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Boo Radley

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Posts posted by Boo Radley

  1. Originally posted by Joe Shaw:

    I have long made a practice of not hassling fellow CessPudlians about spelling or UBB errors, as who among us has not fallen afoul of either.


    In this, I believe I see the Justicar's wisdom.

    If you focus on each and every time a Cesspuddlian, walks out with toilet paper stuck to the bottom of his foot, it detracts from the amount of fun you can have when you catch them in a public place with their breeks at half mast.

    I know it's hard to forego instant gratification, but pleasure postponed is pleasure multiplied.

  2. Originally posted by R_Leete:

    As I haven't had to dodge any globs (yet), no weeping is forthcoming. But the spitballs Boo Radley has been hurling at my pillboxes have made quite the mess. This one's going to alert the EPA, with all those burning tanks of his.

    Too True, too true. The whole valley is beginning to smell like New Jersey and that's never a good thing.

    As for the forthcoming globs, I know that you'll wear them with both pride and distinction now that you've been made serf.

    It was only last week that poor R-Leete was telling me that he felt as shunned as an Amish boy with a nipple ring. Sad, really.

  3. (Transmission begins)

    This just in from the front:


    Third move: One anti-tank bunker and an MB bunker have sustained numerous direct hits, but remain in operation. I've blanketed them with smoke until I can move myself into better positions. The rest of the hillside is strangely...quiet. Too quiet. There's got to be more than this and if there is, it's hidden away in the surrounding woods. God only knows what's waiting in the woods. Gaining the summit will only be the beginning.(Transmission ends)

    Now for a song.

    There were boids on the hill,

    But I never hoid them singing.

    No, I never hoid them at all...

    Till there was youuuuuuuusssssss.....

    My vocal coach was from the Bronx.

  4. Originally posted by Goanna:

    Not likely, Mr. Xia. My dubiousnessosity is derived from the fact that neither of the two neophytes I am preparing a soiree for have provided their selections, one of them clearly can’t tell time and is from {shudder}Ohio{/shudder} (which likely explains the inability to tell time).

    Since the Bard has once again chosen to focus on his last loss to this Australian (loss of employment tends to generate these sorts of spirals into negativity), I could be forced to address his more libellous assertions. However, I will not do so and instead reiterate my offer to him of a thread or so ago to setup a match of his choosing in which I will beat him like my favourite plastic drum of childhood. Now I recognise that his alcohol induced fugue may also leave him bereft of the motivation to generate a scenario of his choosing, so I have sent him a map from the Scenario Depot and a crayon drawing of what do with it. I expect a setup in time for the next ice age.

    Sorry Goanna, it took longer to get rid of the stench emanating from a certain battle (that shall remain nameless) to leave my server.

    Tell you what Goanna, may I call you Goanna? I feel as if I've known you ever so long. I dated a girl named Joanna once, but I don't suppose...no I really don't suppose.

    Tell you what, I will leave the troop displacement entirely in your hands. Why? The knowledge that you are dispassionate in your hatred gives me courage. That and the three beers I've had since walking in the house, that is.

    Almost forgot: CRODABURG The Saga continues: Most of my armor was able to pull out of it's humorous formation and has knocked out several pillboxes and gun emplacements while only losing a handful of Shermans. Most of my opponents troops are either hiding or have no stomach for a fight.

    [ March 18, 2002, 07:03 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

  5. Originally posted by R_Leete:

    Check your email, ya pillock. Your "quality" MSN account wouldn't take the files, and kept returning them to me. Had to split them in two just to get them through. Maybe you could try checking the ol' inbox before spouting off. Nah, too logical to do that, eh?

    OK, Rainman, try to keep up with me here, after all I'm trying to be linear. There. was/were no file(s) in the e-mail last evening. I don't know if there are now, I'm not at home, I'm at the orofice.

    And as for my "quality" MSN account, even though I loathe and despise it almost as much as I do you, chances are the files were deemed unacceptable merely because they originated with you. Have to keep the riff-raff out somehow.

  6. Originally posted by Croda:

    Good, sound, analysis, Squire.

    Now post a sodding report on the progress of your sodding battle at sodding Crodaburg™ before I beat you to death with your own sodding lungs!

    And a good morning to you too. I'd love nothing more than to wax poetic (or even my legs) on how I am totally decimating my unworthy opponent, the indescreet R_Leete, but in the last exchange, he sent me an e-mail but no attachment. It's understandable though, as he emulates Zippy the Pinhead in his daily activities and is more than likely drunk.

    But have no concerns, my liege, my lord and all around spiffy type person, ere long, I will regale you with tales of viscious attacks, brilliant defenses, victories snatched from the jaws of defeat...or not, we'll just have to see how it goes.

  7. So, listen up you two pillocks. You have exactly 14 hours to provide me via e-mail list with 1500 pts worth of purchases that you would like me to place for you. If I have not received your purchases by 0700 AEST on 19 March, I will purchase for you. If you can't talk at one another in the meantime and both send me 1500 pts of Frenchies, I will pick. If you screw up your picks, or I can't figure out what you want to buy from your note, I will modify. You have one chance to get things right.

