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Everything posted by athkatla

  1. Us Brits are nice too, we say things in a much nicer way, like..................SODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD OFFFFFFFFFFFFF!
  2. Yes, you suck big time Jug Bewoman (spelt not bolded), your a whiner, a moaner a worthless piece of low number crap. I'd challenge you, but you would probably collapse in a heap at the mere thought of combat, and crawl away like the decrepit little rat you are. If you can't come in here with the semblance of a bit of spunk, don't bother at all. Now if that's everything........SOD OFF! (snipped some sort of gibberish about being better than the generally accepted opinion of him)</font>
  3. Originally posted by someone called Shlitz or summat! "As far as playing some 'serf' for the dubious 'honor' of playing yet another wanker, errr... no thanks."<HR> My good man(?) you are not fit to play the **** off a serf's shoe, now as previously indicated......SOD OFF!
  4. Yes, you suck big time Jug Bewoman (spelt not bolded), your a whiner, a moaner a worthless piece of low number crap. I'd challenge you, but you would probably collapse in a heap at the mere thought of combat, and crawl away like the decrepit little rat you are. If you can't come in here with the semblance of a bit of spunk, don't bother at all. Now if that's everything........SOD OFF! BTW Senileguy I am not a Geordie, they are quite simple people with a strange sense of humour and an accent that makes OGSF read like a primary school book. I am a Lincolnshire Yellow Belly......and proud of it!! Let that not be forgotten! [ July 16, 2002, 05:45 AM: Message edited by: athkatla ]
  5. Arsekissa, that is a very optimistic outlook for a Monday. Persephone</font>
  6. Thanks for the great report. Man, is that some setup in your home office, I is green with envy
  7. The piss boy sings: Oh what a beautiful morning Oh what a beautiful day I've got a wonderful feeling Everythings going my way I have battered Bo Diddley's troops so much, that he is now sending me the wrong files, he's a gonner! The silly Jock and his dog have lost their marbles too, OGOG decide to send his recon car on a Sunday afternoon swan right past my MLR......end of trip! CM_Player......isn't!(playing, that is.......send me a fecking turn!
  8. Originally posted by Bo Diddley: My ISP has been screwing with me for the last week.<HR> Eeeeeeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!
  9. You have no need to know anything until you are taught, pisspot boy-o</font>
  10. When you old farts have finally sorted out my lowly position be sure to let me know. Meanwhile, I will continue to wander around this thread, piss-pot on head for you all to dribble into.
  11. Originally posted by some scumbag called Moriarty:<HR> Ah, yes, duties. Carrying the honey pot is the duty of a serf. Quite right. But not for a Squire. Lorak scribble it thusly that Athkatla is now Squire to myself, Sir Stuka and Sir Leeo of the House of Hopeless Causes. Your first duties as such * KICK * are to lose the excuses and subservient tone. * KICK * Next, you shall commit to memory the only training you'll ever need: Go Forth to Kill, Maim, Destroy and Conquer. Granted, I am not very good at this sort of thing but those I have squired are quite respectable at it. * KICK * Do not cross Sir Berlichingen, the Evil One, lest he heap a mass of Mondays on you. * KICK * Show respect to the ladies of the MBT, all others must pay cash. That is all for now.<HR> Originally posted by my Brave Sir Knight, Yeknodathon<HR> Eh? Wot? Well that's just bleedin' rich, just a few hours of attention and the lad's showing promise and everyone wants a piece of the Humber wretch. Pathetic. Get yer boot off the Lorak-OGSF-Yeknodathon Serf... this one is for JULIE ANDREWS DRESS. Serf, I say SERF - attend training. Serf, SERF! Now laddie, smilies *thwack* not good. Unduely submissive behaviour *thwack* not good outside paddock *thwack* very good *thwack* inside paddock. Got that? *thwack* Today's lesson at the Gymnasium Yeknod: Dealing with ssns and FLAMING PILLOCKS WHO LIKE YER CUT AND TRY TO SNAFFLE ME SERF ... for which I have fashioned a poppet, a wee sausage, with bug eyes and a little dainty tail and MORIARTY scribbled down its side in me very thickest, blackest crayon. Now, I have attached me poppet to me tail by means of string and will perambulate me paddock and, with hops and the odd jig, will bring life to our little friend. Now, Serf, poppet is bad, poppet is ssn or some other RUSTLING VAGRANT so SAVAGE THE LITTLE BRUTE, WRESTLE IT TO THE GROUND AND TREAT IT THE CLAN WAY WITH CLAYMORE AND TEETH. Oh and who is this FOGS person? Never heard of 'im. Yer beating the snot out of 'im? Funny he should have spaniel, never like them meself, always attached itself to me legs. Oh, and pay yer respects to me Liege, OGSF, don't be upsetting him now, he's a bit flighty too. Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock<HR> My Brave Sir "4 Legged" Knight you came to my rescue, I am forever in your debt, and will bow at the mere hint of your shadow crossing my path. Sire, are you not pleased with me, that I resisted the advances of the dog breathed Moriarty, he and his puppets can rot in the sewers of hell for all I care, or even the sewers of Birmingham, which are a damn sight worse! FOGS is none other than OGSF my leige, but I'm sure your excellency knew that, and was just making fun of your new serf. Perhaps I should send a few of my troops out on drill practice so he can kill them, I think that's the only way he will beat me, and beat me he must, for I am only his lowly serf. So Mr OGSF and his wee spaniel (nice doggie, nice doggie, now feck off), if you stop shelling empty woods and destroying empty buildings, you might just eek out a win. [ July 14, 2002, 06:46 AM: Message edited by: athkatla ]
  12. As a newly graduated, indentured, passer-of-no-tests serf and general piss boy to the entire Cesspool I bow down to your superiority, I grovel at your feet.... </font>
  13. As a newly graduated, indentured, passer-of-no-tests serf and general piss boy to the entire Cesspool I bow down to your superiority, I grovel at your feet, and promise never ever to infest this thread with the afore mentioned smilies! I also promise to carry out my duties as befits a man of my stature and standing in this community wether you like it or not.
