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Everything posted by panzermartin

  1. An upgraded CMHQ chat will be perfect for bringing the TCP crowd together. Kinda like Hyperlobby for IL-2 flight simulator, with slots etc.
  2. They can also disguise themselves as WMDs. They'll never find them
  3. What about vehicles..will we be able to have let's say 2-3 dif textures for the Stryker in the same game? Il-2 for instance allows multiple skins, numbers, per same airplane with no limitations as far as i know. Would it be possible to have in your "BMP/T55" dir 20 T-55 mods so the game could randomly pick up one each time? This would only need disk space, and will not make swapping and switching skins as tedious as it is now. The same can be apllied to buildings. If you have a simple "commercial 1story 3dmodel building" and allow multiple random skins for it, the possibilities will be theoriticaly endless.
  4. I think they said multiple skins will be in..no? Hope they are...modder's heaven
  5. Parked/abandoned civilian vehicles is top priority. Since civilians are not included, we need something to somehow indicate that we are not fighting in deserted, souless towns. Dumpsters as well. Signs will serve the same purpose, adding atmosphere and color. They can be 2D so maybe just a texture will do the trick, I guess. Some cosmetic extensions to buildings, like balconies, tents will be cool too, so as not to look like textured boxes. Rooftops will need some variety also.
  6. lol Gpig..nice drawing btw, are you into ad/film storyboarding at all?
  7. Yes! Yes! Please give us a little freedom and flexibility with those textures and we will turn CMSF into the wargamer's simcity Personal favourites: Parked cars, vans etc Traffic lights, signs etc poles, telephone wires satelite dishes, tv antennas ..solar water heaters
  8. Will multiple skins be in finally? Will we see multiple skins per same vehicle/building? eg T-62 with unlimited camo variety, different mosque textures etc? If this is in, modders wont need many different 3d models to recreate a living breathing Mid east town/city down to the last falafen corner
  9. I think Steve, in simple words, puts the 'Historian' in front of the 'gamer' so I guess we will never see something so insane but yet so game exciting, as russians in Syria On a second thought, how about Russia joining the multinational force at first against Syria and then switching sides due to some coup or some lunatic or whatever? I'd like to see an upgrade of the red side not another western force in the following add-ons. Who wants to play Italy anyway?(except our dear neighbours that is )
  10. Yeah I know...I just forgot your name in there...corrected.
  11. Yes..the government of Hell fighting the Axis of Evil..lol [ December 23, 2005, 11:32 AM: Message edited by: panzermartin ]
  12. Well, at least there is no health bar on these T-34s, which is a good start.
  13. So this game is still alive after all...Graphics dont make the same impression as when it first showed up..still, colors are pleasing to the eye.
  14. Imagine how many points this thing will cost in CMSF. Lose your M1A2 TUSK and lose the battle.
  15. Silencers? I dont know but if your mum calls you in that TUSK telephone, your ambush will be pretty screwed anyway.
  16. Dust should be kicked up when the main gun is fired as well. Whenever I see a video of a tank shooting its main gun the tank itself and the ground around it, trembles, creating clouds of dirt...and roads in Syria will be pretty dusty.
  17. This not the metis AT missile. It's the new rocket propeled MAV (manned air vehicle) that will give superior battlefield intelligence to the Syrian commander. Much Much more effective than the camera equipped UAVs
  18. Will the Syrians have the latest RPG-7v in CMSF? This will make a big difference in defeating armor,given that IIRC, newest rpgs have almost the double penetration capability compared to the standard RPG-7.
  19. Sure, Syrian army quality is no match for the world's most sophisticated military force but then again you dont need to be a genious or have a rocket science degree to operate an ATGM system. JC_Hare, nice link..there is a lot of detailed info about the M1 there. Turret front seems practically invulnerable to anything, though a direct rocket hit will mess up a lot of the equipment obviously. I wonder if the M1A2 SEP will be the only variant of the M1 present in CMSF.
  20. I dont have quite a clear idea about the effectiveness of syrian at-weapons against this beast. Most say that it will be similar to the Tiger vs T34 CMBB duels, invicible from the front not so from the sides, vulnerable from the rear. My only test ground is WinSPMBT, where it seems that even older T55 can penetrate the side armor. If this is the case, perhaps we shouldnt worry that much about dull armor firefights, unless the map is a plain flat desert..or not? I know it wont be that simplistic as there are many other things factored in but a not so unbeatable M1 is something that can balance things a bit.
  21. I certainly hope so...Given the narrow scope of CMSF and BFC's "as realistic as possible" approach, I still have some doubts over the customizing freedom we'll get.
  22. Yes, I would definetely love to see more human animations....though this is going to be very tough for such a small programming team,so we may be asking a lot here.
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