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Boo Radley

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Posts posted by Boo Radley

  1. Originally posted by Leeo:

    <big>Hands OFF</big>, Pillock, he's working out something to send to me, you simpleton (Isn't there a village from which you've left the post of idiot?).

    Aw, for cryin' out loud. I must hear at least one derivation of that "depriving some village of it's idiot" line aimed at one or more persons at least a couple of times each thread. But, I guess I shouldn't expect more from someone from OreGomer.
  2. Originally posted by Leeo:

    <big>Hands OFF</big>, Pillock, he's working out something to send to me, you simpleton (Isn't there a village from which you've left the post of idiot?).

    Aw, for cryin' out loud. I must hear at least one derivation of that "depriving some village of it's idiot" line aimed at one or more persons at least a couple of times each thread. But, I guess I shouldn't expect more from someone from OreGomer.
  3. Originally posted by dalem:

    Any of you preverts have good-sized city map for me to set up something with? around 2000-3000 points.

    Oh so this is what you're going to palm off on me? Some travesty designed (Wait, "designed" is the wrong word. It implies careful thought and planning. Maybe "excreted is a better word.) by one of the chowder heads that inhabit this quagmire?

    OK, fine. Bring it on. I've fought in Crodaburg, Jabos! and The Butt-crack of Doom "designed" by Goanna. I'm even playing a nasty litle piece of regurgitated goo by that goofy antipodean, Ostrich Jeff. I think I can handle your set-up.

  4. Originally posted by dalem:

    Any of you preverts have good-sized city map for me to set up something with? around 2000-3000 points.

    Oh so this is what you're going to palm off on me? Some travesty designed (Wait, "designed" is the wrong word. It implies careful thought and planning. Maybe "excreted is a better word.) by one of the chowder heads that inhabit this quagmire?

    OK, fine. Bring it on. I've fought in Crodaburg, Jabos! and The Butt-crack of Doom "designed" by Goanna. I'm even playing a nasty litle piece of regurgitated goo by that goofy antipodean, Ostrich Jeff. I think I can handle your set-up.

  5. Originally posted by dalem:

    My dear mother was never "frightened" by an ape. She's tougher than that. Now, the "three-legged man", was another story altogether.

    I just assumed that, since Seanachai seems to have front-loaded us with some sort of trial for Slap, it had to do with his probable ancestry.

    You bring up a good point. I was under the impression that the trial is about FlackWagon running riot in the outerboards (much like the outerboards are running riot here. Ah, there's irony for you). But perhaps the trial is not so much because of what he's allegedly done, but rather just because he is!
  6. Originally posted by dalem:

    My dear mother was never "frightened" by an ape. She's tougher than that. Now, the "three-legged man", was another story altogether.

    I just assumed that, since Seanachai seems to have front-loaded us with some sort of trial for Slap, it had to do with his probable ancestry.

    You bring up a good point. I was under the impression that the trial is about FlackWagon running riot in the outerboards (much like the outerboards are running riot here. Ah, there's irony for you). But perhaps the trial is not so much because of what he's allegedly done, but rather just because he is!
  7. Originally posted by dalem:

    I would just like to say that I am positive, without a doubt, no possibility of error here, the data all really point to one inescapable conclusion...

    Slapdragon is an ape.

    Are we done now?

    Wonderful. Now you've gone and offended apes worldwide. What did they ever do to you? I admit the possibility, coming from carny stock as you do, that perhaps your mother was frightened by one once as she shilled for the Hootchie-Cootchie dancers, but still must you lump them all in the same pile as SnackWagon? I should think not.

    {edited to remove one superfluous article, because God knows I don't need Joe Shaw flapping his gums at me again.}

    [ May 13, 2002, 01:15 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

  8. Originally posted by dalem:

    I would just like to say that I am positive, without a doubt, no possibility of error here, the data all really point to one inescapable conclusion...

    Slapdragon is an ape.

    Are we done now?

    Wonderful. Now you've gone and offended apes worldwide. What did they ever do to you? I admit the possibility, coming from carny stock as you do, that perhaps your mother was frightened by one once as she shilled for the Hootchie-Cootchie dancers, but still must you lump them all in the same pile as SnackWagon? I should think not.

