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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Thanks gentlemen and my hat goes off to Bill for his yet again fantastic work on the campaigns For worg64, was this an entire front line or just a single hex? I only ask as I haven't seen the French abandon an entire front line during testing and perhaps they were withdrawing to the preferred defensive location scripted along Amiens? Hubert
  2. Interesting suggestion worg64 and we'll see what we can do as this type of request has come up in the past as well.
  3. Odd behaviour indeed and not sure why it would be doing this to be honest. Can you try opening the SC2.ini file in your installation directory and changing the line #FULL_SCREEN= 0 to #FULL_SCREEN= 1 to see if that helps? Hubert
  4. For scrolling the only options to speed this up is to simplify the game display somewhat which would be to play with the 3D units option turned off, National Colors turned off and to turn off the display of the 'Alternate Capitals' and 'National Morale' objectives. It won't be lightning fast after this but you might notice some improvements in scrolling speed. For the fastest AI settings this would be to have the following setup: * Show Moves/Combat - Turned off * Quick Animation - Turned on * Quick Logic - Turned on * Messages (AI Turn) - Turned off Hubert
  5. Regarding the title menu hanging issue I think I found the problem and I apologize that this was not discovered during testing. Unfortunately it looks like it was one of those system setups that never cropped up. From what I can tell the problem only occurs when you play at a resolution setting greater than what your current desktop resolution setting is set at. For example, if your current desktop resolution is set at let's say 1650x1080 then if you chose to play the game at a higher resolution such as 1900x1200 the game hanging issue appears at the title screen. To temporarily correct this I would suggest to navigate to your SC WWI installation folder where you will find the file called SC2.ini. Open this file and locate the following lines: #ORIGINAL_SCREEN_WIDTH= #ORIGINAL_SCREEN_HEIGHT= Next locate the following lines and ensure that they have the same values by changing these entries and NOT the 'ORIGINAL' values: #WINDOW_WIDTH= #WINDOW_HEIGHT= Alternatively if you do a full uninstall and reinstall and ensure that you select a resolution that is less than or equal to your current desktop resolution that will also do the trick. I hope this helps, Hubert
  6. I would also suggest trying the hotfix patch to see if that makes any difference at all which as Martin has mentioned in another thread can be found here: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_versions&Itemid=317#Strategic Command WWI 1914-1918 The Great War
  7. Can you guys try right clicking on the EXE or the desktop shortcut and selecting to 'Run As An Administrator' to see if that helps? Hubert
  8. Apologies everyone, I'm not sure what the issue is but hopefully Battlefront will have this resolved soon enough.
  9. Not yet as we wanted to finalize the WWI release first... but it is being worked on now as we speak
  10. If you navigate to the 'Extras' folder in your installation directory there should be a 'WWII' subfolder. Once you've created and saved a custom campaign, simply copy and paste the contents of the 'WWII' folder into your custom campaign subfolder and then once you reload the campaign it should show up as a WWII looking campaign with the appropriate WWII units, names, sounds, interface etc. Hope this helps, Hubert
  11. There you have it, pre-orders are already downloading so it should not be long now
  12. It was a bit long in the tooth for the 'New Features' list but here are the more specific details for retreats: - units will now retreat during combat under the following conditions: - only defending land units from HQ->Artillery + Tanks + Partisans will retreat - only attacking land units from Guard-> Cavalry + Tanks + Partisans will cause a potential retreat - defenders will only retreat if their entrenchment/ground cover = 0 - defenders will only retreat if their strength <= 5 - defenders will only retreat to friendly tiles if available - defenders will attempt to retreat to a tile with the least number of adjacent enemy units, i.e. preferably 0 - once the above is satisfied, defenders on a resource, except a City, Capital and Fortress, have a 10% chance of retreating, while anywhere else it is a 50% chance - if a defending unit retreats the attackers' losses are halved - no additional losses to a defender
  13. MisterBarca, Difficult to say without seeing your modified campaign, can you send me the modified campaign file and I'll be happy to take a look. This would be the 'cgn' file in your 'Campaigns' folder. Send to support@furysoftware.com Hubert
  14. With the release for WWI just around the corner we thought it might be a good time to list some of the New Features that have been developed for the upcoming game * New Interface - Much easier to use with all the game buttons on a single screen as well as a more intuitive expected combat results area located at the bottom center of the display. MPP display also updated for easier reading. * Zoom - Default view as well as an additional two levels of zoom using the mouse wheel that will be of great benefit while playing one of the large scale campaigns, especially one involving a lot of naval action. * Faster AI - Several options to increase the playback speed of the AI turn including those to skip the display of AI moves and combat entirely. This will be very noticeable on the smaller campaigns where for example, an AI-vs-AI test run of the Gallipoli campaign at the fastest settings, had the game play through 35 complete turns in under 3 minutes! * New Unit Slots - Garrison, Cavalry, Rail Guns and Airships are now included. * Retreats - Units will now retreat during combat under the proper in game conditions. * Artillery - Artillery units can now save and stockpile unused shells for multiple bombardments at a more preferred offensive moment in the game. * Trench Warfare - Regular ground units can now 'Entrench' by building fortified trench