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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. If I were a small minded person, I would perhaps take this obvious attempt to belittle me, personally. However, knowling that Buggs is a Floridian, and still in the throes of "after natural disaster shock" I will allow it to pass as another small indication of impending psychosis. Jimmy, please calm down...we can't have you over-reacting and saying stupid things ala, Seanachai. Take your lithium like a good boy, and go back out on the lanai and have a lie down.
  2. Good Morning boys and girls....why don't we start off the morning with a visit to the World of Reptiles, as our continuing "Peng Nature Series" seeks to bring you closer to the animal kingdom. I know, I know, some of you may think we are close enough....sharing this space with the likes of Yeknod and Moriarty. Not to worry, just move closer to the screen, have mommy pour you a bowl of Frosted Flakes, and read on. A blue-tongued skink displays its strikingly colored tongue. Skinks, which are found throughout the tropics and the warmer parts of the world’s temperate regions, are the most numerous type of lizard. The blue-tongued skink extends its tongue to frighten predatory birds and mammals. I've been told that Seanachai sticks out his tongue in a similar fashion, when crusading among the unsuspecting fools of the General Forum. After eating the felt part of a magic marker Seanachai can make his fearsome tongue any color he chooses, unlike the above pictured skink, who is stuck with blue. [ August 23, 2004, 04:36 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  3. Seanachai , I thought your therapist instructed you to stay out of the GF. You know what happened the last time you ventured there. A truly Jekyll and Hyde moment it was.... Glad to hear that Sis is fighting back.
  4. You may be asking yourself that very question right now. The "Peng Nature Series" seeks to educate, illuminate and fumigate all Pengers who have an interest in the wonderful world of wildlife. Actually this small creature is an arboreal primate, similar in habits to Noba and Lars. It's habitat is the forests of Southern Africa. It is also known as the "Bush Baby". This little guy spends the daylight hours sleeping, similar to Noba and Lars , and is very active at night. However it does not drink itself into a stupor each night, as do Noba and Lars, but instead forages for insects and edible plants, as it leaps from tree to tree.
  5. I had a chance to visit Australia once, but it was closed that day.....I wound up in Singapore instead...lovely place at the time. Cheap, booze, drugs and women, oh yeah and the food was pretty good too. No Joe , I hate to disappoint you...well actually I don't...but I am a Yankee Doodle Dandy...Yankee Doodle do or die....are real life nephew of my Uncle Sam...ooops enough of that...you get the picture Joe ? The most dangerous creature in my neighborhood, is my neighbor's pit bull, oh yeah and maybe the young thugs who hang out in front of the 7-11. I was wrong about Albaqueque, its actually one of the Falkland Islands...just checking to see if you really knew.
  6. Albaqueque is in Tazhikastan, just south of Dushambe, did you mean Albuquerque? If you leave now, you can get there early, and also save us the pain of reading your incredibly illiterate posts. p.s. Take a gander at the "Peng Nature Series" , with all of your traveling, perhaps you would like to be a roving reporter, and give us the skinny on the flora and fauna of your many ports of call.
  7. If it was New Britian I would have said New Britian you nit picking ignoramus. This is why I am presenting the "Peng Nature Series", you never know what you will learn.
  8. Next in our "Peng Nature Series" is the Stagbeetle. The largest terrestrial beetle in Britian. Despite its fearsome appearance, the stagbeetle is quite harmless. However during the mating season, female stagbeetles are know to nip if you put your finger in the wrong place. Recently Mrs. Hermione Appleby of Kent, was rushed to hospital, after being clamped on the nostril by an outraged stagbeetle, while tending her flower garden. Mrs. Appleby is resting comfortably, and is no worse for wear after her "close encounter" with the insect.
  9. A new feature of the MBT is the " Peng Nature Series" , better than "Animal Planet and no commercials. For those of you cretins who are ignorant of the world of nature (among many other things), this is a must read feature. Pictured above is the Australian Rocket Frog, yes boys and girls Australian , found in the tropical rain forests of Queensland. This little amphibian has a short stacato call, that becomes louder and louder as it continues. Sounds a little like Mace after a long night of pub crawling, as he staggers home making strange noises to himself, scaring the daylights out of passersby. The Rocket Frog is aptly named, for he is able to jump amazing distances as he attempts to avoid predators. Boo Radley, in our recent battle, launched several salvoes of Rocket Frogs at my unsuspecting troops. The carnage was complete, as thousands of the little buggers were squished beneath the treads of my panzers.
  10. Maybe we should strap Boo to the new Raytheon Tomahawk missle. He could act as the guidance system.... "go left...no right...up a little....ooops left again...wait a minute this is Akron not Tora Bora......"
  11. I vote yay, love titles, if Boo can have one why cant I? Of course that noodnick Shaw will have the last word, that kill joy.
  12. Results of on-line dictionary search: No entry found for occaision. Did you mean occasion? Suggestions: occasion occision occursion occasions occasioner occlusion Jimmy I'm really at a loss now....perhaps you took too many English lessons from lenakonrad?????
  13. I can see where MD may have been confused by Breakthrough's first post. Instead of making a stupid remark up front, he might have gone back to the website, as I did, and found the 9/11 references that Breakthrough was talking about. [ August 16, 2004, 04:30 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  14. Good to hear that you and yours are OK. Just remember this time, when you are breaking our chops about the weather up north....say, in February.
  15. No Joe , I think they'll praise me, no they'll shout my name on high... thank you Nidan, they will say....thank you for finally exposing that no turn sending, knuckle dragging Justicar for what he truly is...a no turn sending, knuckle dragging Justicar. Thats what they will say, Joe , for they have known it all along, but did not have the words to say it.
  16. Just think of all the times in life where something happened to you, that could have been catastrophic or deadly, but turned out benign for no particular reason.....life is a game of inches...we are all lucky to be still breathing.
  17. Gamey Update: Lets see....Im losing to: Noba, Boo Radley, Speedy, Vadr, Lars, Malakovski, Nestor and Stikkypixie. Joe never responds to turns, and I think I'm holding my own against Berli, a typical round of battles for me. I'm sure my luck will change soon. The only one I was truly beating was Hortlund , but as usual he is among the missing.
  18. Go crawl into your plywood Tiger Tank. and then set it on fire...you insufferable twit.
  19. Actually, now that I think on it some more, I would say that Boo's head is much flatter than Joe Shaw's . Edit: Hey, maybe this has been discussed before, or maybe its a bug or something, I didn't do a search, but I just noticed that the times on this forum have changed a bit, are we on GMT or somefink now?
  20. Isn't Europe kinda close to North America? It took those dweebs 12 centuries to figure out there was another continent right over the horizon? Oh yeah, they thought the earth was flat. Just like Joe's head.
  21. The best thing to do upon reaching the age of 50 is to commit ritual suicide, before you become a burden to your loved ones. (if you have any, that is). So many bad things happen to the body that has carried you this far when you hit the mid century mark, that it really does not pay to continue on. In Lars' case, this decrepidation has occured already, so Buggs don't waste your time....get the knife now...if you like I will second you. I can still swing a katana, as long as someone points me in the right direction.
  22. Happy Birthday Lars hope the additional year of life makes you that much smarter, but I doubt it.
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