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Boo Radley

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Posts posted by Boo Radley

  1. Originally posted by OGSF


    Ah wid vote fer tha wretched goat stroker tae bae promoted tae Kanneget as waill, despite haim bein' tha squireling tae tha filthy Croda wha' Ah hate an' despise.


    Sir OGSF, Knight Commander of the Order of Robert Burns, Jimmy

    Originally posted by R_Leete:

    I realize, as being just a lowly squire, and to Gnome Seanachai as well, that my vote doesn't count for anything. But I'm a gonna stuff the ballot box anyway. And I'll probably get writer's cramp from forging Shaw's signature, but I can make a hell of a lot of those X's before the quill runs dry.

    Boo_Radley is a lowdown, good for nothing Croda boot licker. In his spare time he touches photos {ewww}, and collects rocks. ("Hey, look! A shiny one! That ought to impress the local bowery boys.") He sends turns far too frequently for any self-respecting 'pooler, and accompanies each and every one with pertinent comments.

    In spite of it all, he continues to post in a generally amusing way, and is continuing to die-a-lot in the most spectacular fashion, al la Croda-bleaurg . I say, knight the smelly bastid already, and be done with it. Such a simple lad will be welcome cannon fodder come the next big crusade.

    Faint praise, yet it thunders in my ears. Let it be known that the love I hold in my heart for all of you is second only to my love for going to a dentist who frequently has blood in his hair, or my love of blue haired ladies that park their grocery carts diagonally across the store aisle while they attemp to determine which brand of Metamucil-type product has the most fiber. Or like the up and coming, fast track, young exec. who cuts me off in traffic because trying to talk on his cell phone, check out his new caps in the rear view mirror and maneuver his Cadillac SUV is far too much for that featureless lump of excreta he has the audacity to call a brain to handle. Not to mention my love for telemarketers who have forced me to screen all calls, thereby making my family think I'm some kind of hermit, paranoid, future pipe bomber...well, they have other reasons beyond the telemarketers to think that, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I'M LETTING THOSE BASTARDS OFF THE HOOK, NO SIRREE! NOT TO MENTION MY DEEP ABIDING LOVE FOR COUNTER PERSONS WHO ASK FOR YOUR ORDER, ONLY TO TURN AWAY AND YELL AT SOME OTHER RHODES SCHOLAR WORKING THE DEEP FRYER, MAKING YOU REPEAT YOUR ORDER AND EVEN WHEN YOU ASK FOR IT "TO GO", THEY'LL STILL ASK IF YOU'RE DINING IN...pant, pant, pant, wheeze...

    Where was I? Oh yeah, I love you all unconditionally even though I trust you all just about as far as I could throw a King Tiger...with my left hand.

  2. Originally posted by OGSF


    Ah wid vote fer tha wretched goat stroker tae bae promoted tae Kanneget as waill, despite haim bein' tha squireling tae tha filthy Croda wha' Ah hate an' despise.


    Sir OGSF, Knight Commander of the Order of Robert Burns, Jimmy

    Originally posted by R_Leete:

    I realize, as being just a lowly squire, and to Gnome Seanachai as well, that my vote doesn't count for anything. But I'm a gonna stuff the ballot box anyway. And I'll probably get writer's cramp from forging Shaw's signature, but I can make a hell of a lot of those X's before the quill runs dry.

    Boo_Radley is a lowdown, good for nothing Croda boot licker. In his spare time he touches photos {ewww}, and collects rocks. ("Hey, look! A shiny one! That ought to impress the local bowery boys.") He sends turns far too frequently for any self-respecting 'pooler, and accompanies each and every one with pertinent comments.

    In spite of it all, he continues to post in a generally amusing way, and is continuing to die-a-lot in the most spectacular fashion, al la Croda-bleaurg . I say, knight the smelly bastid already, and be done with it. Such a simple lad will be welcome cannon fodder come the next big crusade.

