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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Without the German language we would not have such favorites as; Schnitzelbank Blitzkrieg Fehrenseeapparat Fremdemverkehrsburo Panzerkampfwagen Sonderkraftfahrzeug Fliegerabwehrkannone A wonderful language for war and beaurocracy.
  2. Sounds like a typical Leeo existence, bored, disillusioned and of course losing games, which is amazing in itself based on the ponderous rate of file returns coming from your pathetic direction. Appearing at the local redneck bar? By appearing do you mean that you dress up in your slop stained painters jeans, flannel shirt, and work boots, sit in a dark corner, and hope that none of the real men notice you, so you can avoid the regular embarassment of being the object of the "Nerd Tossing" contest. After which they pound the snot out of you, toss you face first onto the gravel coated parking lot, and slap each other on the back, laughing as you crawl away and drive off in your Hyundai Sonata. Are you really sure that your dog loves you? Animals can show pity too, you know.
  3. Had a very busy weekend, but now the work is done, and I am free to sit on my ass in front of the computer. Turns will go out when I get home from work this afternoon, yours however, I may hold on to for awhile, you seem to be having too much fun advancing on me. Those smiles will change to shreiking terror quite soon, I'm afraid, as my pixel GI's hunker down in their defensive positions, and range in their weapons.
  4. Hortlund was nice enough to send me this recent picture of himself, with his latest conquest from the singles bar. Seanachai, how could you possibly consider this socially challenged, inept individual as a mortal enemy? Perhaps you have a softness for Nordic types?
  5. Perhaps I'm mistaken...maybe it was Berli who was living in your Mukluks....don't try to deny you have them..or maybe it was Berli who disappeared and was sighted at the Piggly Wiggly...hell, I don't know **sigh***, just forget I brought it up.
  6. BTW what ever happened to Baghdad Bob? Some say he is alive and well, working at a Piggly Wiggly store and living in Lars' mukluks.
  7. Happy Birthday, Kitty! On a historical note, while watching one of the D-Day stories on TV this morning, and they showed a museum with a restored Mike Boat, with the numbers PA33-21. It was from the USS Bayfield, a ship I was on in 1967. Check link below, this tub had some history before it was scrapped in 1969. USS Bayfield APA33
  8. My dear Joe ...yes it's true, you are very dear to me, as a wildebeest is to a lion, as a hare is to the hawk. Although I do not doubt you sent turn 002, I did not for some reason receive it. By all means do resend.
  9. Patchy eh ... I always liked Patch myself but it is your choice. Is YOUR Gnome from Nome? That might explain the red pointy hat. Joe </font>
  10. AK, thanks for your hard work and dedication in creating and updating a wonderful web site. Your service to the CM community is truly appreciated.
  11. Quick, Boo hide under the bed, they're coming for you!!!! [ June 02, 2004, 08:02 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  12. Thus we see that the all-important thing is not killing or giving life, drinking or not drinking, living in the town or the country, being lucky or unlucky, winning or losing. It is how we win, how we lose, how we live or die; finally, how we choose. We walk, and our religion is shown (even to the dullest and most insensitive person, are you getting this Boo? ), in how we walk. Living in this world means choosing, and the way we choose to walk is infallibly and perfectly expressed in the walk itself. [ June 02, 2004, 07:14 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  13. We might be garden variety round worms to YOU Radley , but to our employers we are valuable human assets to be cherished and nurtured. Obviously turns cannot be sent if we are hard at work, and you know earning a living, not the same thing as taking a living from the mail box every month. Keep gazing out the window, the postman should be there soon, should give you something to do until the rest of us return home from WORK!!! [ June 01, 2004, 12:17 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  14. First of all I'm not Puerto Rican, I am however of German ancestry, you know what that means don't you Mein Freund ? Watch your words with me you Gallic Goose, or I will use my ancestral influence to rile up your Teutonic neighbors. BTW how do you Frenchies get to your women's souls through all that armpit hair?
  15. Don't ever believe that Mon Amis that may be true in France, but not here. [ May 29, 2004, 05:58 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  16. Have you noticed that people drive like lunatics today....not me or you...but those other people . The ones who do not follow any rules of courtesy or safety and think that they own the road and you are in their way? Yesterday morning, I had two incidents on my way to work. I leave at 0530 and I have a 45 mile run to get to work. I usually hope that the stress and frustration not start until I actually arrive at work, but lately the gods have conspired to make my day stressful and unlivable from the moment I step outside my door. Well yesterday, I am sitting at the light on an intersection about five blocks from my house, now mind you the road is fairly empty at that hour. I see this maroon coming up behind me, moving pretty fast, and I say to myself "this maroon is coming up behind me pretty fast". Then I say to myself "this maroon is not stopping" and I brace for impact. He passes me on the right without ever slowing down, and breezes through the red light like it was only meant for me. The light turned green maybe 20 seconds later, and I'm wondering to myself, what was in that guy's heart of darkness. Maybe he wanted to be first on the 7-11 coffee line, or maybe he had a death wish, I just don't want to be involved in some stranger's stupidity, but lately it has become unavoidable. I get on the Long Island Expressway, which on a good day resembles the Highway of Death from Kuwait City to Basra. There is so much debris, that if you could stop and collect everything you could make a fortune in scrap and used car parts. Not to mention the giant construction trucks, that travel at 80 mph spewing rocks and sand in their paths, as they transport landfill and other junk. I am almost at my exit, when I see a guy pull out of the right lane onto the exit lane on the far right. Now I say to myself, "he could be getting off at the exit, or he could be attempting to use the empty lane to gain a lead on the traffic" I watch him carefully, as he pulls nearly along side me, I know now he is not getting off, he floors it and cuts me off, nearly broadsiding me, before he runs out of lane. He achieved his goal however, he got in front of me, and then proceeds to fly across four lanes of traffic into the far left lane. Oh how I wish I was driving an M1A1, with one of those big honking plows, with the big teeth, and the tiger eyes painted on them. Luckily, I am a mild mannered guy, not prone to violence or road rage. I swallow the insults daily, and try not to take it out on my fellow employees when I get to work. [ May 29, 2004, 05:58 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  17. Keep trying lad, eventually you might figure it out. Although judging by the shape of your brain pan, it might take a spell.
  18. You really should see a doctor about that......normally you would have to shave your pubic hair and apply an anti-critter unguent, however the napalm thingie might work...just try to hold your breath long enough...after all as all napalm grogs know, it doesn't kill by burning, but by suffocation.
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