    All you have to answer is: do you want an angry god, or a happy god?

    Hmmmm...Hairy Thunderer or Cosmic Muffin? You decide.

    I just have one question. What is AEST? Australian Eastern Standard Time? How do you measure that? Do you have clocks down there? Let's see, it's 8:25 Am, Monday, here in God's Little Acre, Ohio. That must mean it's 2 AM on St. Swithin's Day down under. Year of our Lord 1845 Anno Domini.

    I can't tell you what I'd like while I'm here at the office (Mr. Dithers frowns on this sort of thing, don't you know), so I will e-mail you in approx. 10 hours. I realize that it's after your arbitrary 14 hr. deadline, but as I am a solipsist, that deadline started from the moment I saw it.

  8. Originally posted by Goanna:

    I can purchase and place the troops. Are we letting these pillocks buy or is it all {snicker} up to {snorf} me?

    Oh good. I can see this is turning out pretty much as I expected it would.

    I will be given 27 Kubelwagons and an asthmatic dachsund named Basil and my opponent (what was his name again? Asto Boy-Toy or something like that?) will have a dozen Super Pershings and a full symphony orchestra. I believe the phrase I'm thinking of rhymes with "clucking bell".

  9. Originally posted by Croda:


    Yes, he is none other than Boo_Radley. I take him now as my Squire to wait upon me hand and foot and hoof and mouth.

    That being done and done, I suggest a squirely joust between said Boo_Radley (he's a squire now so I can bold his repulsive name) and that TechnoDonkeyFreakAThon character.

    We shall need a map and unit placer type people.

    OH FOR THE LOVE OF PETE!!! I knew my karma was screwed up but this is too much! What's next? A knock on the door from the IRS? Gingivitis? Visiting a proctologist with poor depth perception?

    Now on top of that flaming sack of dog doody called CRODABURG aka"Child's Play XV -- The Formative years", I also have to play some hippie holdout with probably more syllables in his name than functioning brain cells? Ducky. Just bloody ducky. Why don't you have me detail your car while I'm at it? I think I have enough duct tape around here to fix up that 1973 Plymouth Gold Duster of yours...if you ever get it off the blocks.

    OK. I'll do it, but I'm going to be looking for a quick, clean kill. Either that or a slow, messy one. I'm really not that particular.

  10. Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

    Ha, you'd tempt me with dingleberry pie and your Grandma! Right, well lets see how you deal with a spot of mono-dronal lurking.

    Idjit Yeknod

    My Dear Yeknod,

    Reading your semi-literate musings are like massaging my skull with a ballpeen hammer. Why? Because it feels so good when I stop.

    "mono-dronal lurking"I have absolutely no idea where to go with that? Are you pogo-sticking blindfolded through the English language, or what?

    You sir, have the mind of a four year old child and I bet he was glad to get rid of it.

  11. Originally posted by Yeknodathon:

    Eh, what? Translation service? I do that, I do that. Let me have a go.

    Don't saw it orf for a whale.

    Translation: watch him struggle with this hahahahahahahahaaaa *gasp* bwabwabwabwabwa *honk* *honk*

    Idjit Yeknod

    Not even close, Laddie. I'll have you know that I minored in gibberish in high school. What he actually is attempting to say is, "If someone would please give me my car keys, I can go look for my pants ." It's either that or a coded message for help.

  12. Originally posted by Sledge59:


    Don't saw it orf for a whale.

    What? I mean...WHAT? Is this some new way of typing? How are you accomplishing it? Are you sitting at the keyboard with a Penrose sausage stuffed into one nostril and then bobbing your head in a manner not unlike those little plastic birds you perch on the rims of water glasses, or are you merely standing at the other end of the room and pegging oranges at the keyboard in the vain hopes that you'll at least come close to a recognizeable language? If your arty fire is this accurate, let's get a game going soon.
  13. Originally posted by Croda:

    Who among the denizens of the penal colony would dare dethrone me?

    I would, but I just washed my hands.

    I do have a question for you Croda (if that is really your name). How many puppies did you have to kick to get yourself in the mood to devise Crodaburger? Or was it after chugging a really bad bottle of Muscatel? I'd ask you if you "inhaled" but I think we all know the answer to that. Boy, for a guy who used to dance in the flea circus, you really have a nasty streak, don't you?

  14. *Ahem*

    CRODABURGER! Made with absolutely no beef by products and totally inedible.

    Seriously, in whose Frankensteinian lab was this monstrosity created? Even without the name, it bears the dark acidic mark of Croda. Freud had a name for people like you: "Spooky". Talk about good old fashioned nightmare fuel...this has it all. Never before have I witnessed such a blatant show of naked hatred. But that's OK. You want to play hard ball? I can play hardball. By the time I'm finished, there will be wailing and the gnashing of teeth in Crodaburg (town motto: "Hatred is our business...our only business.")

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