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Boo Radley

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Posts posted by Boo Radley

  1. OK, here's how things stand:

    No-Bait -- after a dozen or so turns I think I hear his armor clanking to and fro in some nearby fields...and maybe some drunk Germans singing "Lilly Marlene", but that could just be the wind.

    Yeggnoggathon -- after several months of waiting, i begin to feel the piter patter of his mortar fire on me head.

    Monkey-Boy -- a rather nasty turn of events. My panzershreck missed six times in a row and he was able to knock out my armor with one lucky shot. It's now up to my foot sloggers to win the day.

    Cross-eyed Jeff -- didn't send me a turn yesterday. He's no doubt cowering under a billibong somewheres.

    R_Leete -- also hasn't sent a move in several days. I'm feeling quite shunned.

    I guess that's about it. Oh wait...something a certain Wild Dude wanted me to do...where is it..? I had it here in one of my pockets...maybe...oh, right!


    I believe this is what you were looking for, M'Lud?

  2. Originally posted by Wildman:

    Ah, Boo (not bolded because not only do I not care if your a squire or serf, but I don't feel like reviewing past MBTs to find out) you know so little, yet you preen so often.

    Go ye and harken to the first Mother Beautiful Thread lost upon ages of yore. Seek ye the truth and then ye shall desire nothing more that to gouge your eyes out of their sockets.

    Go ye in search of hamsters, wombats, and Giant Otters. Then ye too will understand the ranting of the fake Scots man.

    I give thee one clue to start thy journey into the darkness...

    Aiken is a bloody, sissy POM

    Now go and come back victorious or return on your shield, and pass me an ale before ya go lad. Be good to an aging knight.

    Boo Radley, squire to Croda The Colorfully Attired at your service good Sir Kanniggit. So you want me to search for the Genesis Thread, that which is only spoken of in hushed terms by ancient mages and wizards most fearful and wizened.

    It would be my most supreme pleasure.

    But know this. I do it not out of deference to you, Sir Wild Turkey Man. I do it because I'm going right by there anyway. We're all out of rye bread and I feel the need for a Yoo-Hoo.

  3. Originally posted by OGSF:

    noo bae tellin' mae aboot tha broon stained marsh-mallow tea bagged Sassanach Thomas bleedin' Atkins bastaarrrds wha' die lak span'l poots o'er a candle-lit birrrthdee cake!


    See, I got everything except this part. I was actually, through copious amounts of toil and sweat and screwing my face into all sorts of contortions while my tongue hung limply over my lower lip, able to understand the gist of the diatribe. (I minored in haverin' in college, you see.)

    But this...he's either upset that some small dog relieved itself on top of his birthday cake or it's a coded message for help.

  4. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    Ah, Mace, 'snow' is a wonderous substance!

    It's as white as the purest lamb's fleece, and as soft as the softest lamb's fleece, and floats down from heaven as softly as angel's tears, and dances on the wind like eiderdown, and turns every landscape into a magic kingdom of beauty and wonder, and melts on your face like a kiss from the wind.

    And it covers every sodding surface at least 6 inches deep every f'ing time it snows, and it all has to be removed from every bloody public walkway, and it's six times heavier than the heaviest sin, and causes innumerable car accidents every time it shows up, and several fatalities, between the car wrecks and the heart-attacks suffered while shoveling it, and it remains magical, and beautiful, if for no other reason than it will never, ever sully itself by falling on Australians.

    Standing, applauding with tears flowing freely down his cheeks like crystal clear water from sun warmed icicles.

    Beautiful, just beautiful Seananchai! Boy, for a midwesterner, you sure talk pretty.

    It's hard to believe that all that could come from someone who's sole literary touchstone was Gold Key Comic Books.

    I stand in awe of your talent, but then again I'm not the sharpest knife in the drawer.

  5. Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

    Just my point, obviously emotionally challenged, no grasp of reality and... (sigh)... little appreciation for true refinement and genius that cannot be rushed.

    Does one gulp champagne? Does one scoff truffles? Does one rush a Julie Andrews song? Of course not, one has to wait and savour the crumbs that MIGHT come from my table.

    Oh, I suppose I'll have to throw the baying rabble a morsal or two just to keep 'em quiet.

    Yeknod Mono-drone de Lurk

    Sigh. Where do I start with this guy? It's like talking to my cat. I could start by saying that you probably went to school on the little bus, but I doubt that the idiom would translate well. How about saying that I can't imagine you attending a college that didn't have the words "Beauty" or "Clown" preceeding it.

