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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Scat!!! pixie, you know youre not allowed to play with sharp objects!!!
  2. Sometimes..just sometimes I get the feeling Nidan1 doesn't like me </font>
  3. After spending one day perusing the GF, I find this place much more relaxing. There are far too many serious people over there. Well now that is off my chest....I see The Gnome is proposing Knighthood for a couple of new blokes. Now V-2, or whatever his name is...is a known entity....having slithered around these parts on and off....Huzzah!!! welcome V-2!!! However.....SturmundDrang is new to me.....I do recollect that he offered to commit ritual suicide on an earlier page of this very thread. As a Knight of this beloved Cesspool , I request....NO DEMAND...that SturmundDrang, commit seppuku for the entertainment of us all....BEFORE he is elevated to Knighthood in the Pool !!! The following instructions are included to make it a proper ritual. If the circumstances allowed it, the ritual suicide was executed in a formal, procedural manner. Even spectators were not uncommon. The suicide candidate was clad in a white kimono. Before the final act, he was expected to write his death poem, formerly a practice common for the higher social classes. At the start, the seppuku candidate was supposed to take a short dagger and cut his abdomen by slicing it from the left lower part of his upper body upwards in right direction. This must have been extremely painful. Then the candidate was supposed to lower his neck. This was the sign for the assistant, the kaishakunin, who stood behind him, to proceed to the last step - to cut off the seppuku candidate's head - possibly with one blow of his sword. The kaishakunin could be a person close to him, sometimes his best friend. The kaishakunin had it in his hands to shorten the suffering of the suicider by executing a strong and swift blow. Now I have already offered to be SturmundDrang's kaishakunin...all we need now are the proper spectators....should we sell tickets??? [ March 02, 2004, 06:45 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  4. What need of originality, when you are one of the finest straight men around. You provide all the material...I salute you.
  5. Funny, but I read somewhere that all the tood's had immigrated to Ohio.
  6. Holien, Got your "thank you" response...I am assuming that everything is Okey Dokey. All future AARs will be in same format.
  7. Holien, Got your "thank you" response...I am assuming that everything is Okey Dokey. All future AARs will be in same format.
  8. Holien, Got your "thank you" response...I am assuming that everything is Okey Dokey. All future AARs will be in same format.
  9. Aye aye, Sir! While you are all flushed with this new found enthusiasm and self-image...why dont you send me a set up....anything will do...so I can beat you back down into the depths of dispair from whence you crawled.
  10. When did this become the official alternative to the GF? Want to chat about homosexual marriage...head to the GF...there are lots of folks over there who will give you an expert debate. Need to discuss the relative merits of sending the U.S. Marines to vaporize gun-toting, crack smoking Ton Ton Macoutte in the streets of Port Au Prince...hit the GF button. Can't wait to show your friends and neighbors how up you are on current events....well then get the bumper sticker and proclaim to the world that..."I do it on the GF" This is the fecking Peng Challenge Thread ! I'd rather hear about flaming rats being shoved down Peng's throat. At least it makes me laugh, and takes my mind off what an F'd up world we live in. Let's vaporize the Magic Kingdom then! Send in the JADAMS!!! and while we're at it...let's include Hollywood as well...we should have napalmed them last night when they were all bunched in one place! Just picture the front page of the N.Y. Times...Julia Roberts running down Hollywood Blvd....the tatters of her Georgio Armani gown clinging to her burned flesh a la Kim Phuc in 1972...what an image!!! You guys know I'm only kidding, right? [ March 01, 2004, 06:48 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  11. My dearest queen! Tell me it ain't true ! Unable to challenge my rival in a duel to the death (wich has ,despite it's bitterness,a sweet taste knowing that one has to spend his life without your devotion) ... i will have to take my own life in the ancient oriental way: Hara Kiri... the horrid pains of disembowlment will pale compared to the knowledge that i have lost your love... For ever yours, SturmSebber </font>
  12. Nidan, have I ever told you how special you are to me? hug </font>
  13. Who the hell is George Antrobus? Is he another Ernie Kovacs character? Or Lar's uncle?
  14. Holien, I submitted an AAR to Kingfish, without the information you requested. I expect to see a note from you in my inbox tonight. I will resend tonight with the requested info.
  15. Holien, I submitted an AAR to Kingfish, without the information you requested. I expect to see a note from you in my inbox tonight. I will resend tonight with the requested info.
  16. Holien, I submitted an AAR to Kingfish, without the information you requested. I expect to see a note from you in my inbox tonight. I will resend tonight with the requested info.
  17. At the age when traditionally I should be winding down and enjoying the fruits of many years of labor, my life is more stressful, more complicated, and more upsetting than it has ever been. I long for the time when my Senior D.I. called me a "sealed-beam asshole", and told me what to do every minute of the day.
  18. What is this Fiefdom thing anyway? Some new childish distraction to entertain the mentally deficient? I am sick and tired of the lot of you.
  19. I think he looks a little like Boo_Radley [ February 24, 2004, 08:03 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  20. Michael, check out a website that gives a brief overview of MOH citations, I think you will find that MacArthur's award was not totally political. Rank and organization: General, U.S. Army, commanding U.S. Army Forces in the Far East. Place and date: Bataan Peninsula, Philippine Islands. Entered service at: Ashland, Wis. Birth: Little Rock, Ark. G.O. No.: 16, 1 April 1942. Citation: For conspicuous leadership in preparing the Philippine Islands to resist conquest, for gallantry and intrepidity above and beyond the call of duty in action against invading Japanese forces, and for the heroic conduct of defensive and offensive operations on the Bataan Peninsula. He mobilized, trained, and led an army which has received world acclaim for its gallant defense against a tremendous superiority of enemy forces in men and arms. His utter disregard of personal danger under heavy fire and aerial bombardment, his calm judgment in each crisis, inspired his troops, galvanized the spirit of resistance of the Filipino people, and confirmed the faith of the American people in their Armed Forces. [ February 24, 2004, 07:46 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  21. This discussion reminds me of one we had in previous threads (can't find them now), where the terms "Armored Fighting Vehicle" and "Halftrack" or "Armored Car" were used interchangably. From what JasonC has been kind enough to dig up for us, we can see that in WWII MTO at least, most battles took place with dismounted infantry, tanks and artillery, with liberal doses of "piling on" to exploit perceived weak points. Not a lot of finesse discribed here, brute force seems to be the rule. Trucks and HTs bring the infantry somewhere near the battlefield, they walk the rest of the way, and the trucks and HTs wait in a safe place to bring the remaining troops back to the rear if needed, or advance to the new line if the enemy retreats. In CM the scale of the battles dictate that the "soft" vehicles are closer to the actual battle than they normally would be in real life, this is my opinion of course. Folks are then tempted to use them in assault roles, and they are usually disapointed with the result. The true "Armored Fighting Vehicle" one defined to mean a vehicle that could survive on the battlefield, and allow infantry to fight from it without dismounting right away, didnt come along until the Bradley and related vehicles. As JasonC has pointed out and demonstrated in his fine tutorials, infantry can survive and fight effectively in CM battles, if players are willing to perform some of the "micro-management" order giving that is required.
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