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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Ottosmops, Yes it looks like the hidden unit caused the ZOC penalty to not be applied... I'll look into this. For the storms at sea damage you are correct that it does not apply if you are next to a port but only if it is a friendly port. In this case it was a neutral port so the damage still occurred... same as it would if it was an enemy port etc.
  2. Cantona66, We discovered an issue with some video cards but the solution is a simple workaround. I would suggest either or both of the following: * Once in game and in the MAIN MENU screen go to the SETTINGS dialog and change the bit depth to 16 bits. For example your current setting might be: 1280x1024x32 Change this to: 1280x1024x16 * Also I would suggest running the game in full screen mode if you continue to find some slowdown since full screen mode optimizes DirectX much faster than in windowed mode Hope this helps, Hubert
  3. coda, thanks for the feedback and we will investigate.. but either way just glad you got it working
  4. aesopo, believe it or not I am still very happy to see players enjoying SC1 All I can say for now is who knows what the future may bring
  5. Liam, Thanks for your feedback. Overall your assessment of what occurred, Fall of France as well as Denmark and Benelux is generally still to be expected, i.e. even human opponents should lose these countries but as mentioned before it is difficult to gauge the entire game from the demo as the full game has changed quite a bit and should offer much more of a relative challenge. That being said it is still of course an AI and as such will likely never play quite as clever or as deceptively as a human player, as you've noted, although some of the plans for the next evolution to this engine will definitely help in this regard. I also suspect the top tier of players will still generally defeat the AI no matter what the settings but even here I'll bet there will be a few surprises But I will say again that I am very glad you like and more importantly recognize much of the improvements we (myself and the beta team) worked so hard to achieve.
  6. ebitt, As Bill noted the Editor and Scripts are much more powerful in Weapons and Warfare giving much more flexibility to boot. None of the in game events, such as the popup you received, are hard coded allowing for very moddable scenarios and custom work. In fact, I for one am looking forward to what else the mod community will be able to come up with when the new feature set becomes available
  7. Hey Liam, Glad you like the changes as a lot of time and effort went into making the game more interesting/realistic while at the same maintaining playability. Btw, I think you pretty much hit the nail on the head with your assessment and what I tried to achieve with Weapons and Warfare. You mentioned beating the AI... can you be more specific for which campaign and what constituted your victory? i.e. since the main campaign is limited in the demo you might be surprised what the full campaign has to offer when it shortly becomes available.
  8. You know I've had this crash reported to me for some time now but have yet to be able to repeat it with any consistency. Maybe by adding in these extra options it might just do the trick (in narrowing it down) as it is probably happening for some obvious reason I simply cannot find.
  9. Konigs, Try the Wacht Am Rhein scenario for now as between both demo campaigns all the new units should pretty much be available to see how they work in the full game. Sorry about the restriction on purchases though but as mentioned in another thread a necessary evil to protect the demo. Hope this helps, Hubert
  10. Hey pad152, 1. Not at the moment but this was also suggested to me during Beta but unfortunately there is only so much time for all the features I would have liked to include. For reference though I would suggest downloading the Blitzkrieg Demo as it includes the full manual for essentially both games and will cover the research areas in more detail. The WaW demo Manual highlights the major changes and evolution to the new expansion. 2. Placing air units on the map is restricted to the highlighted areas that are close to the cities with Flags on them. It might be difficult to spot because of the white highlight on white hexes so in this case I would suggest selecting the 'National Colors' option in the OPTIONS dialog. This should make things easier to see. Also, you may have been restricted from targeting enemy units due to snow or possibly rain/fog. Hope this helps, Hubert
  11. Hi Pad152, Thank you for your questions and I'll try and answer them by your categorization. Questions: 1. This has been disabled since there are unfortunately very creative individuals that often crack demos and turn them into full games. For obvious reasons this is not good for sales and so in the end we have to create a careful balance between giving away a little bit of the game while not giving it away entirely for free. As has been mentioned here already essentially the demo gives you an idea of what the game is about and "most importantly allow you to see how your pc handles the system requirements". Purchase is disabled but anything in the Production Queue should arrive when it is available. Note, there may be some confusion between the full campaigns like 1939 Fall Weiss and the smaller campaigns such as Wacht Am Rhein. In this case some features may in fact be disabled purposefully as they are not applicable to the campaign. This is done via the Editor and for example Wacht Am Rhein will have the Convoy screen disabled since there are no convoys for that particular campaign. 2. Ships do repair in port if there is sufficient supply and MPP but of course not automatically. 