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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Desert Dave

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Everything posted by Desert Dave

  1. Yes, that would be a good idea, but apparently we are only allotted 2 slim and finite slots on this here SC board. Yah, yah, the General Forum is just too big and too damned unruly. No chance to "get to know" many of the folks, or develop some sort of ongoing dialogue... without having 22 or more! moon-addled goons jumping yer bones for no good reason other than... they CAN. :eek: I already went through all that Herbert Spencer sort of "survival of the fittest" juke & jive... back in the day, and don't go rip-tripping here & there looking for more... UNECESSARY conflict. And besides, they would just hump-up all Carnal and eat me alive, and I am just too-too aesthetic-sensitive for that, etc, etc. LOL! Better to be eaten-up by your own Kind than some sloppily salivating Stranger... Indeed he was, and I had the pleasure of playing several PBEM games with him... a charming and courteous and completely up-beat kind of guy... my understanding is that he was utterly overwhelmed by a demanding Job and his dedication to his young & growing family, which is surely understandable... do wish he would look in every now and then and make a post or two, though.
  2. Bill and JJ: Thank you kindly for the welcome back... it was a Grand Road Adventure, and I am a little unsettled yet and still bleary & weary from all them... Demon summoned Semi's roaring past at 90+ MPH!! (... Bessie, being an old squared-off dinosaur... would JUMP about a foot to the right as they passed, and then when they cut-into the slow-lane there in front of me, why, she would do this sort of... shimmy-shake and koko-bop, like some pineapple-wine-addled belly-dancer at a late-night Island festival... LOL!) Anyway, it was a long-planned, and finally quite satisfying vacation! :cool:
  3. Shaka, Please send me your "historically responsible" campaign, and PDF if available. A couple of things: 1) Forcing a DoW on Spain, Sweden or Turkey requires 3 unopposed chits... could you clarify this rule? I read it to mean that if the Axis waits until 1941 (having saved their DCs: one each for '39, '40 and '41) then they CAN attack any of those three countries, EVEN IF the Allied player holds an equivalent # of diplo-chits? 2) Amphib movement using only Corps seems somewhat restrictive... presumably you have play tested this rule and are satisfied that D-Day landings can work without sailing Armies? Also, I would suggest adding two more house rules to your campaign: 1) Some sort of Lend-Lease from USA to Britain (... using Zappsweden's most excellent suggestion of making a USA city and/or port and/or resource icon British). Or, do you suppose that this would give the Brits too many MPPs, thereby throwing the campaign out of kilter? 2) Bill Macon's inspired idea of LIMITING placement of chits in all Tech areas... to 2. This would remove SOME of the chance for one side gaining a quick advantage in critical areas, such as IT or Jets. Anyway, I too would prefer some jake-brake on the tendencies for win-at-any-cost games to get out of "historical balance." Kudos to you for making, and advancing this Mod. :cool: [ October 02, 2003, 11:04 AM: Message edited by: Immer Etwas ]
  4. Ah, Mr Boggs... you have a certain way, like that amazing Blues Magician, John Lee Hooker, of saying a thing with... charming disarming folk melody. However, were I to post a... poem :eek: (... or what passes) on that there tres outre General Forum, the howls of laughter and, dare I say... DERISION, would drown out the entire... Musik of the Spheres! :eek: Poetry is mostly not machismo. Poetry is not much abided, in among the Ideologically Righteous and, them crowds of Criethers & Shouters. See, me Old Man related me this sort of merry fairy-story countless times, which is why I never tried to write any of that stuff until only recently, familiar coward that I must indeed be! Anyway, quit yer lurking so much and play (post! as ya usta do...) some more of them... smoke-tinted and tilted-horn Turquoise Noise! :cool:
  5. And so. Another grand scenario from that great scenario Impresario... Mr Bill! Will try it out tonight! Mr Bill is good at game-logic, and game-reasoning. I should know... on several occasions he "reasoned" me right out of the Mediterranean Theatre, Even though I didn't remotely want to go! :eek: (... well, I tried to edit the spelling of Med etc, perhaps I got it corrected now, though, really, all Life-like things truly considered... it doesn't much matter, does it?) [ October 01, 2003, 04:28 PM: Message edited by: Immer Etwas ]
  6. Just got back from a 3 week journey... into the American heart-land... 4000 miles, 9 states! In my '71 VW camper -- Bessie the Blue Bus. Well, I won't go on & on about that there mystery trip, as I can see that most of your usual off-topic meandering... ist verboten,... mostly. Anyway, may I just say... once you get loose of them soot-raddled and sweltering big cities, why, the American landscape is... breath-taking! and beautiful-bountiful as ever! Haven't caught up to all the Forum goings-on, in toto, Mister Oz, but I will say this: We have, quite apparently, certain ground-rules that have to be followed. Battlefront is that peripatetic Piper Man, what calls the Tunes. Fair enough. Let's just... do like that crashing cool creek in among' the green-grinning trees, and... go with the flow, yes? Though, I am sorry to see Kuni go... apparently he violated some (...off-board understood) restrictions, well, I personally hope that he will be allowed back at some future date. Also good to hear from Hubert... I didn't have much doubt that he was actively at work on SC2... nice to have another confirmation though. :cool:
  7. No, no, that they weren't. But, you know what? Like the stone that gathers no moss, they'll be rock-rolling 'round again! :cool:
  8. JJ, Have already downloaded your Z-Plan update, and am looking forward to trying it out. Will provide some feedback before I go on extended vacation. Thanks for taking the time to make this available for those of us who can't wait until Otto sets it up on his great site.
