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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Nidan1

  1. Don't drag ME into this Beggars Banquet, in the sense that all of you have been put to the test, and found wanting...and I'll be wanting you all to Sod Off!!!!
  2. Happy 4th of July to all the Yanks in this lovely place called the MBT . Today we celebrate our independance from those oppressive Pommie bastards, who tried to tax us to death. We showed them!!!! At least now, we tax ourselves to death, no foreign influence here, just the magic of payroll deduction.
  3. What about fox pee infused squirrel shanks? On the side....how about bologna skins on a bed of lettuce. Later on when they are all sated, and just a little tipsy, you can hack them to pieces with a dull machete', and run the leftovers through the woodchipper a few times, makes great mulch.
  4. A. None of us have any self esteem, unless you count the Gnome , but I believe his self esteem is vestigial. I'm sure you will be hearing from him shortly. There is no need for us to bring you down....you are down, down so far that even the creatures that are higher on the evolutionary than you have no eyes. You are an SSN , lad and they are lower than whale****e. A1. We do indeed play THE GAME, but you must challenge someone of your own lowly status, read a little even you should be able to figure out who they are, there is a Frog, a Kiwi and others, you may even challenge an Aussie if you want, they don't count for much either.
  5. Certainly not as much as a teacher..you must be off for the summer now...figured if you have handled the kiddies so well, you would try your hand in here. A bit of advice mate....sod off now while you still have a chance, enjoy the summer, put on your madras bermuda shorts, sandals with black socks, kick back and have a Rolling Rock... stay the feck outta here!!!!
  6. It is simply amazing how you repeatedly mis-spelled "repetition", are you French or something? At least if you were French we could abuse you on that general principle...... Grue get in here and club this illiterate sod senseless...use the bigger club!!!!!
  7. 5) What are you on? $) How much does it cost? 0 u long time) Where do I get some? </font>
  8. Not in South Carolina, nor Georgia, or even Kentucky. I think even Lars listens to it, and he is from Minnesota or some other gawdawful place.
  9. We all blame your parents, Koldbum. Why couldn't they have used contraception? </font>
  10. No, no, in this case, the credit lies entirely with the designer at Ker Dessel. And now, after having said something nice about my former Liege, I have to go take another shower. {Two showers already and it's not even 9:00 AM. It's going to be a long day...} </font>
  11. "To Kill A Mockingbird" was on this Sunday, Atticus Finch was rated all time number one father figure in film. A young Robert Duvall is excellent as Arthur Radley, much better than the one we have in here.
  12. So, you saw yourself as you wished you were, As you might have been, as you cannot be; Earth here, rebuked by Olympus there: And grew content in your poor degree With your little power, by those statues' godhead, And your little scope, by their eyes' full sway, And your little grace, by their grace embodied, And your little date, by their forms that stay. That's why I prefer reading poetry in my native tongue, no chance to lose any meaning in attempting to translate.
  13. rleete, wouldn't a good acetylene torch cut through that metal? you could then round off the edges? We have this really neat exo-thermic torch in my fire department. Of course we have never used it for real, but it will cut through just about any man made material like butter. It is electrically operated and uses magnesium alloy rods for cutting. The only thing it couldn't burn through would be Kobal2's head, I suspect.
  14. BUMP MikeyD these new skys are AWESOME, thank you very much!!!!
  15. I think you are right, Sergei, in TCP/IP the game selects the faster machine to process the turns. This has been my experience anyway.
  16. When I read the briefing for "Melon", I too noticed the reversal of the map directions. I posted in the thread on this forum and was severely chastised by someone for violating the gag rule. After emailing Kingfish , I pretty much got the same response as Ace Pilot got. From that point on, I took the briefings from all the battles with a grain of salt. I found that the LOS "keyholes" in "Melon" were negated early on by my oppponent when he began blasting all the buldings near the bridge, dropping smoke and just creating a general smoke mess. In our battle most armor casualties were inflicted at very close ranges, which seems to be opposite the pattern faced by some other players. In "Bump in the Night", I just followed the general instructions fopr the German player, and just attempted to get my units off the map, while trying to avoid any contact at all. I used a flanking screen of PSWs, and just herderd my other units through. Contact with the allied player consisted mostly of armored car duels, which the PSWs usually won. I was able to exit nearly all of my mounted units. What I found odd was that in the final score my opponent received a -8 points for exited units. How does that work? In "Vevi" I made what I thought was a big mistake by attacking on a broad front. I had contemplated massing on one flank, and then rolling across the map, but decided against it in the end. In hindsight that might have been the best move. My opponent had an excellent interlocking defense set up and mauled me pretty bad, especially on the German right flank. In "Retreat" I must tip my hat to Larsen for frustrating me, as the Allied player, from the very beginning. He kept his units under cover and hit me from range, without my units being able to spot anything specific. By the time I was close enough to make a credible assault, my forces were so weakened that they were easily handled by his Axis forces. "Frontier Firefight" as the Axis required not a lot of moving or adjustment, once the game started. My opponent was very cautious, and whenever I got a quick glimpse of any type of unit marker, I dumped mortar fire in the area. I figured to slow him down even more, by scattering unseen concentrations. I only physically defended two of the three flag locations, and that proved wise because as luck would have it his artillery landed on the empty location. I thouroughly enjoyed all the games, my opponents were all gentlemen and all good players. Kudos to the scenario designers, Kingfish, Holien et al. for providing and excellent tournament experience. [ June 18, 2004, 09:07 AM: Message edited by: Nidan1 ]
  17. Its always different...sometimes more or less intense, but always a feeling of being there. Oh, and rune , my wife hates your scenarios too...she says they are too loud, "can't you play one that has less of those BOOMING noises..."
  18. Last night, I had a flashback......been a long time, but now and then they hit me. My wife and I were sitting on the backyard deck, enjoying a quiet moment as the sun was setting. It started getting a little buggy, so my wife went inside to get the can of Cutter's insect repellent spray. (unbeknownst to me at the time). She came back outside and started spraying her arms and legs with the vile stuff.....in an instant the smell of it brought me back to that place , only for a few seconds, but I WAS THERE AGAIN, for that instant in time.
  19. You know, toomfooleries set aside, that could be a pretty good philosophical question : is the music you compose influenced by the language you think in ? Had that marvellous genius Beethoven been born Irish, would his music have been the same (I'm convinced this whole sentence is messed up, syntax wise.) ? I've always felt art was transcending borders myself, that beauty was somehow innate inside the artist's mind, but debating such notion would be a nice intellectual game. Of course, once again, expressing matters of intellectual nature in the den of amadans that is the Peng is the sure sign of a misguided mind, you small scale whiskey jar. </font>
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