lines while Engineers can build 'Fortresses'. All default 'Maximum Entrenchment' values are considered as 'Ground Cover' while those units that are located in a 'Trench' position will be considered 'Entrenched' and benefit from applicable TRENCH WARFARE research levels. * Fog of War - Spotting past enemy Trenches or Fortresses will now be blocked thereby increasing the importance of using Recon Bombers (as well as Seaplane Carriers) to target unknown enemy tiles in order to find hidden enemy units and resource strengths. The last known firing position of enemy Artillery and Rail Guns will now also be shown under FoW. * Supply - Out of supply land units will now have a maxium Action Points = 1 except for Partisans. * Armistice - Nations can now be modeled to withdraw from the war rather than outright surrender such as having Russia withdraw as they did historically in 1917. New nations can also be created under this model, even from active belligerents, such as having Finland formed when Russia signs an Armistice with Germany. * National Morale - Shown at the top center of the game play area with the values decreased by the number of MPP unit losses and by the number of home resources controlled by your enemy. Values are increased by the number of enemy resources occupied. National Morale is critical in determining where to attack in order to secure or defend the various National Morale objectives shown on the map as well as an additional factor determining when a nation will surrender, usually when their National Morale is < 1%. * User Manual - Now accessible in game from a menu button. * WWI/WWII - WWI/WWII Editor switch that allows you to easily designate which engine your custom campaign should correspond to. Two game engines in one at the flick of a switch! * Unit Swapping - Adjacent units can now have their positions easily swapped with a new in game swapping mechanism. * Movement Path - Movement path is now also highlighted under friendly units to show the full reach of a moveable unit. * Air Units - Air units can now move at 50% of available action points when located on a snow, rain and sandstorm tile. Further additions include (helpful to modders and those more interested in WWII custom campaigns): - The ability to highlight Alternate Capitals on the map. - The ability to highlight National Morale objectives on the map, and also (for modders) the ability for reductions in National Morale to be used as a trigger for DECISION events. - The ability to customize whether or not a specified unit type should be able to upgrade with all applicable research categories or just some or none. - The ability to upgrade HQs with AA and Motorization. - The merging of Infantry and Anti-Tank Weapons so that infantry units have a free slot available that can be used by AA. - The ability to upgrade naval vessels (but not carriers) with AA. - The ability to turn raiding options on/off for naval units, so as not to give away your position if you end your turn on a convoy route. This is very important when attempting to sneak some naval units past the enemy. - The ability to set a minimum purchase date for new units such as not allowing the purchase of WWI tanks prior to 1916. - Subs will no longer prevent enemy subs from raiding convoys, as this was a gamey tactic. Hubert
  15. Some of these have been fixed in the WWI release but if you guys can send me any of the turns where the behaviour described can be repeatable and viewed by me that would be very helpful. Send to support@furysoftware.com Thanks, Hubert
  16. Thanks and after looking at the turns as Berlin is the only major Axis capital in Europe this is indeed the normal behaviour as it was bombed below 5 so all the connected cities (via rail) would have reduced supply. But Germany does also have an Industrial Center in Konigsberg that can act to also provide maximum supply, i.e. much like a Capital, but in the case of these turns it too was below 5 so the Axis were out of luck here. I hope this helps, Hubert
  17. I can see the problem and at the moment there is no way around that but I can look into it for future releases. I'll add it to the list so to speak Hubert
  18. If other capitals are connected then the supply should be fine but without seeing the game at hand I can only offer the basic assessment of how supply works. Dragon99, if what I described above does not seem to be the case then please feel free to send me a saved turn at support@furysoftware.com
  19. If you press the 'P' key during your turn it should reveal the various Partisan positions where Partisans will either popup or simply disrupt your supply. From there you can decide which cities are key to holding and which ones are not... hopefully this helps! Hubert
  20. Hi Dragon99, Supply is calculated via rail lines so if a primary hub such as Berlin is bombed to below 5 then subsequently connected resources will act as though they are essentially cutoff. Perhaps this is the case in your campaign game? Hubert
  21. Hi Isnogud, Apologies but unfortunately since there was no German v1.06a patch with Calypso there is no good solution. Off hand I can't remember the technical issues they had on their end but that is the problem as it is at the moment. Hubert
  22. Hi Madwoman, we have more or less done this when we announced pre-orders and mentioned it will be anywhere between 4 and 6 weeks before final delivery. So far we are still on track for that. As to being more specific, CSS is essentially correct and as mentioned as soon as everything lines up it will be released which is hopefully soon enough. I only mention this as sometimes things are beyond our control such as having the printers ready, hard copies properly stocked and so on via our third party partners. Basically as soon as we have the green light you guys will know I hope that helps, Hubert
  23. Hang in there guys... final touches being worked on and if all goes well it will be out soon enough but we just can't give a final date yet... hopefully this is understandable and believe me it will be released as soon as it is ready. In the meantime, what I can honestly say is thanks again for all the support and interest
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