    Faint praise, yet it thunders in my ears. Let it be known that the love I hold in my heart for all of you is second only to my love for going to a dentist who frequently has blood in his hair, or my love of blue haired ladies that park their grocery carts diagonally across the store aisle while they attemp to determine which brand of Metamucil-type product has the most fiber. Or like the up and coming, fast track, young exec. who cuts me off in traffic because trying to talk on his cell phone, check out his new caps in the rear view mirror and maneuver his Cadillac SUV is far too much for that featureless lump of excreta he has the audacity to call a brain to handle. Not to mention my love for telemarketers who have forced me to screen all calls, thereby making my family think I'm some kind of hermit, paranoid, future pipe bomber...well, they have other reasons beyond the telemarketers to think that, BUT THAT DOESN'T MEAN I'M LETTING THOSE BASTARDS OFF THE HOOK, NO SIRREE! NOT TO MENTION MY DEEP ABIDING LOVE FOR COUNTER PERSONS WHO ASK FOR YOUR ORDER, ONLY TO TURN AWAY AND YELL AT SOME OTHER RHODES SCHOLAR WORKING THE DEEP FRYER, MAKING YOU REPEAT YOUR ORDER AND EVEN WHEN YOU ASK FOR IT "TO GO", THEY'LL STILL ASK IF YOU'RE DINING IN...pant, pant, pant, wheeze...

    Where was I? Oh yeah, I love you all unconditionally even though I trust you all just about as far as I could throw a King Tiger...with my left hand.

  3. Originally posted by Lorak:

    While I think Persephone is a fine judge of character. I am not so sure of Boo_Radley. I haven't been around enough to judge him (not his fault), but I would prefer a couple more post in his favor. Or against him too...


    Other than the nearby chirping of crickets and the distant sound of artillery, silence dominates the night.

    The Squire, dressed in his least patched homespun has stood diligently all night and is willing to stand for a fortnight if need be.

    But, he feels that it will avail him not.

    Turning away, his head downcast in sorrow, the squire prepares for the long trek home.

    So engrossed in his own sorrow, he is unaware of the person quietly approaching, until that person speaks,

    "All things come to he who has patience."

    Leaping into the air, the squire exclaims: "HOLY CRAP! You damn near gave me a coronary, sneaking up like that! Who the hell do you think you are anyway, Bub?"

    The stranger speaks: "I am the shade of Benjamin Disraeli and I come to tell you that every thing comes..."

    "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I caught that part at the matinee. So this is it, huh? I bust my hump and the best hallucination I can work up is some toffey-nosed git of an ex-PM whose not even American and has less business being here than a blonde hair in a sumo wrestlers diaper."

    "Hey, it's not my fault." countered Disraeli, "I got called in, everybody else already had gigs for the evening."

    Disregarding the remark with a wave of his hand, the squire sneers, "That's a lousy excuse, I think I deserve someone who at least has SOMETHING in common with me!"

    "Oh, sorry, but Maynard G. Crebs had a previous engagement."

    "Oh very, very cute Dizzy-boy. Why don't you take that comment and stuff it in that bag you made famous."


    At which point,Disraeli leaps upon the squire and begins to pummel him with a signed copy of his autobiography.

    "Ow, ow, ow, that's heavy...why did it have to be the annotated version? Ow, ow, ow, it's a good thing I've developed calluses on my head from my lord Croda's gentle ministrations.

    As the former Prime minister chases the squire across the Godot-like landscape, the spring breeze quietly whispers "Sod off."

  4. Originally posted by Lorak:

    While I think Persephone is a fine judge of character. I am not so sure of Boo_Radley. I haven't been around enough to judge him (not his fault), but I would prefer a couple more post in his favor. Or against him too...


    Other than the nearby chirping of crickets and the distant sound of artillery, silence dominates the night.

    The Squire, dressed in his least patched homespun has stood diligently all night and is willing to stand for a fortnight if need be.

    But, he feels that it will avail him not.

    Turning away, his head downcast in sorrow, the squire prepares for the long trek home.

    So engrossed in his own sorrow, he is unaware of the person quietly approaching, until that person speaks,

    "All things come to he who has patience."

    Leaping into the air, the squire exclaims: "HOLY CRAP! You damn near gave me a coronary, sneaking up like that! Who the hell do you think you are anyway, Bub?"

    The stranger speaks: "I am the shade of Benjamin Disraeli and I come to tell you that every thing comes..."

