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Boo Radley

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Posts posted by Boo Radley

  1. Originally posted by AussieJeff:

    Boo-Radley Is still a gamey bastiche who thinks he is clever because the AI picked two ruddy Hetzers for him and a Humber AC for me. So guess who's winning? I hates him and shall send forth a plague of infantry to mop him up. Perhaps in the next scenario. Bastiche.... {oh, did I mention he is a BASTICHE?}


    Oh, here we go again. Are you never going to stop whining about my two Hetzers? And why don't you tell the fans in the studio audience the truth. "A Humber for you"? Is that all you had? Jest one lil ol' Humber to my TWO big, ol' nasty Hetzers? I thought it was one Humber and three Stuarts. At least that's what it looks like I shot up. Maybe one of the Stuarts is a Humber, I don't recall. I just blows them up when I sees them.

    What next? Will it be my two Hetzers against his blindfolded, legless Chihuahua named Cyril? Where does it all end?

  2. Originally posted by dalem:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by OGSF:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

    Hey, Sir MacCauleyCulkinStarsInHomeAloneXXVAdventuresInTheRetirementVilliage, I sent you a set up a week ago. Are you too busy rinsing out your delicate underthings to send it back,or did the sheer horror of it send your boney knees to knocking ?

    Ye'll get yer stankin' setoop back whain Ah'm ready, ye swollen bellied snot gobbler!</font>
  3. Originally posted by OGSF:

    As at gamey fer mae tae advance towarrds tha enemy backwards wi' ma feckin' kilt pulled oop o'er mah haid? As playin' feckin' CM gamey? As at gamey tae refuse tae let tha other useless bastarrrd shoot ye daid? As at gamey tae use sharp shooters tae flush oot tha enemy, ainstaid o' advancin' mah whole damn arrrmy aintae every stankin' ambush wi' noo warnin'? As at gamey tae recon for'd wi' less than feeve Armoured Cars at a teem? As at gamey afn' ye didnae taill ye spotty arrsed opponent aboot every stankin' tactic ye might use afore tha game begins? As at gamey tae attaimpt tae win tha feckin' game?

    Waill......as at???????????

    Gut a bleedin' cod an' stuff at ain yer troose' !!!!

    Hey, Sir MacCauleyCulkinStarsInHomeAloneXXVAdventuresInTheRetirementVilliage, I sent you a set up a week ago. Are you too busy rinsing out your delicate underthings to send it back,or did the sheer horror of it send your boney knees to knocking ?
  4. Originally posted by Slapdragon:

    You need to see the back woods of South Carolina. You know, there is this common scene that from time to time plays out, maybe not as often as in Finland (they are, after all, uber South Carolinians) and maybe it happens less then say a real back woods state like Minnesoota, but figure this one out.

    Brother: "Hey sis, your as good as Mom"

    Sister: "Yeah, that's what Dad says."

    Hey, Lunch Wagon, if a couple in S. Carolina get divorced, are they still cousins?
  5. Originally posted by PondScum:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

    Crodette of the Crodas???

    That's right, little Crudling. And I'm calling you out. Yeknod apparently believes that if he doesn't send me his last turn he won't lose, MrSpkr is vainly trying to get a Hail Mary 'schreck hit before the AI autosurrenders his routed old men, and Goanna wouldn't know a hard disk from a hole in that scaley hissing head of his. In short, there is not enough death and destruction in my inbox. And your liege Croda is a coward and a non-setup-sending swine, so the stomping's going to be on YOUR head.

    Now, all your talk of elan and panache is giving me flashbacks to the quest of my dear departed squirehood, and How I Hated Mon Petite Liege. Therefore, my only condition is that you shall play the French, aka the finessing Fred Astaires, aka the frog in a bucket. And I shall be the Germans, aka the lowland gorillas clubbing baby harp seals, aka the fat boy with a big stick. Send me a setup.</font>

  6. Originally posted by PondScum:

    Finesses all you want, Crodette of the Crodas. While you're busy tap-dancing around and about in the rain, us silverbacks are taking back some nice pelts to the den. Only one previous owner, slightly bloodstained.

    Crodette of the Crodas??? I kind of prefer the title Crodaphile or perhaps Cro-tesque. Little more panache.

    And I hope you and your little silverfish friends have fun in your den.

    What...? OH! Sorry, silverbacks! My mistake. Carry on.

  7. I played a game against the AI last evening. I was given 2 Hummels and 4 20mm AC's. The AI had two Shermans and several Ht's that didn't really figure in. Actually, the only thing that figured in for the Allies was one of the Sherman's.

    This one Sherman knocked out all 6 of my armor. I only got one hit on it early on. I hit a track rendering it immobile. This one tank, nailed everything I had from whatever angle I came at it without moving. I just laughed and laughed. That was one accurate tank.

  8. Originally posted by PondScum:

    Yes, let's all get started on Goanna. Try repairing that CMBO machine a little bit faster, eh? I've got some more Flying Dustbins O' Doom to fling your way.

