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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Lowered yourself???? , you come crawling back here, after being God knows where, and associating with all sorts of Floridian vermin, perhaps Buggs even? You were lower than whale ****e when you left, and now you look to elevate your status by returning to the pool??? You saddle me with hopelessly one-side scenarios and battles, carefully tilted in your favor I might add, and crafted to make it impossible for you to lose, and you are tired of beating me up? You'll get no better competition here, but perhaps a certain serf...soon to be squire, stikkypixie, will give you a go. Stikkypixie...you Asian-Belgian cretin, get in here and teach this daft bugger a lesson!!!!!
  2. What did they do? back flips on the runway? Gymnasts do acrobatic routines , you knucklehead, sheesh, you're getting as dumb as Boo. I never thought anyone else could be that dense.
  3. Someone named Berli , I think, started a new thread. It's just as lame as this one, I'm afraid, but new nonetheless.
  4. NO RULES!!!!, where are the fecking RULES!!!! How can we function without rules???? I suppose that Aussies and Belgies can survive without rules, but us Yanks need....parameters...boundaries....RULES..otherwise we may go off and invade another harmless dictatorship. [ August 01, 2004, 11:41 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  5. Don't get too close to the spinning props, unless you really want to.
  6. That about sums it up, genius...no Email, no post, simple enough for even you to comprehend.
  7. Main Entry: Boo Radley From Old English: Boo=moronic or clown-like Radley:Celtic: verb-one who prattles, noun form=brain damaged, or idiotic.
  8. You call Arby's a RESTAURANT!!! When you go out for a nice dinner do you stop at Taco Bell???
  9. I, unlike some others I could mention {cough*Seanachai*cough}, am gainfully employed. For how long is another matter, as the company is considering "outsourcing" for my department. They let me know how long my contract is extended every two weeks. So much for job security, eh? </font>
  10. I often open the boxes of Panzerblitz, ASL and SL,and all my SPI games that used to come with the monthly magazine, just to look at the counters, read the instructions...linger over the combat results tables. But since CM came out I haven't played them. My son and I played a few games when he was younger, AH's Guadalcanal was his favorite, but now, even he is hooked on CM. It used to be fun trying to calculate all the factors like LOS, hidden units, combat odds and all that. Now, the computer has taken away all of those chores, and BFC has created the ultimate tactical simulation IMO.
  11. Hey Rich, you flatulant flatfoot! You have owed me a return on a game for months now, where the hell have you been? Watch out for Kitty , she goes right for the private parts...somewtimes the gonads even.
  12. They have police in Australia?? I thought it was all like some kind of Mad Max vigilantism down there. Speedy , if you bothered to send a turn occasionally, instead of getting falling down drunk every night, you wouldn't be having run-ins with the law. Many happy returns to the future Mr and Mrs Hiram . [ July 25, 2004, 12:07 PM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  13. I just had an idea to add my two cents to this conversation....I then thought better of it after considering that you lot are as dense as depleted uranium shells, and any witty remark I might make, would be accepted as well as giving a speech to a field of alfalfa. Reading the exchange between Boo Radley and rune is like a dose of sweet air. The pain never really goes away, but you're too woozy to care.
  14. Boo!!!, don't fall for his sweet talking. Remember what happened to Johnny Frost on Arhem Bridge? Well, all his good luck started in Tunisia. If you say rune and Johnny Frost in the same sentence, head for the hills right after!!!
  15. You noticed that eh? This place is certainly filled with a lot of Girly Men, whether or not they qualify as women is a debatable point.
  16. Let's keep the songfest alive; We met as soul mates On Parris Islands We left as inmates From an asylum And we were sharp As sharp as knives And we were so gung ho To lay down our lives We came in spastic Like tameless horses We left in plastic As numbered corpses And we learned fast To travel light Our arms were heavy But our bellies were tight We had no home front We had no soft soap They sent us Playboy They gave us Bob Hope We dug in deep And shot on sight And prayed to Jesus Christ With all of our might We had no cameras To shoot the landscape We passed the hash pipe And played our Doors tapes And it was dark So dark at night And we held on to each other Like brother to brother We promised our mothers we'd write And we would all go down together We said we'd all go down together Yes we would all go down together Remember Charlie Remember Baker They left their childhood On every acre And who was wrong? And who was right? It didn't matter in the thick Of the fight We held the day In the palm Of our hand They ruled the night And the night Seemed to last as long as Six weeks on Parris Island We held the coastline They held the highlands And they were sharp As sharp as knives They heard the hum of our motors They counted the rotors And waited for us to arrive And we would all go down together We said we'd all go down together Yes we would all go down together
  17. Oh...hold on..I was supposed to be looking at the chick in the short shorts and bikini top? I get it now, sorry.... bad at the office.
  18. Why is that retarded Aussie wearing a New York Yankees cap? I guess it does not matter, all feckin' Aussies are retarded.
  19. Not many people know this....but, the Fuehrer was a fantastic dancer.....
  20. Boo should be looking through bars, not trying to reach them. 6 or 8 months as the Maytag of Brutus the 280 pound weightlifting felon might give him a new outlook on life. That would truly be the "Dream Ticket"; Boo and Brutus further left than Caligula, but sensitive to the needs of the common American.
  21. Do you know that when I got back from Vietnam in 1967 rleete was probably still in diapers.
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