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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Officially yes, but I think it's safe to think that this also includes the great work from the Beta Boys Hubert
  2. Just caught this preview and thought it might interest some of you http://www.monkeyreview.com/news/index.php?action=full&ID=101&page=0
  3. This one might be tricky as ISE (ESI) Eiffel does not have an option for the Mac, but I hope that Virutal PC can continue to do the trick in the meantime Hubert
  4. Well I prefer Windows and that's why.... OK in all seriousness, I wanted to be multi-platform, but the ISE multi-platform GUI Library (Vision2) was not available when I started development, I was about a year ahead of their latest compiler release when I started. So for development I used their older Windows-Eiffel-Library and implemented my own multi-media library for sounds and animations etc., a combination of an existing library and some of my own routines to finish the job for SC as there were no existing libraries for me to use at the time. This is why currently a recompile for the Linux platform would not work, and would require quite a bit of recoding to do the job. Something to think about for the future that's for sure, but I think SC does work on Linux with an emulator, can't remember the name of it off-hand but sounds like it did a pretty good job. Hubert
  5. Well I think the special circumstances and requests for clarifications, by yourself included, were more than warranted and I wouldn't consider it excessive defensive and legalistic posturing. In answer to your inquiry, as outlined by Moon, if you own a copy of the game and decide to edit game files, that is entirely up to you, a similar example would be like scribbling notes in a book that you own. Now making game file modifications that change how the game plays PUBLIC requires permission and that is a simple rule to follow. If you are not sure, just ask and as I've said before there may even be official editors released in the future. This strict limitation of course does not include modding the graphics and sound files as this is encouraged and there are already fansites that include such work. Now just to reiterate how this is different from cracking the demo (in order to avoid the possible flurry of follow up questions), modifying demo code that can make the game playable beyond the original limitation, regardless of how easy this may have appeared to some people, makes it in effect a full game where there is no longer the need to purchase a full version, and that is clearly illegal. Hope that helps, Hubert
  6. Sorry guys, you won't be able to play saved games from the demo with the full version. Hubert
  7. Not really sure what the problem could be here, sounds like the executable itself does not agree with your system as this is a low-level runtime error outside of the scope of the game itself. If you want to contact me at support@furysoftware.com maybe I can help you further. Hubert
  8. Just wanted to follow up Moon's clarification by letting everyone know that there is already a very nice SC fansite that includes some modded material. You can check it out here: StratComm HQ
  9. This post should clarify the points raised here. Also just wanted to say thank you to everyone for their support. Hubert
  10. Not to worry there is no target on your back Bill, but in terms an official answer, nothing in the game itself is allowed to be edited or changed without violating the intellectual property rights and/or copyrights. This includes the game exe, the game data files as well as the game's bitmaps and sound files. There is no problem with modding and that includes developing your own bitmap and sound files and using it with the game, but anything else would require strict permission to do so. While this may not please everybody, it does protect the game integrity and clearly avoids issues like the one today. There is a campaign editor that will allow you to edit the existing campaigns and create new ones, perhaps I may release additional editors in the future, or perhaps something even better than that, and that would be a more advanced version that will include many of the additional features not currently included and/or additional advanced game mechanics as per many of your requests. The current design is meant to be the game that it is (a game that bridges depth with playability), and any further advancements with a deeper rules base or detailed game mechanics will be for a different game some time down the road. Hope that helps, Hubert
  11. Yeah that should read Massachusetts. Good point on the Luftflotte I'll fix that and I'll double check the mine, I think I already know why that is happening. Thanks! Hubert
  12. Gold announcement was planned for today but unfortunatly a certain individual has decided to take it upon himself to steal my intellectual property rights with the Beta Demo. To his credit, "Hags" has since apologized to me and I am trying my best to accept this apology, but to be completely honest, this type of behaviour is very disheartening and makes me seriously wonder about making games in the future. It really has to be appreciated just how much work and risk is involved in making games and how "hacking" can really end up ruining it for everybody. As a result today's official announcement will have to be delayed as we attempt to sort out this mess, but expect a Gold announcement with an updated Gold Demo sometime next week. For some good news I have decided to attach the official Gold Demo changes that have been added. Thank you all for your patience and your input. Hubert Changes for Gold Demo *PBEM Additions* - added play-by-email replay - added a 'Disable Undo' option (this can be toggled at any time, but is locked in for Hotseat/PBEM) *Sound Fix* - added an 'SC.ini' file in the 'Strategic Command Demo' folder. This will allow gamers that were experienceing sound problems to adjust for sound interruption, should eliminate long waits during button clicks etc. *High Refresh Rate Option* - also in the 'SC.ini' file you will be able to set a high refresh rate if you know your system can support it *Empty Text Box Fix* - pop up text boxes that were showing blanks on some systems should now show their information *Gamey Strategy Tweaks* - abandoning allied positions in the Med may peak Italian interest into joining the war if they have not already done so - early Axis invasion of Baltic States prior to Soviet annexation will be much riskier in terms of political fallout with Moscow. Initial political shock will be the same, but now there will be a continued increase in Soviet war readiness - USA and Italy will start