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Boo Radley

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Posts posted by Boo Radley

  1. Originally posted by Agua Perdido:

    Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

    U.F.O? That pretty much sucked canal water through a straw.

    I've stood aside from this inane sci-fi prattling long enough. I will not hear of UFO being disparaged, especially by some squirely (not to mention squirrely) idiot who should've been crushed by a giant papier-maiche ham and then shot by Gregory Peck.

    Gerry and Sylvia Anderson's tour de force UFO was nothing less than a grand, operatic vision of a dark future, replete with toy merchandising (I had a friend who had one of the missile-launching APCs, and my brother and I constructed our own rocket-fighter-launching submarines out of Legos, although ours also had design influences from Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea), creepy conspiracies, drug abuse, and moon bases crewed entirely by purple-haired hotties in tight sweaters and silver catsuits (which they switched for silver miniskirts when off duty, of course). A masterful blend of twisty plotting, grown-up themes, loads of toys, and gratuitously sexy costumes--indeed, the apotheosis of Bad SciFi. Repent your evil ways or it'll be another ep of Grogs in Space.

    So, just out of curiosity, how drunk were you when you wrote this? I mean, obviously you were drunk enough to think that U.F.O. was a good program, which means I'm very impressed with your typing skills. In order for me to get that drunk (and we're talking drunk far beyond merely telling every person you see that "I really, really love you man!" and then hurling on your shoes), if I could even see the keyboard, I'd probably just bang some keys randomly and then after my head crashed down on the center of the board, you'd just get 47 pages of the letter "U". One long vowel movement, in other words.

    But wow, you actually sounded faily sober. I applaud you. Now go lie down before you get the "whirly's", ya big nimrod.

    [ April 25, 2002, 03:04 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

  2. Originally posted by OGSF:


    John Pertwee were tha baist bah far!


    Darleks shat fer John Pertwee!!


    Tha Justicar as a Croda stew!


    Ging gang gooly gooly gooly gooly wotcha

    Ging gang goo, ging gang goo!

    Ging gang gooly gooly gooly gooly wotcha

    Ging gang goo, ging gang goo!

    Repeat taill ye bum falls off whain ye stand oop.

    John Wayne ran lak a wee lassie, an' Kirk were a pillock.

    An' here's a wee song tae cheer us all oop...

    CrodaOdour sits ain tha old gum tree,

    Festerin' git o' tha bush as he...

    Laugh CordaOdour! Laugh CordaOdour!

    Gay your life mus' bae!!

    (Noo tha' there's anythun wrong wi' that, eh?)



    I've sat quietly by while the Pool heaps load after load of unwarranted abuse on M'Lud's poor head, knowing that M'Lud Croda is far too humble a personage to respond to such drivel, but in the words of that sage philosopher Popeye, "I've had all I can stands, I can't stands no more!"

    OK, Sir Mac'n'CheeseEarSplittenLoudenBoomerBessYouIsMyWomanNow, you poor, pathetic Irish wannabe, scion of a bunch of thick-browed, hirsute cultural throwbacks who not only willingly eat haggis, but wear clothing more suited for a school for wayward Catholic girls. "Ohh, Ah hope Mither Sooperior dinna fan oot Ah be using me oonderwhare fur a' hanky!"

    The fact that you are descended from a tribe of Irishmen called the Scotti, who, due to their abysmal seamanship skills got lost, landed on the infertile rocky crags to the north of Britain and decided that running around shouting nonsense like, "Och! Me wee bairns," to any sheep in the vicinity seemed like a pretty good way to make a living just adds to the calumny that is you.

    If you're too thick to pick up on this as you sit there combing the sheep-dip out of that thicket you call a beard, I'm calling you out, Missy.

  3. This just started the other day. After I input my moves and hit "GO", sometimes halfway through the movie and at other times right at the end of the movie, I hear the CD "spin up" and the action freezes for 2-3 seconds and then the action resumes.

    I've recently added some mods and I was wondering if that may have something to do with it. But I added the mods a few days before this began.

    Any clues?

  4. Originally posted by dalem:

    Janeway was a walking, croaking, bad hair day. A three-pack-a-day indecisive loser who should've been blown out an airlock at the first opportunity. She obviously slept with someone in Starfleet Central to get a command in the first place, and was equally as obviously atrocious in the sack in the second place to get stuck with a midget ship with stupid warp drive nacelles that rotated back and forth. Hello? Why? Why do they rotate? What possible advantage would you derive by mechanical movement when you can easily manipulate the warp field with stationary nacelles? Why did the show need to be "saved" by a mediocre blond with top heavy accoutrements? Why did they copy Babylon 5 for effects? How can you have a holographic doctor? What? Hello?

    He tasks me this one. Yes, he tasks me. My drear dalem. You have the mind of a four year old child and I'll wager he was glad to get rid of it.

    That you are still prattling your puerile nonsense about the formidable and coquettish Janeway proves to me that you know nothing about the fairer sex. Other than that they frighten you. You fuzzy-cheeked lemur. I would feel pity for you if I wasn't so full of loathing for your very existence.

    Who didn't feel some visceral thrill the first time we saw Janeway on the bridge facing a crisis with her almost more than adequate presence? As she would stand there, feet braced wide apart, fists on hips, head thrown back, chestal region aimed straight forward, who of us didn't almost expect her to sing out, "I'm Hans Christian Anderson! Anderson, that's me!"