  9. In the interest of adding ever more excitement, unpredictability, and limitless replay, I propose the following NEW unit. It is NOT a separate unit; rather, a super modified EXISTING unit. The lowly Corps. Nine of 'em. Each would have different ICONS. Each would have different COSTS. The unit capabilities would be adjusted as deemed necessary, and to suit the new conditions. All might be improved by research, in our expanded tech-tree. How the above 4 factors are implemented: Game Designers desires, and beta-testing. The specialized Corps. 1) QUARTERMASTER Corps: May be used as part of the supply chain, which no-one hardly understands, except for Bill Macon... sometimes. 2) RECON Corps: Has one higher movement rate. Absorbs opponent's first attack, and is harder to spot. This would help diminish the need for Long Range Air superiority. **(... if you have one particular factor that tends to upset the game-balance, as LR Air can do, then why not? Have several methods that would serve a similar purpose? You may fail in one research area, yet succeed in another!) 3) MECHANIZED Corps: Also higher movement, so to keep up with breakthrough armor. Consequently, an improved hard attack defense. 4) MARINE Corps: Much discussed already; same principles apply... so Air Power is not the only way to establish and secure a beach-head. 5) MOBILE ARTILLERY Corps: Only after appropriate research (... as with most of the others) Those that DISDAIN this idea altogether could just... not research it. 6) AIRBORNE Corps: It is not assumed that the entire corps is made up of air landed soldiers. There are airborne brigades and glider units and support. It might even "break in half" when the air lift is conducted. Thus, a size 10 unit would be... a size-5 that actually lands. 7) ENGINEER Corps: Meant to negate across river penalty, and have higher attack value VS fortresses. 8) ANTI-AIR Corps: Especially useful if placed near a City/Resouce hex, or next to a HQ. 9) SECURITY/GARRISON Corps: Less movement and offense; obviously, less expensive, so to serve as anti-partisans, or to hold rear area cities. When you make your purchases, the Specialty Corps will be available underneath the regular Corps. Those that don't like this idea, could simply ignore it and buy ONLY regular Corps, yes, of course. When the unit appears on the map, it would have a DIFFERENT ICON, so for example, the Mechanized Corps would be a Country specific halftrack. The Anti-Air unit would be Brit Bofors or antigodlin' whistling 88s, etc. The research tree would be narrower, and have variable costs, instead of the current situation where all chits cost the same. And so, let's say... if you just don't want Mobile Artillery, then you wouldn't research it. If you were concerned about Strategic Bombing, then you would buy one or more AA units. Now, there has been much discussion about scale and size. Seems to me, and assuming there is a somewhat larger map, this would present INFINITE strategic permutations, thereby geometrically increasing replayability. I am satisfied (... and, have been playing war games since the late 1950s :eek: ) that there is absolutely NO PROBLEM with scale. These units are "specialty" units and could be utterly ignored by those who prefer... just a few units, as in chess. They are not ENTIRELY made up of ONLY that special aspect... the unit is assumed to ALSO consist of support and/or other security battalions. But many, and this obviously includes me, would prefer more... CHOICES, which would only serve to increase the fun and enjoyment... which is the entire idea behind amateur war... GAMES, true? :cool: [ August 30, 2003, 10:54 AM: Message edited by: Immer Etwas ]
  10. All right. (... although, a strategic level game could actually include ANYTHING at all, depending on the whims and desires of the game designer) How about this... that grouping of ANTI submarine warfare units... light cruisers, souped-up coastal vessels, AND... destroyers, would be called ASW. The "cruiser" would then be considered heavy cruisers with a mixture of light ones. And, a few destroyers. The point and purpose is to have a unit that is ESPECIALLY adept and uniquely adapted to... hunting subs. Which would have a "run silent" feature and which would merely have to fear the NAVAL AIR, and not the ground-based air. BBs and CAs should NOT have ASW capability, and so... now, we need find some unit that does.