with their full income if sneak attacked and units in the capital will have an entrenchment value = 3. This does not make this strategy impossible but simply much riskier - air attacks against rocket and naval units as well as against fortified units (i.e. Maginot) have been intellegently adjusted to limit AI baiting - added SU unit to Riga for the start of Barbarossa - added a few units to the 1940 SU setup - adjusted the SU transfer of Siberian Troops to an open period instead of only when SU existence is threatened during the winter months. (This one I really thought about, but I think it would be reasonable since I don't think the original transfer was made due to weather but rather because of the demands of the military situation at the time) *General Fixes/Tweaks* - extended save game file names to 38 characters from 20 - fixed 'next unit' bug when France was targeting units on the Maginot - fixed dissapearing Allied units in Vichy when France surrenders, basically a message pops up and says they surrender - Axis units do now finally and properly move to nearest adjacent city when France surrenders, so if Italian unit was in Africa moving towards Algiers they will move back to Tripolitania if that city is still friendly etc. - renamed 'Strausbourg' to Strasbourg - renamed 'Massachusettes' to 'Massachusettes' - decreased damages during naval Surprised movements in FoW - decreased damages slightly for naval combat (a decrease by 1 point for all attack and defence table values) - added info for saved AI games, basically so you can tell what difficulty and computer bonuses these games were set at - increased max surface raiding in the Atlantic to 40 MPP to include the value of Liverpool - increased individual sub raiding amount slightly in North Atlantic - adjusted reduced spotting to now properly include Air Fleets, Bombers and Rocket Attachments when spotting subs, basically spotting value - 1 - reduced disbanding value to about 50% less - added an updated 'resource_strength_sprite' with an indicator for when strengths are < 5, this will help to realize that some actions may be limited wrt these resources, i.e. no transporting or operations etc. - added a 'ScoreCard' for when you either defeat or have been defeated, keeps track of total resources plunders, units destroyed as well as an early victory bonus or late victory penalty - jet sounds now kick in at level 4 or higher - added units to Turkey and Sweden and increased entrenchment for Swiss units - fixed disappearing ships when you declare war on a country and have blocked their typical start locations
  13. Not unless you are editing a campaign where Italy and/or Russia are already active
  14. There is none Probably my bad description originally but the idea is that there is a plus in building at home as opposed to building in occupied territory since it is more limited and that is the intent. The penalty reflects the idea that it would be logical to be able to build many troops at home where in occupied territory this would consist of mainly recruits etc., and would not be as quick and easy to do, thus the limit to only build in the city resource hexes in the game. What is the result? Well the exact frustration you've been experiencing and again that is the intent, to reflect the difficulties in maintaining control in occupied territory and if you are in trouble it should not be that easy to just build and defend these areas, production is limited, but the transfer of troops is not. So in the end it adds to the strategic planning and anticipation of problems and makes it somewhat more historical in effect. Hubert
  15. Combat results can depend on many factors including experience, terrain, HQ leadership ratings etc., this will be outlined in more detail in the User Manual, can't say for sure but my guess is that the Super Yugoslavian effect was due to the surrounding river hexes around Belgrade. Attacking from a river hex already halves your attack and there are also the inherent bonuses from defending on a city. Hope that helps, Hubert
  16. This is meant to reflect the difference and benefits between raising fresh troops in your home countries as opposed to raising them in occupied territory. Hubert
  17. Keep in mind that this is a single campaign from the final version and the Fall Gelb (Demo) campaign puts you in the prime position that the German war machine was in around May 10, 1940. Starting in 1939 with Fall Weiss will be a different story and could be tougher to gain control of all the territory that Germany has by Fall Gelb May 10th, 1940 and be set up militarily as it was for the invasion of the Low Countries and France. I think the problem for the most part has been that as you've said, you have played the demo a bazillion times and have found many of the exploitable weaknesses that could be found in the single demo campaign year available, and this has actually been noted by others and overall a good thing in my opinion. As a result expect tweaks to Sweden, Turkey, Russia, Switzerland, USA, Italy etc. for the final version that will make the game more interesting but still follow in line with my original design that the game plays well for the full war and cannot really be seen alone from the demo campaign year, but should be enough to give you the general idea. Hubert
  18. Yup this one had been pointed out early in the Beta demo release, I unfortunatly forgot by whom so I can't give credit, and has been fixed for the Gold final. Hubert
  19. Not sure what you mean here, operational movement is dependant on current supply (>= 5 for land units and >= 3 for air units) and not necessarily distance since HQ's can provide supply as well.
  20. Not sure what you mean here, operational movement is dependant on current supply (>= 5 for land units and >= 3 for air units) and not necessarily distance since HQ's can provide supply as well.
  21. Finland is neutral in 1939 as they are in the 1940 campaign unless circumstances change that situation, i.e. they declaring war on Russia, or someone declares war on them
  22. Finland is neutral in 1939 as they are in the 1940 campaign unless circumstances change that situation, i.e. they declaring war on Russia, or someone declares war on them
  23. Quick Basics on the Campaign Editor: - Set up countries as either, joined a side, surrendered to a side, neutral etc - Set up initial MPP's for any of the majors - Set up current join percentages for Italy, Russia, USA - Place/Add/Delete/Move units on the map - Edit hex control - Edit research levels for all majors - Edit unit entrenchment, experience, strength, name - Edit which side starts - Edit campaign description
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