    {edited to remove one superfluous article, because God knows I don't need Joe Shaw flapping his gums at me again.}

    [ May 13, 2002, 01:15 PM: Message edited by: Boo_Radley ]

  9. If everyone's correct and this, this...infestation of outerboarders is just Seanachai's lame impersonation of a frat recruitment drive, then I am ashamed of him. Well, maybe I should say more ashamed of him. I mean, naturally I'm always ashamed of him.

    If someone says to me, "Hey, didn't I see you walking down the street with that Seanachai bloke?" I, of course, am forced to say, "Nope, nope, twarn't me. Must've been some other handsome man. Don't know the guy. I was out of town that day. Sorry, I have to go now." You all understand, I'm sure.

  10. If everyone's correct and this, this...infestation of outerboarders is just Seanachai's lame impersonation of a frat recruitment drive, then I am ashamed of him. Well, maybe I should say more ashamed of him. I mean, naturally I'm always ashamed of him.

    If someone says to me, "Hey, didn't I see you walking down the street with that Seanachai bloke?" I, of course, am forced to say, "Nope, nope, twarn't me. Must've been some other handsome man. Don't know the guy. I was out of town that day. Sorry, I have to go now." You all understand, I'm sure.

  11. Originally posted by dalem:

    -grumble grumble-

    Boo: Not-loss

    dalem: Loss

    I blame my bad plan and bad luck and my stick was bent.

    -grumble grumble-

    I won? Gee, how'd that happen? Why don't you send me the last move so I can revel in my winningness?

    And in another note:

    Nobaaaaa died a lot less than I did. He died so much less, that he won, while my massive amounts of dying probably helped in my defeat.


  12. Originally posted by dalem:

    -grumble grumble-

    Boo: Not-loss

    dalem: Loss

    I blame my bad plan and bad luck and my stick was bent.

    -grumble grumble-

    I won? Gee, how'd that happen? Why don't you send me the last move so I can revel in my winningness?

    And in another note:

    Nobaaaaa died a lot less than I did. He died so much less, that he won, while my massive amounts of dying probably helped in my defeat.


  13. Originally posted by Lorak:

    well... Boo_Radley has attanied the rank of idiot! err.. kniggitt.


    If you must know, I attained the rank of idiot long before I made my first appearance here. It must have been in 9th grade, when fresh out of Parochial school, I entered the public school system with their greatly relaxed dress code. I remember my first day there. I showed up wearing red socks, green pants (polyester, don't ya know) and a green and yellow paisley shirt. Two years after paisley had gone WAY out of style.

    I should have just stayed at home, beat the crap out of myself and saved everybody the trouble.

  14. Originally posted by Lorak:

    well... Boo_Radley has attanied the rank of idiot! err.. kniggitt.


    If you must know, I attained the rank of idiot long before I made my first appearance here. It must have been in 9th grade, when fresh out of Parochial school, I entered the public school system with their greatly relaxed dress code. I remember my first day there. I showed up wearing red socks, green pants (polyester, don't ya know) and a green and yellow paisley shirt. Two years after paisley had gone WAY out of style.

    I should have just stayed at home, beat the crap out of myself and saved everybody the trouble.

  15. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    So now, Boo, you're a Knight. I'm so proud of you. And I was right, you never will amount to anything. And the pit-bulls would have yacked you up again, in any case.

    Shiny-Key! What can I say? It's like what my dear old departed Great Aunt Ruth used to say, "You can achieve all your goals if you set your standards low enough." She was also the person who gave me this other most valuable piece of advice. "Know what to kiss, and when." Wise words to live by indeed.

    I realize that by being one of the the newest members of the 'Pool and being lowered to the depth of Kanigget-hood in such short order that not only is the weight on my shoulders both onerous and odiferous, but also that for the most part, you people are drain bamaged.

    Also, good call on the Firesign Theatre bit. It's always good to meet a fellow "Bozo on the bus".

    Finally, my most sincere condolences on your birthday. Go punch out a Vikings fan for me.

  16. Originally posted by Seanachai:

    So now, Boo, you're a Knight. I'm so proud of you. And I was right, you never will amount to anything. And the pit-bulls would have yacked you up again, in any case.

    Shiny-Key! What can I say? It's like what my dear old departed Great Aunt Ruth used to say, "You can achieve all your goals if you set your standards low enough." She was also the person who gave me this other most valuable piece of advice. "Know what to kiss, and when." Wise words to live by indeed.

