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Everything posted by athkatla

  1. Garbled incoherent rubbish from Bo Diddley Well of course it's dead, thats why I sent it to within 50m of your end of the map! It seems like your little girlies don't want to play unless I offer them a sacrificial lamb first!
  2. Trying ringing a little bell and eating a pretzel every time you remember to do it right (you should need only a very small bag of pretzels). Using this technique, Pavlov was able to work wonders with dogs. And dogs can't be all that much smarter than you. Papa</font>
  3. Damn, wish I'd learn to not click on the quote icon when I want to edit! :eek: [ June 29, 2002, 10:44 AM: Message edited by: athkatla ]
  4. Paul Don't be frightened by the Peng posters, they are all willie woofters, who think long words are cool, and they just hate smilies Get in there and give them some stick, but be prepared to take lots more back
  5. Hey BO DIDDLEY when you manage to find out where I am in the fog (which you only just noticed..DUH), give me a call ok? You see, the thing is, I sent half my guys into town for some wine, women and song, I probably won't need them to send your lads home with a flea in their ears, but they will want to be here to have a laugh at your, pathetic excuse for soldiers, expense. /Insert taunting black female voice Warriors.....where are youuuuu Warriors.....where are youuuuuuuu [ June 29, 2002, 10:44 AM: Message edited by: athkatla ]
  6. I have the latest version of Apple Quicktime but it's still never played :mad:
  7. Hmmm, interesting, I haven't done any of that to my copy, and the intro movie has never played from day 1 :confused:
  8. Miles Gloriosus, A Funny Thing Happened On the Way to the Forum </font>
  9. Thank you, I believe I will. By George, I knew if I let you prattle on long enough you'd manage to grunt out ONE intelligent thing. Million monkeys, million typewriters theory, you know.</font>
  10. My dear AthaThtupidQuethtion-GetAThtupidAnther, There's no need to shout. I can quite easily read those close fisted bangings of yours that resemble typing only in that some form of keyboard must be involved. Now, as to Soccer, Rugby. Football, what's in a name as long as it provides us with an opportunity to watch microcephalic gorillas pound on each other?</font>
  11. 15 yard penalty and loss of down for illegal mixed metaphor. (Time to bring out the kicking team) <big><big>BOOT!</big></big></font>
  12. Pleased to see the rest of the world is finally waking up! Hiram Scarem Sedi Jedi Up yours old fruit I am an SSN with attitude, if you don't like it take a large dose of and stick 'em where the sun don't shine! Bo Diddley Poor excuse, but one I'll marginally accept, you're only postponing your inevitable demise, have your wife get ready your favourite pyjama's and teddy bear for when you retire licking your wounds to your funereal bed!
  13. That was exactly my point!! Note to self: Don't play Capricornwhateverisnameis in PBEM :eek:
  14. You *can't* unload a GPMG if you have a competent number two. It fires disintegrating link -- no.2 should be clipping extra lengths onto the belt as long as there is ammo available. I once had the immense pleasure of putting a thousand rounds of belted blank through a GPMG in little more than a minute. Shortly thereafter, I had the slightly less immense pleasure of cleaning the thing. All the best, John.</font>
  15. Hey Bo Diddley are you not taking up my challenge, or are you quaking in your athlete's-foot filled boots at the prospect of being savaged by my brothel-visiting french studs? I succumed to your babyish whining when you thought I would play as the Brits, you liver-livered, gutless speck of poo on a dogs tail, come out and fight, and Prepare to Die.
  16. Boo_Radley Ok Bo Diddley I accept your snivelling challenge, and will play as the "yellow-streaks-down-their-backs" wine guzzling frogs. This is a brave challenge on your part, taking on a newbie with no PBEM's to his name and demanding he plays as the French floozies, methinks you hate to lose!! Well be prepared, as the scouts say, feed your humorless pigs their last bockwurst, for they will never eat again, except the lead that awaits them on the battlefield! :cool: The battle will be waiting for you when you eventually decide to rise from your stinking pit you call a bed
  17. Ohhhhhh, at last I've been recognised and join the ever decreasing ranks of the SSN's, for how long can a newbie be a newbie! And where are my fellow country men when I need them, leaving me to muster a defence against the pond waders. On another point, I don't have much time for you fellows at the moment, as I'm currently playing my first PBEM, isn't it fun? So toodle pip, and rant and rave on (there's a Buddy Holly song in there) for I will return :cool:
  18. Pooh pooh to you all, I will defy you, and btw the generals don't win the wars, it's us bloody NCO's at the sharp end that comes up with the goods. Joe "old womans" Shawl" too dangerous to bomb Germany at night? (I'd have thought it was far more dangerous during daylight, but who am I to say, I was only a grunt, not a poncy Fly Boy) Oh, and just to enlighten me, what the hell is an SSN?? (Not that I give a flying f***)!
  19. Hmmmmm, I see I'm being ganged up on, and by the, "oh you've almost won the war, think we'll join in now" brigade.
  20. The French!! You want me to play as the bloody French! I wouldn't be seen dead in a French uniform, rumour has it no one has been. Those garlic eating poofters invented the word surrender and used it to good effect throughout their war :eek: . I will play as the Brits, a noble, warlike and valiant force who know nothing about showing the white flag and will proceed to pound you and your bratwurst eating squareheads into the ground.........so there!! Hurrah for the Brits, for we are fearless and magnificent warriors, we also like tea and toast too
  21. And I did. OK, Atlatl (look it up). I must admit that you are indeed an enigma wrapped in a conundrum wrapped in an especially odiferous pair of Grendel's underpants. I was going to say something nasty about the Irish, but then thought that perhaps I shouldn't because I would not want to possibly offend your dear wife, who as we all know must be a saint and has enough of a burden as it is. But then I reread your post and realized that you had already made a backhanded gibe at the Irish. You would say that about your wife, that gentle creature who has YOU as her cross to bear??? You CAD! You CODSWALLOP! You CHICKPEA! I know if I ever said anything like that to my beautiful wife, the ever gracious and charming She Who Must Be Obeyed™, there would be Berli to pay! You will meet me on the field of battle. I will be the ever popular Jack-Booted Thugs. You will be the Cheese-sniffing Surrender Monkeys, known as the French. You will provide a QB. The parameters are unimportant. You will prepare to Die-Alot™</font>
  22. No, actually the closest you could get to an Aussie, is to play as the Brits, as it's well know that all Aussies are ex convicts from Gods country, otherwise known as the UK
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