  11. Absolutely! The thing is, you could have a finite set that would be operative for every game and situation, and you could have some that only kick in... depending on which side you are playing. And you could have some that are the result of weather conditions (... also RANDOM, as our Events) and you could have some that branch off to 3 or 4 different conclusions! And of course, you would... JUST NEVER KNOW for sure, you would have to... take a chance! The permutations and possiblities are endless! I remember playing Avalon Hill's 3rd Reich, and one of my favorite moments was... selecting those 1 or 2 chits to see WHICH unique Event would influence that particular game. :cool: In A3R of course, they have dice-activated decision trees of a sort, since much of the diplomacy and research depends on RANDOM die rolls, so that... for one game you might get better Air or Naval DRMs, and the next time you would see Spain join the Axis. That too was one of my favorite aspects, simply because... you could never tell what might suddenly arrive! To foil your best-laid plans! Adapting on-the-fly, so to speak, is what we Humans do... BEST. That is when we are... "next to the gods," when it is that we have to... IMPROVISE. If it is more EXCITEMENT that we are after, and nearly limitless re-playability, then "Random Events" and "Decision Trees" would be one fabulous way to go. I very much hope that Hubert will Code these sorts of things into SC2. Perhaps, with a toggle for those who don't wish to be... happily surprised!
  12. It is a kind of prayerful petition... almost, a plea. Nothing wrong with that, and it has the added advantage that it very often... works! (... just ask the many many Surgeons who had given up hope on a chronic case, only to suddenly! discover that the patient has... opened shut dusty eyes and... arisen up! singing!) We are bing-banging about, a little bit...anxious... to see some kind of reassurance, if not... hard development data. Well, as Mr Bill has reminded, the very LATEST word is that Hubert DOES intend to make SC2, and so we should try to be... patient. And so, no individual on this Forum is either, but... as a GROUP, we could minister to Kings & Queens, provide hopes and dreams to folks flustered and forlorn... here, there and everywhere! The thing is, Hubert has already said that he is working on a more complex game engine. That he INTENDS to make SC2. He has STATED this, it is not fanciful speculation. And besides... perhaps, he is an old throw-back, a naturally inventive guy who simply likes, and indeed, is even a... fan and fanatic ... about WW2 GS games. Perhaps he is interested in making the very best WW2 GS game ever! Which some of the most storied names in war-gaming lore... have... NOT DONE. Think of how many people recently clamored! for access to Clash of Steel even though it's been out of the loop, for what? 8 or 10 years! Look how many people fret and rave about a truly messed-up, muddled-up product, HoI. There is still plenty of interest in WW2 GS games, some of whom, I will agree with rambo & shaka, ... don't yet know that they ARE interested! WHEN Hubert delivers a beta for SC2, and I am guessing... early next year, THEN there will be many who never, ever remembered that they had some... doubts. Sometimes, and it ain't all that often I will agree, somebody does something... simply because he or she... LOVES the work. That money isn't everything, that being the one who makes the PENTULTIMATE computerized WW2 Grand Strategy game... takes precedence over, even, getting 3 square meals a day. There ARE such people. I also believe, and call me... faithfully superstitious, I don't care, but that is the situation... we have here.
