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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. No worry about you becoming part of this exhalted group...eh Jimmy ?
  2. Boo you shudda stood in Arkansas, I bet all the assorted bumpkins and Bill Clinton offspring accepted you as their own. BTW did you make the tour of the Perdue Chicken Parts Factory? One of the highlights of any soujourn to Arkansas. You get a free sample of gizzards to take home with you...or so I have been told. SEND TURN!!!! you lop-headed, lollygagger.!!
  3. Boo you shudda stood in Arkansas, I bet all the assorted bumpkins and Bill Clinton offspring accepted you as their own. BTW did you make the tour of the Perdue Chicken Parts Factory? One of the highlights of any soujourn to Arkansas. You get a free sample of gizzards to take home with you...or so I have been told. SEND TURN!!!! you lop-headed, lollygagger.!!
  4. I have just now completed my last game. Three more AARs to write and submit. As always I have enjoyed the ROW Tournament experience. Kudos to the scenario designers, thanks to Kingfish, Holien, et al. For running a fine tournament.
  5. I found this old picture of Boggs , maybe Persephone can use it?
  6. I found this old picture of Boggs , maybe Persephone can use it?
  7. Boo Radley poses for his third consecutive first grade photo.
  8. Boo Radley poses for his third consecutive first grade photo.
  9. What grass mod do they use in your neighborhood? Do you have that zoyzia grass that everyone raves about down in Heaven's Waiting Room? You know the stuff that you plant in plugs, that eventually grows to look like a giant green steel wool pad. People plant it up here, it turns a sickly lemon yellow in the fall and winter, and then in spring it begins its attack on those neighbors who have real grass they are attempting to grow. I have had to use a barrier of Agent Orange between my yard and the Zoyzia Neighbor, in order to save what is left of my fescue/bluegrass combo sod which cost me over a grand last year.
  10. What grass mod do they use in your neighborhood? Do you have that zoyzia grass that everyone raves about down in Heaven's Waiting Room? You know the stuff that you plant in plugs, that eventually grows to look like a giant green steel wool pad. People plant it up here, it turns a sickly lemon yellow in the fall and winter, and then in spring it begins its attack on those neighbors who have real grass they are attempting to grow. I have had to use a barrier of Agent Orange between my yard and the Zoyzia Neighbor, in order to save what is left of my fescue/bluegrass combo sod which cost me over a grand last year.
  11. Nice to see that while I'm away experiencing "The Passion of Christ" on the GF, you dolts would take the opportunity to belittle and otherwise make me feel small. Lars tell them about your Jock Column, or would you like me to put up screenies of your flaming wrecks and routed infantry. Noba I can't think of the last time you defeated me in battle that wasn't overly tipped in your favor. While I have had my share of defeats, I will not allow my reputation as a superior tactician to be besmerched...or is it besmirched, no matter, I will not be humiliated!!!
  12. Nice to see that while I'm away experiencing "The Passion of Christ" on the GF, you dolts would take the opportunity to belittle and otherwise make me feel small. Lars tell them about your Jock Column, or would you like me to put up screenies of your flaming wrecks and routed infantry. Noba I can't think of the last time you defeated me in battle that wasn't overly tipped in your favor. While I have had my share of defeats, I will not allow my reputation as a superior tactician to be besmerched...or is it besmirched, no matter, I will not be humiliated!!!
  13. Seanachai all of my positive thoughts and prayers are with your sister and your family.
  14. Seanachai all of my positive thoughts and prayers are with your sister and your family.
  15. NEWS FLASH!!!! All those who awaitng turns from me, will just have to wait a little longer.....they will be out tonight.
  16. Old American saying: If you screw something up the first time, edit it and make it worse </font>
  17. "If the Boo ****s....wear it!!!!" The Boo bird being far stupider than the Foo bird, Old Mexican saying, El pejaro mas pendejo, sabe volar [ April 22, 2004, 08:51 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  18. Since I sponsored said stikkypixie, I claim the first right to take him to Squire as set forth in the rules???? of the MBT . Said stikkypixie has endured the slings and arrows, and returned in kind, not to mention he does have a slight modicum of wit about him. The fact that he is from Belgium, not his fault I'm sure, and Vietnamese, well again not really his fault , should not be held against him, after all we have Ohioans and Minnysotans. I call on the Justicar for an ofal, I mean official ruling. (There could be a set up in it for you Joe )
  19. Shaw, you pontificating ponce, a man that usually will use two paragraphs to make a point that could be made in three words. Are you really trolling for a set up? Your ameteurish attempt at insult, while endearing, has so far failed to shake loose even the meerest hint of a retort from anyone. Perhaps you should wait around for the Gnome, he should be along around 0300.
  20. But NO, it isnt just anybody , its Lurkur , your former Squire, just as I. You dismiss the insult to our kith and kin, or is it our litter, no matter?...... casually tossed about by that lackwitted Floridian, who could not recognize or give a proper challenge, even if it walked up to him and slammed him in his sloped farhead with a two by four, and is probably suffering from a bad case of "Baghdad Boil", based on the festering pustules on his face. My Liege you disappoint me truly, would you throw me to the jackals that easily as well? Say it ain't so....you are my brother, you shudda looked afta me, I cudda been a contender.
  21. I told you earlier , that turns will go out THIS EVENING, sheesh, I hate whining Ohioans.
  22. Ah, Seanachai you silver tongued simian, you certainly have a way with words. To strike such deep, debilitating blows, without the use of a single expletive is truly magnificant. Its like watching the duelling scene at the end of the movie "Rob Roy" I have never admired you more than I do now, stand up sir, and take a bow, oh, wait, you are already standing. BTW, all owed turns will be out tonight.
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