3. There are tool tips and they are set to be on by default for the Demo installation but they only apply to the side bar buttons in the game play area, i.e. they will not appear on the text labelled buttons as it is assumed those are more self explanatory. Note, even for the sidebar you may need to rest the mouse over the button in question for a second before the tool tip pops up. Alternatively there is an automatic tool tip that appears in the center of the information bar at the top of the screen. This shows what the button does with or without the tool tip option selected. 4. There is a README in the installation folder of the Demo and it should also have appeared when installing the Demo during the installation process. Granted it does not mention that purchases are disabled. Issues 1. Unfortunately there is no easy way around this other than to choose to play with the smaller available resolutions or on a bigger monitor. For example this would be the same issue in Windows if you selected a higher resolution where the chances are the text would appear much smaller as well. Windows does give users the option to increase the text size but even here they warn that by doing so it may not work well with all applications. 2. Correct 3. This option is available under the Advanced options dialog. Here you can select the Intercept Range Highlights or the Escort Range highlights as needed. 4. Good idea and I've made a note
  12. Commander Darken, The Battlefront WaW expansion will only run with the Battlefront version of SC2. For the German version there is a new retail partner, since the original distributor Walkon went out of business, and they will be selling a Blitzkrieg & WaW combo as well. The new German retail partner is Kalypso Media. Hope this helps, Hubert
  13. Coda, it is an odd error and the first I've heard reported. It is unlikely to be related to SC2 specifically as you mention the same issue with CMSF so the only thing I could think of was a permission error as a possible reason, i.e. therefore my query related Administrator rights. Like I said very odd and probably something specific on your system causing it to run abnormally. If you try and run the game from the installation directory, i.e. double click the actual SC2.exe icon does it work?
  14. Coda, Sorry to hear about the trouble. Does this error occur no matter which shortcut you use? For example both the Desktop and Program Files shortcuts? Also can you try running SC2 as an Administrator to see if that helps? Hubert
  15. targul, as far as I know that option does not exist for the pre-order, i.e. pre-order is for download and disk only with the applicable discount.
  16. borsook, at one time I did consider it when SC2 was started since the base code is portable but I'd have had to redo all the interface code from scratch as well as the DirectX portion to something platform independent and there simply wasn't enough time and resources available for the task. Maybe one day down the road but for the most part I'd say it is very unlikely... unfortunately
  17. MJY, Unfortunately since Microsoft no longer supports their older Operating Systems we cannot officially support them either since if there is ever an issue we may not be able to correct it, i.e. if it is related to Microsoft and their OS we may be stuck and unable to provide a solution. With that being said it is still likely to work fine on your system as nothing has changed to the core SC2 application. For example if Blitzkrieg works fine on Win 98SE then it is more than likely Weapons and Warfare will work fine as well. If you are still hesitant then I would suggest waiting for the Demo, which will be out shortly, to confirm compatibility prior to purchase. This is of course one of the other reasons we provide a Demo to ensure user and system compatibility prior to purchase, which I might add, not all vendors do Hubert
  18. Hey CanuckGamer, Matt outlined the post pre-order prices in the top thread... see below. For the Bundle Pack, once released prices will be as follows: Download Only: $45 Mail Only: $45 (plus shipping and handling) Download and Mail: $55 (plus shipping and handling) So for now if you pre-order you get the Download and Mail for the bundle pack at a discount of $45 which is a savings of $10 (plus shipping and handling) Hope this helps, Hubert
  19. Hey CanuckGamer, Matt outlined the post pre-order prices in the top thread... see below. For the Bundle Pack, once released prices will be as follows: Download Only: $45 Mail Only: $45 (plus shipping and handling) Download and Mail: $55 (plus shipping and handling) So for now if you pre-order you get the Download and Mail for the bundle pack at a discount of $45 which is a savings of $10 (plus shipping and handling) Hope this helps, Hubert
  20. Hi Storklas, Unfortunately the Battlefront patch for the game is only compatible with the Battlefront version of the game. In order to get the v1.07 update you would need to contact the original vendor you purchased it from as all patch files have been distributed to the appropriate vendors... although they may not have yet posted the patch as available. Hope this helps, Hubert
  21. Weapons and Warfare has an improved mechanism to preserve and automatically update older work... so this will help but only for new campaigns built with the Expansion pack.
  22. Unfortunately as they currently stand they are not immediately compatible but can be ported with a few tweaks as the bitmap files now include in some cases the new unit, terrain and resource slots etc. As long as the old bitmap images are updated to satisfy the WaW requirements, i.e. new dimensions and sprite arrangements they should be ported over pretty easily. For additional reference though there will be a short write up included from Bill Macon that advises modders on how to migrate their custom campaigns from Blitzkrieg to Weapons and Warfare as some of the campaign data files are in fact transferable, just not the entire campaign.
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