  13. Edwin P, But ANOTHER! great and inspired suggestion for SC2! Myself, I would like to see... DECISION TREES! As part of RANDOM EVENTS, so that you would get a pop-up box, which would say something like this: "USA's Strategic Command HQ offers the possibility of additional Naval Power in the Atlantic." "You may EITHER... check the box... for another Carrier in the Atlantic, which results in the chance of later entry by the Siberian Berserkers, OR... you may select... the arrow... and go here:" **(... you could go practically ANYWHERE at all, but, here's one example) "Check the box if you want USA to FOCUS on Armor production... improved possibility for Armor Tech advance IF you place a chit within the next 4 turns." Or, you could check the box that says... ignore. ETC, etc. The idea being... allow the gamer to proceed through these decision trees in order to select those aspects of the war that most interests him or her. Mostly "hims" I guess, who contest instead of relating empathically... Ooops, that's off-topic, and for another Forum... well anyway, It may be extremely difficult in Coding, I don't know, but... these sorts of decision trees would GEOMETRICALLY increase the re-playability of... what is commonly recognized as a fairly restricted theatre of operations. You can't really deviate all that much without getting into... truly ODD "what-ifs," and many old grogs just don't... cotton to much of that kind of... I was going to say... blasphemy, but that would be too-too extreme! And so, let's have... RANDOM EVENTS and DECISION TREES... sprouting like mushrooms after a Spring-time storming... all over the place! :cool:
  14. Good suggeston. As I progressed, and eventually learned the sly and wily ways of the AI, I gradually increased the IT for both of these countries. You're right. The research for ALL countries proceeds at a slightly quicker clip, provided you have invested chits, which has the effect of placing MORE units on the board. But, I haven't yet tried full-tilt-boogie L5 for BOTH Russia and USA... but will change my own super modified, hot-rod '39 scenario and see what happens... will let you know. **(... if only we could mod ALL countries right from the get-go, now THAT would be... The Chesire Cat's Satin Pajamas! :cool: )
  15. Since we do not (yet) have much information on what direction Hubert is likely to go, there is surely the possibility of having both... larger land AND sea area. I am ambivalent about this. EITHER sea zones or a moderately expanded hex-map would be fine with me. As long as we have more detailed, and potentially hectic! and exciting! ASW-Sub interactions, then I shall be one happy gamer. :cool: Sea Zones have been used often, going all the way back to Avalon Hill's War at Sea... and used to great effect in World in Flames and also now in John Prados' New Third Reich. I agree, this is... out of the realm. So, what you do... the NEW Naval Air would be the ONLY way that land-based units could "spot" naval units at sea (... to include Carriers of course, since they are actually naval air and not ground-based squadrons). You could have quite an elaborate matrix **(... this doesn't have to be visible, or even understood... I am always in favor of a game that DOES NOT allow the player to... PRECISELY guage game mechanics and combat charts, etc.. instead, the dedicated player MUST rely on INTUITIVE understandings... this grasp of the deux ex machina is what primarily separates the players, rather than sheer memorization or use of ahistorical gambits, etc) that would have diminishing spotting range the farther out you "search." At this scale, Naval Air unit would be comprised of many elements... search capability, dive & torpedo bombers and Port defenses such as AA and dual purpose Fighters, etc. Again, this kind of Naval Air, which would have to be based along the coast in order to attain maximum effectiveness, would force the gamer into another... CHOICE. Do I place a Naval Air unit in Trondheim, or Tobruk, or Taranto, or not? Would I rather have limited vision (... thereby giving up the advantage of surprise attacks) at sea, OR more Fighters, or Tactical Bombers or Strat Bombers? See, these kinds of CHOICE requirements would act in the same way as our NEW! and very comprehensive "Random Events." :cool: They would make each game astoundingly unique, without undue stress on the player, since some could be toggle on/off options, and others could simply be ignored. After all, you could play the game with only the BASIC OOB & units. Narayan: Sorry I couldn't remember that you had mentioned the "collapsed" Atlantic. Good idea. We shall see if it might be implemented. BTW, I downloaded your "Fall Weiss Revisited." Will let you know how it plays out. Forgot to ask: JJ ... would you let me know when your revised Z-Plan scenario is available? Very much want to try it out and see how the expanded naval game impacts the war. [ August 28, 2003, 10:40 AM: Message edited by: Immer Etwas ]
  16. For SC2, Hubert has already talked about having a "run silent" feature for the subs, which would make them even more stealthy. Then you could add destroyers, set (... by right click, drop-down box) to ASW patrol, or "normal." In this event, you wouldn't have to have an Atlantic that is all that much larger... just stretched a bit at the edges. **There is also that feature, I forget who first came up with it, but... some sort of "collapsed" line all along the Atlantic from north to south, where you would have to expend Xtra MPs to navigate through it. These sorts of thing, in some combination, would allow greatly expanded naval Ops, and satisfy those of us who really REALLY want a more complex Battle of Atlantic. And consequently, you wouldn't require a HUGE Atlantic map. ***As for bombers... I would much prefer to see a separate category... NAVAL AIR. (ANY feature that increases choice dynamics, ipso facto... increases re-playability) This would give us 4 possible Air Fleet purchases: 1) Fighters, 2) Tac Bombers, 3) Strat Bombers and 4) Naval Air... which, incidentally, would be smaller sized and specifically armed, ie, much weaker VS ground targets, thereby solving the vexing issue of Carrier attacks on ground units being too potent.