    Genius? Refinement? Champaign? Julie Andrews? Ah, Yeknod. Whatever shall I do with you? One or two things come to mind, but they both require power tools. But you, I think, require a more low-tech approach. Perhaps something as simple as some strong clothes line and a sack full of brass doorknobs. I am nothing if not inventive.

  6. Originally posted by Croda:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

    Boo_Radley – V2 Not much to report. Lots of Julie Andrews songs. Just a point, Boo needs to be a little quicker with the turns. I hope his Liege is taking note.

    Oh, are you two playing?

    How nice.

    Boo, you will bring me all the cabling which makes up his lymphatic system and you will string it upon my roof like gleeful holiday lighting.


  7. Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

    Boo_Radley – V2 Not much to report. Lots of Julie Andrews songs. Just a point, Boo needs to be a little quicker with the turns. I hope his Liege is taking note.

    Yeknod Mono-drone de Lurk

    What? I mean, WHAT??? You've been on holiday for the last two weeks, ya git, AND you owe me turns. Turns for two (2) separate games!

    So no more of your obfusticating! No more of your skittering off to enjoy yourself. No more of this "Ooh, Mummy, Mummy, I don't want scones for tea" kind of attitude. Post your turns now, lad or I'll make a mule of you!

  8. Originally posted by Noba: March 31, 2002 11:36 PM                 


    Originally scrawled byBoogerBoy



    CarNoba Polish must be playing on another map as I haven't seen hide nor hair of his Aryan wunderkinds. I'm somewhere in France and I believe he's just outside Downer's Grove, Illinois.


    Dork. Think one word. CANNAE. ok ?

    And that's Vic. Park, you goose.


    "CANNAE"...? I don't know, can ya? Sorry, couldn't resist.

    And Vic. Park...what? That's someplace down near Billabong Blvd. that I should've heard about?

    Obviously you must be a "Beagles" supporter.

    Oh and by the way, that's MISTER Dork to you!

    [ April 01, 2002, 10:22 AM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

  9. Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

    I wait for turns and grow sad because I know that Monday is waiting for me. I will open my eyes and know the horror that is a Monday morning. I know that sometimes the anticipation of pain can be worse than the pain...but I do remember Monday's past and I wake in cold sweats. Let me mourn for the Monday that is to be and the Saturday that was. I don't fear for my sanity because I'll gladly lose it if it removed the sting of the Monday upon my bare soul. I won't trouble you any further. Go about your business and pretend that you don't fear the first day of the week. Laugh when Monday kicks me in the hindquarters and steals my cup of coffee. I do hope you enjoy yourselves out there in Peng land. Don't mind the sad and desparate weeping coming from New Jersey because of the imminant arrival of a Monday. I won't say "Selah" cause that's just gay.

    Monday in New Jersey AND April Fool's Day to boot. Tsk, tsk, tsk. Think this just might drive you insane? Well, Godspeed.
  10. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    SEGUND, not all elevations to Squiredom are without merit, though the recent crop is greatly disappointing.


    Well, you've certainly put a stool down next to this thought and milked it for everything you could get out if it.

    Can we be blamed if we in our desolation attempt to merely emulate the great and grand Ka-Niggets we see strewn around us in huge dissolute piles like flotsam and jetsam, like wrack and ruin, like Minneapolis and St. Paul?

    We seek wisdom in Algonquinesqe bon mots, but are given large beery men in strappy t-shirts and faded boxers covered in what we hope are mustard stains.

    It is to weep.

    Now, lest I forget:

    I have no idea when Yegg-nogg will be returning from holiday, so the games we are engaged in are on indefinite hold.

    I haven't received a turn from R-Leete since he found out he may have to become Seanachai's scapegoat, er...squire.

    CarNoba Polish must be playing on another map as I haven't seen hide nor hair of his Aryan wunderkinds. I'm somewhere in France and I believe he's just outside Downer's Grove, Illinois.

    Shock-the-Monkey and his digital dervishes unexpectedly ran into a problem in a patch of woods on my right flank. The problem consisted of a bunch of my rested Panzergrenadiers.

    Ozzie and Harriet's kid Jeff is using a two pronged attack on my British stalwarts. One prong is rushing straight into my minefields and Vickers, while the other prong exits the right side of my map in an attempt to rush me from behind. I actually could lose this one because it's hard to input orders when you're falling down laughing.

    Happy Easter and Sod Off.