  14. Marvellous, fine... er, excellent. Are yer sure you want to do this? I mean, I expected, well... er, never mind - off with you and do Serfy things and mind yer betters, especially the Ladies of the Pool. Oh, and report on yer battles with something vaguely literate or authentic. No good in hoping for something original, just authentic. You HAVE read the rules? Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock</font>
  15. {deleted cos it's irrelevant} Originally posted by somebody or other:<HR> Boo Radley, have you gotten that damn ISP sorted out, yet? As were about 2 turns away from autosurrender (who knows which side), maybe you'd like to get this Croda monstrosity over and done with?<HR> He's too busy learning French for his inevitable surrender speech when I have finally whupped him.
  16. Oh no athkatla, not beasted, merely piss boy to the entire CessPool. Keep the pail clean and empty it regularly ... I really enjoy the zing of a good healthy pee against a clean zinc pail ... call me a romantic I guess. Joe</font>
  17. Hmmm, Joes Squaw perhaps I have been, how should we say, a little harsh with you, as it seems that you might be wise beyond your rather tender years! Maybe I should pander a little to your crazy whims and help to keep you poor souls happy. Mind you, I won't be beasted, you hear? I won't, godamnit I will not.
  18. LOL, yes, not an ideal situation by any means
  19. Well, anyone who takes cheese with their plum bread, don flat caps and while away the evenings with the competative loss and return of pigeons has some worth. Anyone who takes in the spires of Killingholme or the clear blue waters of Immingham and return safely has merit. For with such men of breeding the taunt will be fulsome and plump like a good sausage. Uncouth and lacking in refinement, perhaps, but by gawd, they're tasty and not wanting for offal. But if our Northern native is actively seeking Coventry and wishes to ignore the traditions of the MBT then there will be no turning the fellow back. The whippet will run its course (via Scunthorpe and quite possibly Doncaster) to be forever circulating Coventry's ringroads. Such aimless and forgotten activity will not be unknown, Blundell Park offers similar futility. These folk are steadfast and stubborn, weathered among shifting sandbanks and rolling wolds. Bleedin' good donkey country. Make yer choice, Athkatla. Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock</font>
  20. Which is interesting as the technique was taught in Oz until at least quite recently (and I have fired it, testing the techniques required to prove a point to the MG Pl Comd, with some M60s (not an ideal weapon by any measure) I was an MFC at the time and it required Mor Pl personnel because they were familiar with those techniques). I believe it is still discussed in theory during training of MG Pl personnel. And in regard to its use in WWII - Australians fired indirect at least in the Western Desert (at Tobruk Siege and the various El Alamein battles)and I believe in the Pacific (Sattleberg?). Anyway this was discussed/argued/destroyed in earlier</font>
  21. Send me to Coventry if you wish, Joes Squaw, see if I care. I indicated to all you fat old fools earlier as to what was my purpose on this thread, and nothings changed. Do with me what you will, I will still trivialise your mutterings and heap piles of stinking rabbit poo upon your heads :eek:
  22. I am willing to accept the fact that you are more experienced with mogrels and especially with "Saturday night back alley jobs" than me. It really says a lot that you go to your dog for advice. He's probably the smartest member of your family. Maybe you can get him to post for you -- I'm sure he'd be more entertaining.</font>
  23. *honk* definitely D.H. Lawrence stuff here, give us a ferret. Yeknod o' tha Thistle and Defender of the Paddock</font>
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