  17. Very obviously, this defense begins... right from the beginning. Meaning, you have to play Britain very very well. You really have to hold Egypt, if not conquer Libya. 1) You should so decimate Italian Fleet that they would not be likely to interfere with any Med operations, whether counter-attacks in Greece, or invasions of Turkey, etc. 2) You would have much better chance in Russia if Brits would take Iraq. Which implies that you are taking great advantage of the "round the Cape" movement. Then you might Op a Brit HQ and an army or two up to relieve the pressure on Caucusus... Russia now can concentrate on the Middle (... agreeing with Terif that the North does not require much more than a sentry or two). 3) Attack weak or exposed units (.... most especially the unsupported Minors) wherever and OFTEN, in order to gain experience. Then, somehow, insure that those newly experienced units do not get annihilated in a counter blow. 4) Give ground so that Germany will be "lured" into tripping the Siberian wire... it is the rare player who will just ignore completely OPEN spaces, and/or cities. 5) Finally, try to kill the experienced German units, one by one by one, even if it means the total loss one or a few of those (... hoarded) Tank Groups or Air Fleets. After all, you are mostly waiting for your Tech to improve. Speaking of which, 6) go for Jets and AT. (... or, sometimes I will fight the war without any AFs... AT ALL!... at least, until you have achieved at least one level of superiority). When Germany has to build new units to keep the momentum going in Russia, you are much better off. Well, take all that with a handful of salt, since I have also found it very daunting to keep Russia in the war until the end-game.
  18. Well, has anyone tried the Barbarossa 1941 scenario? Germany merely has Yugo & Greece & Norway, with a little over 300 MPPs to start with. Only 3 HQs and 3 AFs on Eastern Front. 7 Armies (3 with 0 Exp, 3 with 1 Exp, 1 with 2 Exp) and 4 Tank groups (3 with 1 Exp, 1 with 0 Exp). Germany only has L1 Heavy Tanks and Jets, with NO chits to invest. Rommel HQ and 1 Tank are already unpacking the killer 88s down in Libya. 1 AF is chasing Quisling up in Norway. Scharnhorst & Gneisenau are in/around Brest. Tirpitz and one sub in the Baltic. Now. Seems like this one would go much, much, much longer than 1942, yes? I wonder how many head-to-head players have even tried this one? Added bonus: no likelihood of any disconcerting "gambits." And Germany will be hard pressed, given the opening set-up, of going too far afield. So. I'd like to know... any reports on how this scenario plays out, head to head?
  19. More meat and potatoes? And less of... the fluff-stuff & truffles? Hey, no problem... although, I'll probably get cholesterol and blood-clots in the arteries, Then I'll die at 39... and that's some while ago, but, at least, I can continue to post as a ghost! :eek: It's like I used to tell old top-sergeant, whenever he'd send me... deep into grief: Say What, Kick? Well... A-OK, I can easy enough see that you've got... them up & down stripes, And all I got... is... side-by-side glistening teeth...
  20. Great stories JJ, and... even greater... insights into the common human tradition, as evidenced by... Konstatin's reply. :cool: I myself can a'times be... too-too serious, and so, thanks for the reminder... (too much the SDS kind of cat, dressed in black, and not enough... the very merry, rainbow-glowing... prankster!) ... anyway, the reminder about... the difference between... being child-like and childish. Can be perceived as tiny and tenuous, but usually is... immense. **BTW... in that other thread, is that really? You and the Missus? arm wrestling, or just another ringer Pic you plucked off the internet? Desert folks down Albuquerque way are... rabid avid, to know! ***#2.... yeah, LOL! We fight over the stupid tee-vee remote as well... now, in order to prevent marital mayhem, we trade it... every other evening.
