Originally posted by Breakthrough Well they could follow a company through the A Shau Valley, they could call it "Band of Brothers Vietnam"
  20. In an age of instant communications, it took this long to get that great series to viewers down under? Has to be something to do with money, everything does.To all you Aussies out there, this was a great show, you will no doubt enjoy it.
  21. A glaring example of how the Germans failed miserably in the area of logistics, was the Luftwaffe's feeble attempt to re-supply the Sixth Army in Stalingrad. Of course I believe that most sane Luftwaffe senior officers knew in their hearts that they didnt have enough resources to meet the demands of the encircled Army. Goering's boastings and Hitler's blind insistence on holding on to Stalingrad when pulling back and reestablishing proper fronts would have saved all those men. Everyone says that that was the turning point in the East, but Barbarossa was doomed from its beginning due to overly extended goals and a total underestimation of the Red Army.
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