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Boo Radley

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Posts posted by Boo Radley

  1. Originally posted by Yeknodathon:


    Turn 16, sixteen, XVI... SIXTEEEEEEEEEEN, 1-and-then-a-6, in between 15 and 17, SIXTEEN AND NOT FIFTEEN.


    I swear, I send him these things, I don't know what he does with them, maybe forwards them in some evil chail letter scam. Right now, somewhere in Wales, there's some tired old pensioner expecting a response from his dating service and instead he's looking at something titled Boo_Yeknod_0016. Makes you want to cry, don't it?

    Originally posted by Lars:

    Right after I figure out how to stick Seanachai with the dinner check.

    You guys are actually going out in public to eat? With other humans in the same room? Not something I'd care to see.

    I don't know why, but I had this vision of Seananchai in the kitchen, baking all day. Maybe making a vat of chili. Later on after everybody had slipped into their 'jammies, they'd sit on the floor in front of a roaring fire...hopefully contained in the fireplace, but who knows...maybe a big tray of 'Smores on the floor in front of them...amusing games involving shadow puppets...maybe Twister...until, all tuckered out by their big day, they all gently fell asleep. Shhhh...very quietly now...I'll leave the door cracked a bit and leave the night light on in the hall...shhh.

    (...they're so cute when they're this age, aren't they?...)

    [ April 06, 2002, 09:11 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

  2. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    That's right, folks, it's another Meeting of the Peng Challenge Thread Seniours!

    At this gathering, we shall discuss many weighty matters.

    OK, that explains it! I was watching the weather this morning (Doppler 5 is on your side!)and there was a huge unexplained warm front centered over Minnesota. It wasn't a warm front at all. It's just a huge mass of hot air! I feel so much better in knowing that.

    p.s. You realize that we're going to have to see photos of this...this...words fail me.

    [ April 06, 2002, 03:39 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

  3. OK, just got back in from an evening of beers and video golf, let's see how little sense I can make, shall we?

    Oscillating Jeff and I are two thirds through our little match up from hell and we're both staggering around the countryside not unlike Rocky and Apollo Creed in the last round of Rocky 1. If any of you out there would like to play the parts of Talia Shire and Burt Young, raise your hands. I sort of figured Joe Shaw would make a spiffy Burgess Meredith.

    Crodaburg starring the ever popular R_Leete is in a word...awful. If by some Frankensteinian method,this battle were to be made into a human being, it would be so beat up, so bedraggled, so ridden hard and put away wet, it would make Keith Richards look positively "dewy". The battlefield is so littered with armor, it looks like downtown Beirut.

    Have I made my point clear?

    Don Quixotethon and I are actually playing two games, did you know that? That's twice the frustration for half the price! He sends me a move one or twice a week. I respond. It's like that. Check back with me around June, we may have traded gunfire by then.

    Oh, I see by my e-mail indicator that I have a new move by AJ! That's either Aus machen Jeff or Al Jereau. Anybody want to give me odds? To paraphrase Dorothy Parker, let's see "what fresh hell this is."

    By now (pay later).

  4. Are you just telling them about it or have you had them over to the house to show them what it's all about? You need to remember that visual aids are good! You know, " A picture is worth...blah, blah, blah."

    If you can't actually show them the game while it's running, print out some screen captures of some devastating arty hits, or maybe a Sherman bursting into flames.

    Visual carnage is always a strong selling tool.

  5. Originally posted by Croda:

    Those of you with smart comments can keep them to yourselves. Those of you with dumb comments are better off keeping them to yourselves too for a change.

    So, in other words, my liege, I assume that the line I was going to post , asking in a most incredulous manner, about how they actually allowed you to breed, would not be kindly met?

    OK. Not to worry. You'll hear no such thing from this quarter.

    p.s. Bring me back something nice, if there is such a thing in Philthy-delphia.

  6. Originally posted by Croda:

    But, squire, you have fulfilled your quest for today. Now go make fun of Pondscum some more, and have at Hiram too while you're at it.