  21. The inmates will NEVER be allowed to take over the Asylum, it just... ain't going to happen. 'Cuz then... it would no longer be... an asylum. 'Cuz then... it would become... Chaos and only those who have never actually had to... live and fight everybody! and die in a Chaos would suppose that that is somehow... a good thing. To use a metaphor: The ship has blundered into a huge iceberg. 100 mates are trying to fit into... one lifeboat. Which only has room for... 20. Piled on top of each other. Fighting for breathing room, Fighting for scraps and space. Oh sure, all very communal for awhile, but eventually.... back-brain behavior, ever more gradually, takes it's demonic place. And superstition flourishes, And survival becomes mostly a matter of.... smite thy gasping brothers & sisters... into the Sea! Anyway, all you inmates! (... this includes me, I ain't no special case, I've been locked out enough to know... but, if any out there... cares to take a cheap shot, go right ahead, have one for free, say la vie, fine by me...) But, be thankful that there are RULES and STRICTURES and DECORUM and arbitrary conditions of all kinds... to rail & flail AGAINST! We cannot imagine that we are... brave and outrageous OUTLAWS, unless... there are... LAWS, to oppose all out, in the first place, yes? Battlefront, in any supposed shape or manifestation, is... NOT the ENEMY. They have provided a forum platform, GRATIS. It's enough. It has to be.
  22. Ah, likely true... more than a few... more than... one or two. The trouble comes when you have to Check into... Heartbreak Hotel... Or, arrive there by way of... Thunder Road... Where the hogs & hot-rods & super-modifieds Make of... easy-living, a modified hell. But, best to avoid Blind Alley... If it is possible, and yet... part of the fun Is seeing if you can... find your way Back to the... House of the Rising Sun! And, Strawberry Lane can explain Some of the mystery... of the passing quite strange. Now, I'd like to say, I'm on... Easy Street, But that would be a lie, So, let's just say... my last refuge, my House on Haunted Hill... Keeps... the thrill... alive! :eek:
  23. Shaka, I am well aware of the excellent work that you and Arby and others have already done in regard to unit capabilities/limitations and the like. What I meant was... analysis of data in regard to... WHICH MOD... is most balanced? Surely by now there would be CONSENSUS on what that would be... and this is paramount... WITHOUT ANY BIDDING necessary. A Mod that you can play from the very beginning, that requires NO house-rules and NO bidding. I would agree with JJ that Bill Macon's Mod is quite exemplary. However, we would need 8 or a dozen players to test it and determine if it WITHSTANDS the rigors of... many and assorted strategies and quite unique "player quirks" etc. I would truly like to see this happen... some SC Board Consensus on the most balanced head to head Mod... AND, if possible, the same for a solo game played at a particular standard. The question remains... can it, and should it be done?
  24. Unqualified... yes! Taking into account Mr Bill's cautionary warning that the existing Code may not easily allow it. At the least... so that we might edit ALL Countries on the board, if nothing else. :cool:
  25. WOW! This idea is new to me... don't believe I've ever seen it posted before. It is one (... of several) really great solution to the "too-too powerful" Air Fleets dilemma. :cool: A player would have to seriously consider pulling all chits out of Air research, once L3 has been reached, else they would lose their advantage, AND it would allow the laggards to catch up and recover... to the extent that the middle to end game would more closely resemble actual historical incident... with the Axis having the early advantage, and the Allies eventually turning the corner and achieving parity (except for the variability in experience). Or, they could keep the increased striking power at the expense of better range, as suggested. And, it would keep Air Power within the bounds of reasonably expected results. No longer would those L4-5 AFs inflict massively excessive damages! But, it wouldn't allow Jets AND Prop planes to co-exist... UNLESS, you could continue to build L3 Air even though L4-5 Jets had been attained? Perhaps the unit purchase table could... somehow SPLIT at that point... and not until that point...into 2 separate categories, Jets and Props? And, the Long Range would differentially apply to each of the 2 categories? Well, no doubt we will have a somewhat modified Tech Table in SC2, and hopefully a much more comprehensive one (... perhaps even 3 separate categories... Fighters and Tactical Bombers and Jets), but this idea would go a long way toward solving the Air problem... here and now. :cool: I wonder... could it be done easily and without undue coding difficulties?
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