    Kirk could have studied at her feet and possibly, possibly learned enough to be able to turn in a performance that didn't leave the bridge knee-deep in turkey feathers. Though I doubt it.

    Oh, and yes, yes, yes, Dr. Who was wonderful and all that but to my mind nothing will ever beat MST3K.

  5. Originally posted by Dave H:

    Is it too late for the forum to get on the heart transplant list?

    You're a cruel, cruel man, Dave H.

    Hiya zukkov. I see you've played RA and I assume RA2. Same here, but once I started with CMBO, I never looked back.

    By the way, if you look upon the boards here as the body of CM, then the Peng thread is indeed the heart, nay...the very soul of the boards.

  6. Originally posted by Hiram Sedai:

    Captain Kirk was cooler than you or I can be in our lifetimes combined. His shirt hardly ever fit him, he wore lifts, and a toopee. But, he was cool. I know your scaley hide. It was you who said we landed on the moon. It was you who started that viscious rumor about Y2K. Your nefarious machinations are known to us. Cease your duplicitious prattling about our beloved Captain/Admiral/Captain.

    I now see why you and Joe get along so well. Hmm...

    Have you gone mad???!! Janeway was an even better captain than Kirk! At least her hair was believable...somewhat.

    That scenery chewing Canadian posing as an Iowan had all the good taste of a Van Halen song fully realized. Watching him mince around the bridge...giving those...vacuous.......speeches...in that...skull-crushingly...annoying manner of his was enough to make any sane human want to clean their ears with an ice pick!

    To this day, I am still flabbergasted that the randy goat-boy's own crew didn't hog-tie him and stuff him down a Jeffries Tube.

    Kirk had all the class and sophistication of a lounge singer, but without the talent.

  7. Originally posted by Croda:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Persephone:

    One fine Monday...Hiram asked Croda if he wanted to go skating. Croda was so excited...nobody would ever play with him except Hiram. Croda was kind of afraid because he had never skated before, so Hiram told him to hold on to the back of his shorts. Hiram started to really pick up some speed and Croda kept begging him to please slow down...


    Was it Steve Martin who said "If I had breasts I'd never leave the house?"</font>
  8. I'm sitting here by the open window, listening to the neighbor children. It's dark outside and I can here their voices from across the street as one of them chants the familiar cadence, "Five, ten, fifteen, twenty..."

    They're playing Hide and Seek.

    Wow, does that ever take me back.

    I remember the last time I played Hide and Seek.

    I think I was, I don't know, twenty-five or twenty-six.

    As I recall, there were police involved...maybe a SWAT team...

    They kept calling for me to "Come out, Come out, wherever you are..."

    But I just hid in the woods and laughed behind my hands.

    Good times, man. Good times.

  9. Originally posted by R_Leete:

    ... Get with the program, you non-gamey, ladder playing type. Next step is grogdom, and you're perilously close, bub.

    Now see? You're not even taunting. Next, you'll be telling me that you're going to "get me at recess".

    And did you call me "bub"? What am I, one of your bulbous, long-neck-swilling teamster cronies?

    And to think that it's come to this after all the good times we've had. It just breaks a guys heart...

    Memories.....like the corners of my head...

  10. Originally posted by R_Leete:

    Okay, Boo i'm not dying fast enough Radley . Are we using the msn account or what? All the email I send keeps bouncing back. The files aren't even that big anymore, due to your never-fecking-ending artillery. Give a guy a dozen F.O.s, and he thinks he has to actually use every last shell. Sheesh.

    Oh, I'm sorry! I was under the mistaken idea that we were each supposed to try to win! Whoa, my bad. If I'd known that you were using the French as your paradigm instead of the Germans, I would be playing in an entirely different manner. I'd still be winning, but perhaps with a bit more elan.

    As for the bouncing...I don't know, the zip file you sent earlier came through without a hitch. MSN blows big chunks, that's all I can say.

  11. Originally posted by R_Leete:

    Updates: none. Wait for your turn, Boo , I'll send it when I'm damn good and ready.

    That's OK, take your time. Draw it out, drag your feet for as long as you want. If you'd rather, you could always just print out the .txt document, mail it to me via 3rd class delivery, then let me input the code myself. Would that pace be more to your liking?

    What's wrong, Bubbeleh? Nasty ol 'Merican army-men, scarin' you bad? Come, sit on tante Boo's lap and tell him all about it.

    Stall as long as you want, I'm here to drink beer and kick German butt and we're all out of beer.

    On a happier note, I'm blowing off work for the rest of the day (neener-neener-boo-boo!), so any of you less cowardly sorts who have sent me files may expect some in return in the next few hours.

  12. Originally posted by Stuka:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

    I think I would rather be forced to sit and watch an endless loop of Brando's huge pallid hinder, undulating in that unbelievably terrifying love scene found in the bottomlessly horrible movie "Last Tango", than have to read Sticky's narcotic induced fever dream again.

    Don't like girls huh?

    Wait a mo', you were the guy standing next to MrSpkr in that trench back in '16 weren't you?

    Just for the record, I loath you. Nothing personal. I just loath you.

    (not that theres anything wrong with that)[/QB]</font>

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