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Everything posted by panzermartin

  1. Like them too...though some dont match very nice now. The grass for instance is very bright green. Should be a bit toned down.
  2. Whaaa? Shooting through walls not fixed? Wasnt that among the first priorities of 1.03? What are the LOS/LOF improvements then?
  3. Ah, thats great news CoG! Thank you very much for all your work.
  4. Company of Heroes is ages ahead of WiC both in gameplay and visuals. Even CMSF has more classy graphics than the shiny multicolor kitch of WiC. Looks and plays like a mess imo.
  5. Wow..reminds me some of the best CMx1 maps. That mixed village/forest/hill type I'm relly missing. Could you pls send it to me too? Mindmartin@gmail.com
  6. My package arrived today in Athens, Greece. In perfect shape I must add
  7. I'm missing fences too. No LOS/LOF headaches there too. I'm surprised they didnt make it in game, would multiply variety in urban areas.
  8. Thats my main problem with CMSF..there isnt much "game" in it. Boring one sided single player and not properly working multiplayer. What's left?
  9. Thats great news thanks a lot! I'm particulary happy about the LOS problems. Hope you managed to solve the shooting through ground too.
  10. I've seen ridiculous things happening in QBs. I had set a Blue attack vs RED and both players had the same setup zones. The results were hilarious.
  11. btw, thelmia, do u have time for a game? I'm in the chat. We can give it a try.
  12. Well, I sincerely hope they take a look at multiplayer problems. I dont think any game in 2007 can survive as solo or PBEM only.
  13. I played it as Syrians, a well made scenario indeed. My only disappointment was that the game engine with the known LOS/LOF issues doesnt hadle the reverse slope well and you get shot through the terrain. I lost a technical from small arms fire shooting through the rise while there was no way it could be seen. Currently all the non urban maps suffer from this problem.
  14. I use photobucket http://photobucket.com/ to host any images. Just upload your image from your hard drive and it will provide you with a direct link for forums etc.
  15. How about reabstracting the infantry? Still 1:1 graphicaly but a base would tell you where the center of the squad sight and firepower is. The base would jump from one action spot to another, yet the soldiers will follow smoothly.
  16. There's abit of a problem with this at the moment (hope it gets fixed) where things like buildings and walls have a cover/LOS/move block effect that spreads across the entire grid instead of the 1:1 model of the object. This currently makes urban combat very hard where LOS/LOF is blocked by a piece of open ground next to the wall instead of the wall itself (you can only get LOS if the it passes through no wall grids), same thing for vehicle movment. Also if inside the grid that the wall is on a unit can have LOS/LOF to the other side of the wall instead of it being blocked. </font>
  17. Keep in mind. even lan games suffer from the guest bugs, eg disappearing Strykers etc. Everything larger than a tiny battle online suffers from serious lag problems.
  18. Well, that "feature" is even described in the manual..I'm afraid we have to live with it till CMx3
  19. Guys RT is ideal for 2 players. Forget about the 5 hours long WEGO sessions. RT is the real fun (well once the multiplayer code becomes less laggy buggy)
  20. edit: I understood wrong I guess..whats your problem again?
  21. Aah, you are right. He comments on the cover issues in the LOS/LOF thread. I got lost with all the bug reports and didnt notice. Hopefully there is some space for improvement here.
  22. Just played it as Syrians and I was really shocked when those F-16 demolished the building with my men inside. At first I thought someone detonated by mistake some Lada VIED I hadnt noticed Very nice map indeed Parabellum, love the realistic little details, the ditch along the road etc.
  23. I'd say infantry behaviour combined with LOS/LOF problems. -The regrouping once you halt a move can lead them to exposed places you never intended them to be. Adjusting at least next waypoint would be a good solution to the "halt/go to regroup spot/get killed". -Using walls for cover. I cant make them take cover behind a low wall. Either they will stay some meters behind it in a loose formation or they will start bunny hoping forth and back. Both gets them killed. -Using Building corners. Either blocked LOS/LOF or totally exposed. Cant find the middle solution so far. Same for hill crests, where the shooting through solid ground ruins every attempt to position them effectively. Also, you cant make them take cover behind a vehicle. A Stryker is big enough to offer protection for a whole squad but your men spread out of cover and get shot. I use the vehicles to provide cover and not vice versa. Obviously all this is due to the mismatch of 1:1 with the action spots and LOS grid. I've seen squads perfectly using cover in trenches, roofs and shellholes with a large squad spreading or closing in depending on the circumstances. Can we see something similar with other common ground features as well?
  24. Its 480 x 590, rather small. I get the impression that compared to CMx1 similar map sizes, CMSF's look quite bigger. Maybe due to the finer details and mesh. Seems the stadium with all these buildings is causing you some trouble. Also, balconies increase the poly count a lot. Map looks great though!
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