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Boo Radley

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Posts posted by Boo Radley

  1. Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

    Me mortars go plink, plink, plinkety plink.

    Me mortars go plink, plink, plinkety plunk.

    Me mortars go plink, plunk, plinkety plink

    And then me mortars hit somefink.

    Don't mind me, I'm not disturbing the calm?

    Yeknod Mono-drone de Lurk

    Oh, quit flapping your gums, change out of that stained house coat and send me a move or two.
  2. Originally posted by Noba:

    An update.

    Boo is calmly walking where no twerp has gone before...straight into Gerbil-induced heaven.

    Even StuG's take out his armour.


    Fine, just bloody, blasted FINE! I haven't even been home to check for myself, I have to learn about the deaths of my brave tankers here in the 'Pool for cryin' out loud. Have you no sense of dignity sir? Have you no ethical center? Have you no shrimps to barbie, for God's sake???

    Will no one deliver me from this Big Aussie git?!?

    Fair dinkum, indeed. I got your fair dinkum right here, pal!

    Must be calm, must be calm, must recite my mantra...


  3. Originally posted by Noba:

    (And keep sending lone squads to the Gerbil meat grinder, we like it that way. 26 lost men...to THREE !)Even Seanachai, (who owes a turn this way) was not that pillockey.


    Yeah, yeah, yeah. So you won that little encounter. You're great, I stink. You rule all. I guess that makes you the Bossa-Noba. I've been waiting to use that.

    On to other bits of mayhem:

    Crodaburg the CrapFest is grinding on and on. After softening it up with tons of arty fire, I'm starting to gain the top of the hill. R_Leete asked me "Are we almost there yet?" We're on like move 15 of a 50 move game. I predict much pain in the future. Soon we'll have to call him D_Leete

    The game that Berli-esque and Goannabannana devised for Yeggnogg and I is totally confusing. Are we even on the same map? Are his men disguised as trees?

    As for the other game I'm playing with his Equinness, he keeps dropping little tiny mortar shells on me head. I hates it.

    Shocked Monkey is on vacation for the next week, so I won't be able to mop up the country side with him for awhile.

    And that's it, boys and girls.

  4. Originally posted by Noba:

    I hate that!

    I nick off to the ablution block, and two peanuts slip in posts before you can wash yer 'ands.

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />....he's been shelling an unoccupied stretch of land for the last three turns, I don't know why.

    We shell 'cos we see sneaking enemies to kill. It's only empty now because you ordered your troops into the barrage thinking the dirt flying around would make good cover ! They died !


  5. Originally posted by AussieJeff:


    <SMALL>[Not edited out of pure spite]<BIG>[/QB]

    Has anyone else noticed a huge lack of content coming from our friends "down under"? Maybe it's because they spend all day upside down where seasons are reversed and dingos steal babies. It must be like living in the Bizarro universe of Superman comics, that's all I can say.

    And speaking of Ozztralians, The battle begun not so long ago with Ossified Jeff is down to it's last few moves. This is the battle where we were both forced to fight with Green troops and if there more than 5 individuals on that battlefield who aren't either panicked or routed, they must be up in the trees. I see a draw in the offing.

    As for SNoball, we finally made contact in the center of the map where he, in a most gamey manuver, destroyed one of my squads down to the penultimate man by having twice the number of troops in the area. I hates him already. On the upside, for some reason he's been shelling an unoccupied stretch of land for the last three turns, I don't know why. Some new strategy that will make me believe that if he's shelling it, it must be valuable...?

    Out of time right now, will report on others later.

  6. Originally posted by Mace:

    liar, liar, pants on fire.

    Gog and Magog have been hanging out in Melbourne for the past century.


    Dear, Sweet Mother of all that's good and pure, what in tarnation (or any nation) IS that???

    Some sort of weird, Australian (sorry for the redundancy there) BIBLICAL THEME PARK???

    Perhaps a restaurant which serves Manna-burgers? A David and Bathsheba Honeymoon Get-away? A Parting of The Red Sea Spa? (Say that out loud, it's fun!)

    There, I think I'm tapped out. Ooh wait! One more! Samson's Tonsorial Shoppe and Body Sculpting Gym?

    There, now I'm done.

  7. Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

    Only punks start out a sentence with "actually"

    It's a fact.

    Only someone with the personality of a drunken door-to-door spats salesman, who, even though it's the 21st century, still believes that there's a market out there somewhere if he only perseveres, quotes unsubstantiated facts.

    I surmise.</font>

  8. Originally posted by Michael Dorosh:


    Has anyone had tremendous luck playing the defending side of Attack Quick Battle scenarios (against human opponents)?

    NO! I just finished a PBEM where I was the defender and I couldn't believe how vastly outnumbered I was by both men and materiel. I was fortunate that my opponent had gathered the bulk of his forces in an area that I had targetted with arty, so I was able to give him some serious losses, but the outcome was inevetable. He chewed me up and spat me out.
  9. Well, it should be around 10:30 or so where they are. They'll just be crawling out of bed,staggering into the bathroom feeling as if something unclean had died in their mouths overnight. Wondering how that pair of underwear got up on the ceiling fan...too afraid to ask how all that clown make-up got smeared all over the pillow cases.

    Berli & Persephone wondering which of them ordered the 15 large anchovie pizzas at 3 AM...and why.

    The Justicar is looking at his new tattoo of Tattoo, from Fantasy Island and is oddly disturbed because he so much preferred Mr. Rourke.

    Lars has found himself in Tiajuana wearing nothing but pasties and wingtips.

    dalem can't understand how every single pocket in all of his clothing came to be full of Milk Duds, and

    Seananchai is looking over the remains of his living room wondering if he should start cleaning or if it would just be wiser to torch the place, sow salt on the earth and look for greener pastures.

    In other words, business as usual.

  10. Originally posted by Michael emrys:

    I remember reading a long time ago that it was customary in some place for people to build their dwellings above the barn so that the heat generated by the bodies of the livestock would help keep their homes warm. Don't remember where exactly this was, but it sounds vaguely Scandanavian somehow.


    Yeah, it was quite common up at least to the 12th century all over Northern Europe.
  11. Originally posted by flamingknives:

    I believe that the Swiss have a Navy. I'm sure you could hire one of their ships to carry out your genocide against cows (bovicide?) smile.gif

    I have two questions:

    A) Why do the Swiss have a navy?

    2) In "The Sound of Music", Capt. Von Trapp is in the Austrian navy. Austria is a land locked country. Why do they have a navy?

    Seriously, I think the marker idea is pretty spiffy. I'd love it just for the ability to take screenshots without the markers showing up all over the place.

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