    I realize that by being one of the the newest members of the 'Pool and being lowered to the depth of Kanigget-hood in such short order that not only is the weight on my shoulders both onerous and odiferous, but also that for the most part, you people are drain bamaged.

    Also, good call on the Firesign Theatre bit. It's always good to meet a fellow "Bozo on the bus".

    Finally, my most sincere condolences on your birthday. Go punch out a Vikings fan for me.

  17. And speaking of fights, let's take a peek up the old pantleg and see what's been going on in the war dept., shall we?

    Aussie Jeff: In game two, he's making a very good last ditch stand at the second flag, but he may want to take a look over his shoulder...

    In game three (a nasty little road apple that he designed himself, called "I kill you fast, right now" or something similar), his armor has totally obliterated my first line of defense. I will now have to rely on my second line, which consists of some Ht's and the second and third runners-up in the 1987 "Alfred E. Newman Look-Alike Contest". It doesn't look good.

    Crodaburg: Ye gods...it's like the Mobius strip of games. I can see R_Leete and myself in some home fror the chronically befuddled still trying to finish this thing. Synopsis? I kill him and he kills me...and there's lots more where that came from.

    Sock Monkey I think we have two moves left in the game. He has armor. I got plenty of nothin'. I still hold one flag though. Maybe if I can just keep him distracted...

    Noba: Expect a "Cease Fire" request in the next e-mail. In this game, I was violated. And not in a nice way.

    dalem: It's gotten pretty quiet on the battlefield of late. My men are going door to door looking for ammo and his guys are all dressing up like French onion salesmen, I don't know why.

    OGSF: Just getting underway. He was ranting in an e-mail, something about cooking porridge...I don't know...he drinks alot, right?

    Simon: Things are just starting to heat up. Lot's of 'splody stuff. It's neat-o!

    Sir(you have no idea how much it pains me to say that)Yeknodathon: Actually sent me a couple of moves the other day. I almost remembered what we were doing.

    Game 1: There is much dying involved and will be much, much more in the next move or two. But, it's really nothing to concern yourself with, Yeckie, nope nothing at all.

    Game 2: Devised by Goanna&Berli, LTD: Yep, move 11 out of 20 and still no sign of the enemy. What's this called again? "Death by boredom?"

    I think that's it. If I've forgotten anyone it's just because I really think so very little of you.

  18. And speaking of fights, let's take a peek up the old pantleg and see what's been going on in the war dept., shall we?

    Aussie Jeff: In game two, he's making a very good last ditch stand at the second flag, but he may want to take a look over his shoulder...

    In game three (a nasty little road apple that he designed himself, called "I kill you fast, right now" or something similar), his armor has totally obliterated my first line of defense. I will now have to rely on my second line, which consists of some Ht's and the second and third runners-up in the 1987 "Alfred E. Newman Look-Alike Contest". It doesn't look good.

    Crodaburg: Ye gods...it's like the Mobius strip of games. I can see R_Leete and myself in some home fror the chronically befuddled still trying to finish this thing. Synopsis? I kill him and he kills me...and there's lots more where that came from.

    Sock Monkey I think we have two moves left in the game. He has armor. I got plenty of nothin'. I still hold one flag though. Maybe if I can just keep him distracted...

    Noba: Expect a "Cease Fire" request in the next e-mail. In this game, I was violated. And not in a nice way.

    dalem: It's gotten pretty quiet on the battlefield of late. My men are going door to door looking for ammo and his guys are all dressing up like French onion salesmen, I don't know why.

    OGSF: Just getting underway. He was ranting in an e-mail, something about cooking porridge...I don't know...he drinks alot, right?

    Simon: Things are just starting to heat up. Lot's of 'splody stuff. It's neat-o!

    Sir(you have no idea how much it pains me to say that)Yeknodathon: Actually sent me a couple of moves the other day. I almost remembered what we were doing.

    Game 1: There is much dying involved and will be much, much more in the next move or two. But, it's really nothing to concern yourself with, Yeckie, nope nothing at all.

    Game 2: Devised by Goanna&Berli, LTD: Yep, move 11 out of 20 and still no sign of the enemy. What's this called again? "Death by boredom?"

    I think that's it. If I've forgotten anyone it's just because I really think so very little of you.

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