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Everything posted by vetacon

  1. From what I can discern from the British Army website, the only transport helicopters deployed in theatre are Chinooks. I understand Lynxes are still used but I don't know in what capacity, and in any event it appears that none are in Afghanistan. It would be interesting to hear what someone in the know has to add.
  2. Done. Thanks for the demo Sergei and flamingknives. Always wondered how to do that
  3. Err, excuse my ignorance Elmar, how do I do it?!! Sorry for being such an HTML halfwit
  4. link Only joking obvioulsy, but travelling on an Apache's wings is pretty extraordinary. Doesn't say a lot for the readiness of the British Army though. [ January 22, 2007, 12:20 PM: Message edited by: vetacon ]
  5. That's cheating ... (Finally made it to 'Member' status after four and a half years - surely that deserves a REAL T-72 screenshot)
  6. Please, Mr Steve, can we see a T-72? Pretty please...
  7. Looking good - can't wait. Strange that the note at the bottom refers to Combat Mission: Stryke Force. [ October 26, 2006, 05:28 AM: Message edited by: vetacon ]
  8. Cool, we're all agreed then. When's the release date?
  9. I don't think BFC has ever been much for the compromise option. </font>
  10. This has to be the best option - doesn't it solve all the problems? Gives you the extra goodies which many people are keen to have available for scenario development and removes the need to use fictional opponents (made up names, flags etc.)which will likely detract from the immersion value for some. Where's the downside?
  11. Arab-Isreali conflicts would particulary interest me. Vietnam would also be very interesting...
  12. Bradford born and bred - now live in Ilkley.
  13. Oh well. Worth a try! Eagerly awaiting any further disclosures ...
  14. Kwayz Dog What else can you show us? There must be some other stuff. Please ...
  15. Incredible. 9 months ago this sort of new information would have generated page after page of posts to this thread. Now barely a murmur ...
  16. What was he going to spend his winnings on?
  17. Not quite. I picked up the anthology for £2.99, yes £2.99, in Virgin Megastore about three months ago!! No BS.
  18. Awesome post fytinghellfish. Looks like there'll be some interesting match ups. I'm a WWII man and am probably more excited about the second release, but still I can't wait to get my hands on this game.
  19. Apologies for daring to express an opinion. I'll know better next time.
  20. Either of the following would suit me 100% 1 Market Garden. Given what’s been said about the size of action which the engine is specifically designed for (i.e. reinforced company level) it would seem to fit rather well (think about the 1st Airborne’s approach to Arnhem or some of the bridge seizures by the 82nd and 101st. It has an interesting mix of units on both sides (US and British Airborne, British armour / infantry, Hohenstaufen and Frundsberg, Fallschirmjager plus all manner of other German troops). Maybe a little armour-light for some tastes though there were various engagements involving armour on both sides in and around Hell’s Highway IIRC. 2 Kharkov 1943. II SS Panzer Korps in action. Classic German quality versus Russian quantity encounter and at a time when the Eastern Front was still more or less in the balance. Could also be used as the basis for a later Kursk module without too much difficulty I imagine. However, I think I read that there’s a very strong chance that one of the first two releases won’t be WWII. In which case one of the following would be great: 3 Theoretical WWIII scenario – Warsaw Pact vs Nato Northern Europe early ‘80s. A little wide in scope probably but you could narrow it down to the OOB of a handful of divisions which would have been likely to be involved. Would be great to use some semi-modern weaponry within the CM system. 4 Falklands 1982 - The right sort of size of engagements but practically devoid of any armour which might rule it out, together with its lack of appeal to a US audience. Whatever it is I’m absolutely confident it’ll be an awesome game.
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