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Everything posted by vetacon

  1. This is really killing me now. Playing the Aleppo Airport scen. which is great, but squads are just randomly refusing to respond to movement orders. They are in command, not moving into enemy fire etc. but they just will not move - and I literally cannot advance as the troops simply refuse to move. Weird. Prez Cartman, your work arounds didn't work for me but thanks all the same.
  2. I've had this problem too, not exclusively in urban areas, though largely. Would be good to hear from the devs as to whether this is a bug which has a) been recognised and is being / going to be worked on.
  3. Thanks for the reply Madmatt Sounds encouraging - look forward to the fix. Cheers
  4. Playing v1.02. No real performance / stability issues when playing single player. I have now tried PBEM against two opponents and in boths instances the game gets to 5% then crashes to desktop when I try to load the save game file. Any suggestions? Is this a known bug? Thanks in advcance.
  5. Yes, a great deal - although pathfinding and TacAI still need plenty of work. When the bugs are fixed this will be right up there with CMBB - I'm starting to daydream about how well this engine will work for WWII.
  6. Bump - to see if Steve or someone at BFC has any comment on this (admittedly fairly small) issue ...
  7. Sig I wondered about that - so i tried giving them a target arc just to push them gently in the right direction rather than forcing them to target a given enemy, but that still didn't work. For info - they were on top of the control tower and I think out of effective range of any enemy weapons (certainly the javelin team next to them happily fired off several missiles without drawing fire), so if they are programmed to prioritise survivability more than, say, a rifleman would, I think they prioritise it too highly.
  8. Come to think of it I've been shot at by a sniper too - hmmm ...
  9. Glad I'm not the only one to have experienced these. Not sure if 1.02 solves issue 2 as haven't tried it yet, but snipers still aren't firing under 1.02. Steve, Madmatt, Beta testers - anyone aware of the sniper issue?
  10. Funkster - because this guy has said the same thing as you, in what way is that validation? If I publish something saying the opposite of what you said would that count as invalidation?
  11. 1. Has anyone had problems with snipers refusing to shoot when given the target command? In the airbase mission I have my sniper team at the top of the control tower and they have repeatedly refused to fire at any of the various enemy targets I have selected for them (which are in range and in LOS). I don't think I'm doing anything wrong, but the fact this has not been reported before suggests to me it's not a bug. 2. Has anyone witnessed strange behaviour when deploying MMG teams? On two occasions I have asked an MMG team to deploy its weapon (not in a house or on a roof, I have read the threads concerning their inability to do this). The resulting behaviour was for two members of the team to deploy in the requested position and a further member of the team to move off some hundred yards away from that point for no obvious reason. Anyone seen this happen? Thanks in advance for your responses.
  12. I'd love to try it NormalDude. ocollinge@googlemail.com. Thanks
  13. Add me to the list. Still haven't finished the first scenario yet (playing WeGo to get used to things) - but I love it. If anything it surpasses my expectations. Yeah, there are a few bugs and the pathfinding could do with some refinement but the game is amazing. God knows what all those posts about the game being 'broken' were about. Utter rubbish.
  14. Thanks for posting anyway BigDork. As someone who's still trying to sort out Boot Camp on his Mac to get the game running, it's nice to see some AARs and screenshots - your first AAR was excellent. I appreciate your efforts, as, I'm sure, do others.
  15. Cavtroop: Steve and others have basically said what follows, but your comments compelled me to add my own 2 cents. Don't take this personally - it's aimed at everyone who has made complaints of a similar nature. What you're missing is a small but rather fundamental economic concept known as supply and demand. If the small shop in the basement was the only place on earth where you could get the product you were after, would you expect to pay the same for it as you would if the multinationals were churning the product out also? Of course not, if it was the only thing on the market you'd expect to pay very much more than simply the cost plus overheads plus a commercial mark-up - the guy in the basement could name his price and those who wanted the product would have to pay it. You may argue that there are alternatives, but that's a pretty superficial assessment. Nothing on the market seeks to combine tactical and graphical realism like CM does; there are eye candy games which don't come close realism-wise, or there are those that focus on tactical realism with very unsophisticated visual representation. The fact that you are able to get this game at the price you are is a minor miracle, in fact I suspect if Battlefront were to increase the price by, say, 50%, they would generate higher revenues despite losing some unit sales. There may be some teething problems with the game, but criticising Battlefront for not delivering what the competition delivers at the same price is misguided. Rant over.
  16. Thanks all. I play practically no other titles besides this, so perhaps my perception of the volume of issues / gripes wasn't balanced properly due to a lack of context. Great to hear anyway that Steve and Moon are relaxed about how things are going. One tying I would say though is that I continue to be surprised at people's expectation from such a tiny organisation. If a need to get the cash flowing in led to the game being released two or three months before its absolute optimum as regards ironing out all issues, or a few items being excluded, who can blame Battlefront? The commercial reality is that a business requires cash to operate, and although other titles have been released since CMAK, I'm guessing none of those generate cash for Battlefront at anything more than a fraction of the rate of a CM release (either because they're less popular or they're only released under licence and much less of the margin hits Battlefront's bank account). Anyhows, just partitioned my Mac's drive for Bootcamp so hopefully within half an hour or so I'll be playing rather than posting. Looks like there's a good Mac support thread, courtesy of Mikey D, if i get any problems, so here goes...
  17. Haven't started playing yet (on a mac and currently setting up the whole bootcamp thing - should be playing later today), but seems like Steve and the team are taking a hammering. I was wondering if the old timers could tell us how the apparent uproar and constant stream of complaints / bug reports compares with the release of CMBO (I wasn't aware of CM when CMBO first came out). What I'm getting at is are Steve and co sitting there thinking, "Seen it all before, this is just what we expected" or are all these problems comparatively serious? You won't catch me complaining incidentally; $40 (20GBP) is really nothing for a game this niche. Even if it starts out super-buggy I'd rather have that than nothing and you know Battlefront will patch everything up pretty quickly. Look forward to your responses.
  18. I too am really looking forward to the game, but equally, relying purely on victory parameters to demonstrate whether or not a fight was close leaves me a tad cold; however, the following gives me great cause for optimism. With this in mind would any one care to speculate in a bit more detail on the make-up of a Syrian unit which might be able to give a Stryker company, maybe with some armour support, a reasonable match in a non-MOUT setting, other than a pure ambush. Apologies, my knowledge of post WW2 formations and equipment is rather limited, but I'm keen to read what the cream of the Syrian army might be able to offer. Hoping somebody knowledgeable will take the time; thanks in advance.
  19. These screenshots look great. If anything, and somewhat bizarrely, these have enthused me more than anything hitherto. Maybe it's because they have more of an original CM1 feel, being oldish vehicles. Who knows. Anyhows they look great. Can't wait.
  20. That would be awesome. The total lack of gorillas in previous Combat Mission games has always been a great disappointment for me. </font>
  21. Yeah. Thanks Imperial Grunt. I enjoyed reading that. Your sig is also one of my faves.
  22. After about 18 months of waiting to be able to click on the CMSF banner at the top of the forum, the webiste's now here! Bugger - thought I'd got here first, just realised I haven't. [ February 10, 2007, 12:09 AM: Message edited by: vetacon ]
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