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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Just got back from a three hour torture session on the GF, man its ponderous over there, why do I get sucked in all the time?
  2. You'd be happy to have any men men left over between battles you mean.
  3. Unfortunately Hiram the need to aquire wealth has invaded every aspect of our daily lives, including the most private and painful. Funeral Homes are just a business, like McDonald's and Exxon gas stations. Please accept my sympathy in your time of sadness.
  4. That's why it's so neccessary to have someone of Boggs mental capacity among us. You need someone with a defective brain/mouth filter to act as our parakeet in a coal mine. </font>
  5. "Little Tasmania" does have a pleasing ring to it. "O Hi O" being difficult to say, and meaning "good morning" in Japanese, its about time the name was changed. Gamey Updates: Noba; I have allowed him to beat me again, knowing deep inside my heart, that his fragile ego could not withstand the continual drubbing I could lay on him if I really wanted to. Boo Radley; Has selected a battle that he can't possibly lose, however the little rune ditty that I have on deck for him, will surely masticate his fragile ego. Lars; His fragile ego, along with the scattered remnants of his once fine "jock column", lay writing in the hot desert sands, while steel rain falls on his troops. Leeo; His forces so far seem willing to hide in the snow, and not show themselves or their fragile egos. Kitty; No sign of a fragile ego here, as her overwhelming number of American E-light troops roll over my hapless teutonic conscripts. Speedy; In keeping with my "let all Australians win" festival, I have allowed his fragile ego to be messaged, by picking a battle he can't possibly lose. stikkypixie; Has also reaped the benifits of the "let all Australians win" festival, even though he is not Australian, I have taken pity on his fragile ego. Aces and 8's; Although his constant whining about about travel has un-nerved me, I will not allow his fragile ego to stand in my way of completing the utter annihilation of his so-called "desert rats" [ April 12, 2004, 08:00 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  6. We're so glad you cleared that up for the rest of us. KING MACE </font>
  7. ....and that would include just about all of them. I say let them suck phaser wash.
  8. "If he fires one, I'll fire one" " Fire One!!!!! "
  9. Who left the door open again? While you nonces are busily pontificating and feeling self-import, an SSN has wandered in looking for solace, I would imagine. Since it cannot spell correctly, I would suggest that you deal with it Boo!
  10. Yes, I guess you could say that my unfortunate pixeltruppen have been ground up into so much Kitty litter.
  11. Achtung!!!! For those of you who have ongoing games with me, please send me an email so that I may restore your addresses. I had an Outlook catastrophe, and my address book has been wiped out. Please return to your normal duties.
  12. Kingfish, I am back in business with Email again.
  13. Kingfish, HELP!!! I have had an Email disaster, everything wiped out somehow, cant send or receive, could you please contact my oppponents of Group 3 Section 4, and tell them I may be out of action for awhile until I get this sorted out. Thank you.
  14. Leeo has anyone told you what a completely idiotic idjit you are, lately? Leeo , you are an idiotic idjit....there that does it.
  15. Luckily the Rodina has an unlimited supply. In fact you might notice that some of them are arriving directly from the factories without paint jobs.
  16. Your simpering whining has touched me.....ever so slightly....but touching nontheless. Send me a set up...so I can add you to the ever growing list of Belgian citizens and expatriates whom I chew up and spit out like so much beef jerky.
  17. Surrender sounds so final, so totallen abschliessend, as my troops would say. Although I do recognize that despite all my attempts to do so, the combination of poor terrain, no long range LOS, and your fortified positions, have rendered my brilliant tactical moves to advance, ineffectual. I will press the ceasefire button on the next turn where I can do so. In the meantime it is your turn to select the next encounter. [ April 06, 2004, 08:18 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  18. Well you could climb atop it....hold your nose....yell GERONIMO , and...well...jump, a five storey hard landing should return you nicely to the protoplasmic gel from whence you came.
  19. Good luck mate, glad to see you got in...hopefully whomever you are taking over for did not leave you in too bad a pickle.
  20. Some of you may have been wondering... hey whats going on with Nidan, he usually sends turns back quite faithfully, gee I hope he's not dead or something Well you all can relax...put away the baloons and the party favors and the silly hats... yes Boo the silly hats too. I have been side tracked a bit of late, due to work and real life issues. My son has moved back in with us in preparation for his upcoming wedding, and the usual quiet and rock like sameness of my life has been shaken. Also, a large new project at work requires me to actually do something besides monitor this forum. So does this mean that turns will be streaming out at their former lightning pace?.....probably not. You are all twits and pillocks in any case, and do not derserve any special treatment.
  21. Ah yes, try and shift the blame for your incompetence. I've already sent it twice, you twit. From now on, I want you to open ALL emails with attachments. Some of them might even help with your pathetic love life. But I doubt it. </font>
  22. Houston.....we have a problem.... It seems that Lars has finally succumbed in his on-going battle with terminal stoopidity. Not only can he not figure out how to use the send button on his Email, apparently he has also forgotten how to dress himself, and has been seen lately running naked through the streets and cow paths of Mound, Minnesota screaming " GET THEM OFF OF ME, GET THEM OFF OF ME!!!!!!! " However as strange at it may seem he rationally stops at the Dairy Queen each morning, orders a large chocolate milk shake, and pours it over himself. Then he continues on with his unclothed rant, as he dashes away without paying for the the shake. Don't worry Lars it will be all over soon, animal control is on its way with a cocktail of chlorobenzaprine. It will make you feel much better. BTW send your last file again please, I beleive the last one disappeared somewhere in the clutter that is my in box. [ April 02, 2004, 02:14 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
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