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Carl G. E. von Mannerheim

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Everything posted by Carl G. E. von Mannerheim

  1. If you guys want to post a list of custom scenarios you would like to see, i can get to work as soon as i get the beta on making them (if BF allows me to do so). That way i can answer questions, and help make these scenarios available soon after the release, not months after. Cvm
  2. Yes, it's still up however my former partner in SC MOD-ing crime has taken a hiatus of sorts... CvM
  3. That sounds like a good idea. I was also thinking of theatre specific maps such as 'World War One in the West'
  4. Just so you all know I'm gathering the Order of Battle for the Finnish and Russian armies at the onset of the Russo-Finnish winter war. a map of Finland will follow in time CvM 'back on the hobby horse'
  5. Guys, guys, dont worry I can make these, they'll be up for download the same week the game comes out. Cvm
  6. Dont worry guys, remember I'm an AAR writer smuggle? hell no! I have my integrity But I'll answer what BF lets me answer...
  7. Looks like the old ways of Defending russia are out of the question.... This new design should cut back on gaminess Cvm
  8. I'll throw in my hat hopefully Battlefront hasnt forgotten about that contest I won...... Cvm
  9. Hmmm.... I finnish HQ.... ...wonder who that could be..... Cvm
  10. Don't worry Hubert, I got ya guys covered on making a Pacific Theatre map CvM
  11. I can assure you, I shall soon disengage my lurker mode
  12. Agree Completely the Talonsoft Campaign Series is one of the best ever. Cvm
  13. You probably had the free french unit option set to 'OFF' otherswise its a bug CV
  14. God willing, wouldnt even be surprised that if in the user manual for sc2, when its referring to Minors' Hq's it includes the foot note: *implemented as a way to end CvM's endless bugging, same goes for the FORTIFICATION ON THE KARELIAN ISTHMUS... Ah, i look forward to SC2, actually today i am going to play SC for the first time in a long while... sry to hijack the thread... Cvm
  15. If you need any help mate, Let me know I have some experience with is Cvm
  16. It's quite funny, i dont remember posting that above... ..then again its been 2 years!!! *wide eyed* CvM
  17. Well boys, here's something else to throw on the fire: If youll notice, the private message board for SC beta has recently been emptied Right before SC was released, activity boomed in that forum. So perhaps this is a sign? CvM
  18. I like this idea very much, however I beleive there should be a limit. Unless we could have a situation where Greece has 7 corps or so. And that would not be good. Cvm
  19. First Beta version of Campaign is complete Jersey, care to help me beta test for Human vs. Human play? CvM
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