    "Yeah, yeah, yeah, I caught that part at the matinee. So this is it, huh? I bust my hump and the best hallucination I can work up is some toffey-nosed git of an ex-PM whose not even American and has less business being here than a blonde hair in a sumo wrestlers diaper."

    "Hey, it's not my fault." countered Disraeli, "I got called in, everybody else already had gigs for the evening."

    Disregarding the remark with a wave of his hand, the squire sneers, "That's a lousy excuse, I think I deserve someone who at least has SOMETHING in common with me!"

    "Oh, sorry, but Maynard G. Crebs had a previous engagement."

    "Oh very, very cute Dizzy-boy. Why don't you take that comment and stuff it in that bag you made famous."


    At which point,Disraeli leaps upon the squire and begins to pummel him with a signed copy of his autobiography.

    "Ow, ow, ow, that's heavy...why did it have to be the annotated version? Ow, ow, ow, it's a good thing I've developed calluses on my head from my lord Croda's gentle ministrations.

    As the former Prime minister chases the squire across the Godot-like landscape, the spring breeze quietly whispers "Sod off."

  5. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Originally posted by Boo_Radley:

    Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    (Admittedly, there are many who tie you or at least run a very close second...ostensibly, most of the Pool)

    Unfortunately the word you originally used was ostensibly, an adverb that, well, let's let the Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary speak for itself shall we?

    Main Entry: os·ten·si·bly

    Function: adverb

    Date: 1765

    1 : in an ostensible manner

    2 : to all outward appearances

    So, to bring it around full circle (and hopefully end this cuz I'm getting a headache) If I had said:(Admittedly, there are many who tie you or at least run a very close second...to all outward appearances, most of the Pool), i would still have been incorrect, yet the meaning still comes across. Joe, baby, it's effective communication.

    But wait a minute, aren't you a mortgage banker? So somewhat like an attorney, you use words to confuse issues and obfusticate poor, old widow women. Well, your evil powers are USELESS against me. Why? Because I'm functionally ILLITERATE! Ha Ha! I've foiled your nefarious plot again!

    BTW, isn't the word "mortgage" from the Old French, meaning: "pay till you die"?

  6. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />(Admittedly, there are many who tie you or at least run a very close second...ostensibly, most of the Pool)

    Now since Seanachai granted me leave to make up words in the course of my natural and commonplace duties, it just stands to reason that I am also granted leave to point out the errors made by others in their choice of words. This is not, of course, to be compared to the quibble made by Patch nor can it be considered to be a pre-planned stunt since, let's face it, he who wrote the above probably made heavy use of the dictionary just to get through the words with more than two syllables.

    So ... you don't mean ostensibly lad, you may have meant specifically or you may not have had a single clue what you meant and just grabbed a word at random. I suppose we should be glad that it didn't read "(Admittedly, there are many who tie you or at least run a very close second...Neanderthal, most of the Pool)" or even ... gypsum, most of the Pool.

    No extra charge, all part of the service.


  7. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Finallyish, I am about ready to announce the entrance of someone to the CessPool who you'll all learn to hate and detest even more than you hate and detest ME. In fact some of you hate and detest him already.


    Wait a minute. Wait just a darn minute! There's only one entity that I can think of that I loath and detest more than you. (Admittedly, there are many who tie you or at least run a very close second...ostensibly, most of the Pool) But, say it aint so, Joe! You can't be contemplating inviting in the Father of all Lies, The Man-Goat himself, the being who hates all that is good and right in the world...ADAM SANDLER!!!!

    I just don't think I could take it.

  8. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    Secondarilyish I'd like a bit more information about THIS chap: </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />1860 (Alexandria, VA) GGG-Dad. Moved to Ohio later Iowa and started farming. (Lots of relatives in Civil War on both sides).

    I need his full name, name of spouse and any children (if alive in 1880) and the county he was living in in 1880. Don't dawdle lad, time's a wasting.


  9. Originally posted by PondScum:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Croda:

    He has expressed the ability to taunt without the backing of CM-related skill.

    He has sounded off with a pair and has sodded off (in Mace's area I hope) when required.

    He has tackled squirely jousts 'gainst lesser beings.

    ...and he's still too scared to play me.

    Hmmm. Now that I think about it, I'm not sure if that's a vote FOR or AGAINST.</font>

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