    [ March 31, 2002, 06:18 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

  11. Originally posted by R_Leete:

    And knock off the bolding, dammit. I is a serf.


    The Justacar hisself said that bolding among the lower classes was discretionary and I did it out of some obviously misguided attempt to show you a portion of respect due to the interminable time you've languished here in the thread with absolutely no station whatsoever.

    Whatever was I thinking?

    As for the miscount on the damage done, you're entirely right. It was very poor observaton skills on my part. I really have no excuse either...well...other than the fact that I was laughing so hard I nearly wet my pants.

  12. Originally posted by Persephone:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

    I'm sitting here in front of my computer (obviously) looking at an old stock photo of the Cleaver family. There's Ward, the patriarch, June, always smiling. Wally, trying so hard to be an adult and the Beav, a bundle of trouble just waiting to happen. As I sit and ponder the photo, I come to the realization that June Cleaver is a babe.

    Hey Boo Hoo...just some friendly advice...maybe you're the one who really needs to cut back on the medication.


  13. Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

    Oh, come on! Not even any of the SSNs are going to take a crack (hhhhuuhuhuh... I said, "crack") at that one? Even if he is a grog who obviously left it out there on purpose in some misguided... well, something. I can't believe some of you have suddenly developed standards, so I'll take it as further proof you're all a lot of useless, sodding idjits.

    Sorry, but some things are just WAY too easy.

  14. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

    Meaning absolutely no disrespect, Dear Persephone, but you may want to cut the medication in half from now on.

    Just a suggestion, you understand.

    Ahem. The dear Persephone, who has brought us all much mirth, shown mercy to some of our less deserving lackwits, and who, like that Goddess of the Seasons who regulates the excesses of her Evil Husband, adds that touch to the Thread that keeps us from billowing testosterone poisoning, is quite right in whatever she says, should it be even just monosyllables regarding fish.



    That I should live so long, to see this sort of dis-service done. Mind, it's woken me up a bit. Been in a bit of decline.</font>

  15. Originally posted by R_Leete:

    Quick update:

    [qb] Crodaburg, otherwise known as "how not to attack fortified positions": The German reinforcements have arrived. Boo Radley is not pleased, to say the least. I'm beginning to see your creative genius, Sir Croda .

    I was extremely angry when I saw those four Panthers show up out of nowhere. Then I was surprised that R_Leete (who likes Cream-o-Wheat) brought them out of hiding right next to some of my 'Zooks. Now I'm only half as angry.

    BTW, R_Leete, did you say "reinforcements" or "smoking debris"?

  16. Originally posted by Noba:

    Boo said

    Noba-pain, Noba-gain says I'm gamey because I ordered fog. I can see where this is going.

    Of course I said it's gamey. You forget to mention that you didn't mention..(to me) about the fog at purchase time. Swine.

    Oh my...I'm sorry...(snigger)...Did you just buy two HT's (titter) and spend the rest of your money on artillery?...(chortle)...You have NO idea how that makes me feel (wipes tears from eyes), but you did say "the gamier the better" did you not?

    My Gebirg-whatsits will fix you good.

    Threatening me with your gerbils, are you? If I had a horse, I'd horsewhip you for that!

    I know where it's going as well. Meet you at the flags.

    I'll wear a white carnation so you recognize me

  17. OK, here's all the news that printed to fit:

    R_Leete of the size 14 feet has finally got his system back up and running, and that's just what his prancing Aryans are doing too. Fleeing swiftly from the advancing juggernaut of my fresh-faced apple pie lovin' 'Mericans. Well, exept for those 9 or 10 tanks that are kind of on fire and the several squads that have decided that discretion is indeed the better part of valor.

    (Added later that same evening)

    Just got done with a turn when I happened to notice that the hateful R_Leete pulled 3 or 17 Panthers onto my left flank where he had them parked off the map since the beginning of the game. I think I hear a fat lady singing. BTW, I hates R_Leete to pieces.

    Australopithicus Jeff should go back to throwing bones in the air in the hopes that they will turn into spaceships, as his Volkspappy's trifocals keep fogging up and they wander off into my minefields.

    Sock Punky Brewster is pulling off a very sweet end run on my right flank and has succeeded in knocking out two of my HT's and a HMG that decided to flee right into one of his squads. I'm still waiting for the rest of his armor to show up. I don't think I'm going to like it much.

    Donquixote-thon is unfortunately MIA...AGAIN.

    Noba-pain, Noba-gain says I'm gamey because I ordered fog. I can see where this is going.

    [ March 26, 2002, 10:24 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

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