    With ease, my liege! It's no problem taunting the likes of Puddle Froth. Shoot, the stuff practically writes itself, but I don't know Hiram all that well. I don't have a hook for him yet. What's his shtick? Is he really, really cheap? Does he sew oilskin pockets in his pants so he can steal soup? Does he think he looks good in a thong? How about musical taste? Is he a (shudder) devotee of barbershop quartets? Does he believe Shemp was the funniest Stooge.

    Throw your poor squire a bone, M'Lud.

  7. Originally posted by Persephone:

    Our very own Kanniget Pondscum was accidentally mistaken for the "Crazy Smiley Bandit" and was arrested. (Hey Pondscum, you really shouldn't smile when your in a police lineup.)



    If you look at this normally, Pondslum's head seems a wee bit large for his whisper thin body. If you squint it just looks like the Talking Heads have fallen on hard times. If you close your eyes and look at it, you can just about stomach it.
  8. Originally posted by Croda:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

    [QB]Through the smoke of my burning armor,

    I behold your seemingly unnattainable escarpment.

    It wounds me to see such carnage in such a picturesqe local.

    The ancient crennelated stone has been attacked

    like a tiger ripping silk.

    Dear God, the very rocks seem to bleed!

    Locale has an 'E' at the end of it, you putrescent bag of Hiram-refuse!

    Too thiink thet yoo wood inslut mee witth uh mis-spellling!!!</font>

  9. Originally posted by AussieJeff:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Not that I don't find you almost sickeningly cuddly looking.

    Yeknod, you've been away too long...now Seanachai is hitting on Boo Radley...you've got to claim back your Gnome before it's too late.


  10. Originally posted by Croda:

    Squire -

    I demand a post of considerable length extolling the virtue, excitement, and sheer depth of pleasure of Crodaburg™. Use big impressive words so that the Aussies don't know what you're talking about.

    Do it right, and I will set you up to play dalem which guarantees you a win against an established (if earless) kanigget.

    As you wish, my liege. But I cannot speak of the Crodaburg that was, I must speak of the Crodaburg that is, even now haunting my mind as it haunts my computer.


    Crodaburg, my Crodaburg!

    In sheer majesty you came to me.

    In sheer size you dominated all about you.

    From the depths of your mine-strewn wetlands

    to the craggy heights of your mortar’d woods,

    I have known you.

    Through the smoke of my burning armor,

    I behold your seemingly unnattainable escarpment.

    It wounds me to see such carnage in such a picturesqe local.

    The ancient crennelated stone has been attacked

    like a tiger ripping silk.

    Dear God, the very rocks seem to bleed!

    There is beauty yet in your shattered visage,

    And a strength, and a purpose

    Although one that is not to be divined by the likes of me.

    I hold not still your flag and the croakers say

    I’ll yet rue the day.

    If I do fail

    If the moving hand must write of me

    "Mene tekel upharsin",

    It shall not be for lack of will

    Nor from Chance’s fickle gaze

    But simply “it was not meant to be.”

    But to you sweet, sweet Crodaburg I cry,

    Nos morituri mortem salutamus, Ave!

    Sorry my liege, but even though it was off the top of my head, it came straight from the heart.

  11. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Ohmigod, it's 'EveryOaf'. Useless sod must be about as tall as Bauhaus and even more freakish looking.

    Still, his open mouthed, wild haired look of wonderment betokens the good heart that many simpletons posssess.

    Pity Croda got a hold of him. Corrupt whatever child-like innocense is left, most likely.

    I don't think of myself as being overly tall, but to a vertically challenged person, say a Gnome perhaps, I might seem larger than life. As Miles Gloriosus said, "Stand back everyone. I take large steps."

    And by the way, thank you for your enlightening translation. After reading it, I realized that there went another few minutes of my life that I would never get back.

    [ April 03, 2002, 08:48 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

  12. Originally posted by Croda:

    Is that a cat standing on your shoulder?

    I hate cats.

    But My Liege-er suitedness, they've always spoken so highly of you! It could be your cologne, "Eu de Smelt" that makes you so attractive to them. Either that or your mouse-tache.

    ( I'm really sorry about that mouse-tache line. It just stinks on ice, but I'm in a rush and I've got a ton of stuff to finish before I leave today, so I just blurted out the first thing that came to mind. I'm sorry, let's just get over it and get on with our lives, OK?)

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