    Oh, we probably should'nt gang up on Goanna. I mean, the guy's Ozztraylyun, right? That in itself is a tremendous burden. I can imagine that dealing with that harsh reality on a daily basis would turn even a strong, well centered person into the emotional equivalent of a community theatre version of Blanche Duboise, staggering from room to room in a stained housecoat. Tattered slippers shuffling across the dusty carpet, holding the back of his hand to his forehead saying in a voice cracked by madness, "I have always depended on the kindness of strangers."

    Not a pretty sight.

  9. Originally posted by dalem:


    Please add

    Croda - El Supremo Poop-Head of the First Order

    M'Lud Croda. As I am already engaged in battle with that mentally unbalanced Hee-Haw reject known as dalem, is there anything specific you would like me to do to him? Beyond ripping him asunder, that is. That's pretty much a given. Shall I make his defeat as bitter as a salt filled pancake laid upon the body-politic of a great nation? Shall I assemble his cleaned bones into an amusing free-form sculpture? Do you wish him to bring you breakfast in bed dressed in a skimpy French maid's costume?

    Your wish is my command.

  10. Originally posted by Goanna:

    Ahhh, another satisfied customer, wouldn't you say, Berli?

    It's this kind of testimonial that really keeps me in scenario design despite all the other pressures of life. Boo, I think it's time you played "Where Eagles Dare" as the Germans against, say, Croda.

    ...................... BULLETIN..........................

    The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has determined that the maximum safe load capacity on my hinder is 10 persons at one time, unless I install handrails or safety straps. As you have arrived eleventh in line to ride my butt today, please take a number and wait your turn.

    Thank You.

    [ April 30, 2002, 10:21 AM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

  11. OK, kids. I think I've sent out all the moves I owe, but if I've missed anyone, let me know. If any of you hamsters owe me a move -- send it, ya ninnies.

    Where things stand:

    A) EggNoggTelethon- In the game he and I began playing on a whim, we keep trading sporatic gunfire between houses. He attempted to outflank me with a Sherman, but unfortunately, he chose the exact spot where I was attempting to outflank him with my StuG. I got off the first shot.

    Game 2. Devised by Goanna with troop picks by Berli. Just how evil are you guys? We're on move 11 or 12 of a 20 move game and we have yet to run into each other! This game is about as enjoyable as shaving your hinder and squatting in a bowl of gin!

    ix) BlameItOnTheBossaNoba- I've gotta hand it to this guy. Why? I doubt he could find it on his own. No, I kid! Even though he had to give his daughter away in marriage this last weekend, he still found time to continue to kick me all over the map. What can I say? Perhaps a little piece of advice. Don't think of it as losing a daughter, think of it as widening that shallow puddle you call a gene pool.

    QED) Shocked Monkey - We're both almost out of ammo. My UberPixels have taken to fashioning weapons of destruction out of the timid forest creatures found in the nearby woods. We've only got a few moves left. It should be interesting to see what the final score is.

    3.14etc.) Ossler Jeff - He hates my Hetzers and I hate his grotesquely huge arti. It's a match made just a little south of heaven.

    666) dalem - Just getting under way. His forward squad spotted some of my guys and scurried away.

    iiii) SimonizeTheCar - Just getting under way. He'll never spot me in this game. My UberAryans are so damn blonde, they're almost transparent.

    20) R_Feet - We're experiencing some technical difficulties in that our computers hate the Crodaburg scenario. Can you blame them?

    I think that's it.

  12. Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

    Remember when the most magical thing you could find was in your diaper? Think back and remember that tempting white wall in your bedroom. Brown smiley faces would adorn that wall when I was finished. I was the Salvatore Dali of fecal painting back in the day. It was much more water based when I found and consumed the contents of a vaseline jar. The volume of my mother's voice was increased considerably as she did NOT admire my artwork. I would offer some of the paint to her as a peace gift if you will. After the inevitable verbal castigation and cleaning, I was placed in my play pen. I found that I could wedge my enormous head in the floor of the play pen and look very closely at the rug underneath. Unfortunately, I would hear a screeching siren from out there somewhere and I would be plucked from my play pen paradise. More verbal castigation from my red faced mother and then I would be told to "be a good boy". I've tried since then to be "a good boy". Really.

    This was when? Like last week?
  13. Originally posted by Sgt Shultz:

    I get the same thing. It seemed to start after I installed a whole bunch of mods. Removing the CD after start up seems to solve the problem.

    What I may do is remove the last set of mods I installed. All they were were some skins for armor...not that important. Another thing that's interesting is that it only occurs during PBEM plays. If I just play a game against the AI it doesn't happen. Weird, huh?
  14. Originally posted by OGSF:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

    I'm calling you out, Missy.

    *one wildly bushy brow raised above a glaring steely blue eye*

    SNIPPED! Because subjecting anyone to reading that more than once is, I believe, outlawed by the Geneva Convention and besides, I seem to have misplaced my "English to Erzats Scots Gibberish"dictionary. YE BASTARRRD!

    1500 points, attack or defaind, saind at along laddie an' Ah'll sort ye oot agin!


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