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Carl G. E. von Mannerheim

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Everything posted by Carl G. E. von Mannerheim

  1. Is that the 1939 Turkish option u are playing? Night No worries, I was never offended, lol, i just wanted to clear things up. CvM
  2. I apologize friend, actually Im taking the scenario Idea from the book Third Reich Victorious CvM
  3. Well, felt now's as good a time as ever to announce A New Campaign for SC is in it's Alpha Stages! "Wait, Don't I know you from somewhere?" "Perhaps, I am CvM, the long lost maker of Custom Campaigns for SC, back with another campaign (and what most likely will be, my last offering for SC1, *There are only SO many ideas *)" Rrrrrriiiiight. Well, whats this campaign going to be about? "I'm glad you asked, annonymous Claque! It is called:...." The Turkish Option: Revisited Waaaaaait a minute... don't you already have one called 'The Turkish Option Already out? And for quite some time I might add... "Indeed I have, but this one is much different. The year is 1942, August to be exact. The German Wehrmacht has launched its offensive on the Southern Front in Russia. While the 6th Army, supported by the 1st and 4th Panzer armies strike towards the city of Stalingrad, back home, Joachim von Ribbentrop, German foreign Minister has delivered the Fuhrer his greatest Political victory yet... An Alliance with the Turks. With Turkey in the War, the German's have another path towards the Oil Rich Caucases. It shall take some weeks to fully prepare the Turks for offensive operations, but as soon as they are prepared the combined German-Turkish forces will attack towards Grozny. On the Opposite side, the Soviets and British race to send forces to the Region. The British manage to send 3 corps under the Command of Field Marshall Cunningham to Syria and Iraq, meanwhile the Soviets rush raw troops to the theatre. Meanwhile, Rommel continues to fight in Africa, and America continues to industrialize and tip the balance of power into the Allies' favor. This new theatre will not be a sideshow. It will be a brutal fight in the mountains of the Caucases with the prize being the very HEART of the Soviet war effort. If these Oil fields fall, eventually so too the Soviet Union. CvM Presents: 1942: The Turkish Option: Revisited Coming to a PC near you. February 2004
  4. As a fellow member of the French Resistance, and as a fellow AAR Writer, I wish you the best of luck with your medical issues and wish you a speedy return to the forums. Although I have not been around here lately, I do still read your posts. You might be interested to know i have a new SC campaign in the works. Get well soon Mr. Dellova, your missed. ~Patrick (CvM)
  5. Good things come to those who wait, or atleast thats what they say. Anyways, you can expect, the day SC2 comes out (or even before maybe) I shall write an AAR for it Cvm
  6. Moon, are you guys going to let Hubert out of his spider hole for the holidays, or make him work straight through until he's done?? CvM, good to hear from you! </font>
  7. Where have i been? Mostly the Paradox Games forums Ive written about 6 AAR's there. you should check them out CvM
  8. speaking of bugs.. remember when HoI came out after a long awaited release.. bugs bugs bugs take your time Hubert, We can wait. CvM
  9. Just thought i'd pop in, those posts are back there, ahhh, the good old days... I hope there will be a winter war in SC CvM
  10. Wow, its good to see this campaign is getting some play I guess i hafta update it soon
  11. o dont worry JJ, im not gonna try to go Messiah on you guys now But yea, a week or so should be good. Btw, i know this is a bit off topic, but, i have been on the AAR ball as of late: Dont Believe me? Play Europa Universalis 2? http://forum.paradoxplaza.com/forum/showthread.php?s=&threadid=105273
  12. Well, JJ, most of the stuff ive been dealing with as of late have been overbearing administrators (however these are school administrators) I shall not cast judgement on the situation, as i have not been here. Hmmmm, maybe the old remedy will work. JJ, wanna start an AAR up between you and me? CvM
  13. Zapp, if you still want a game, (which i understand if you do not) Email me, i havent played in awhile but what the hell, I'll put up
  14. To Quote steve McQueen: Look you b@stards, Im still here! Someone tell me, what have i missed? School has taken A LOT of time,
  15. Rambo, and every one else, i pursued my match with igtzer the fact is he left, i asked you guys for another opponent, but no answer came. If another opponent had been assigned to me, i wouldve carried our flag into battle, CvM
  16. I think Igzter is MIA. Any one you Euros want to play be instead? email me. supersabre1@netscape.net
  17. Sry Kuni, Igzter has gone on a business trip an has been gone for awhile. Email me if you guys have a replacement for me to face. CvM
  18. He changed the Unit icons, in other words, the 'Soviet' units are actually German Icons colored Red.
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