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Hubert Cater

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Everything posted by Hubert Cater

  1. Lars, for clarification that is actually how the subs dive right now, i.e. they do pop back up in a random spot but since the engine tries to have them pop back up away from enemy ships (if it can) it may have appeared to Dan that they are gone for the entire turn. Idea is generally that it may escape enemy ships but if there is air spotting in the area it may resurface only to be spotted by friendly air so you can continue the attack on the sub. So sometimes it can get away but not necessarily completely every time.
  2. Just an update to the developer logs (link in the top post), a new AAR installment from Dan Fenton as well as some insight to the newly enhanced AI. Enjoy!
  3. Hi Wburn, I don't think this is actually a Vista issue... can you confirm you and your opponent are both running the latest version of SC2, i.e. v1.06? This can be confirmed in the bottom right hand corner of the MAIN MENU screen. I only ask as it is possible the saved games are not showing up if they are from an older version of SC2. Also, just to double check, are you saving them to the Multiplayer\E-Mail directory? Hubert
  4. I think n0kn0k is referring to the new Artillery unit This one has an automatic defensive fire strike whenever an enemy unit is attacking a friendly ground unit in range as well as it's normal strike on the following turn. In general though, artillery has added some spice to defensive situations, for example picture creating a nest of defensive fire positions in and around Stalingrad, i.e. behind the defenders that are already behind the rivers etc., but it can also be useful in laying seige in situations like when you just need that little extra boost to take out spots like Leningrad and so on. Additionally Artillery is a good demoralizer as it has an effect on attacker/defender morale which of course affects combat ability. On a side note, with SC2 WaW you can now adjust each unit's demoralization effect via the Editor so this also allows for greater customization... not to mention all the other Editor additions as well
  5. brucertx, I too am very sorry to hear you couldn't get it running... very odd error indeed as it is the only one I have heard of on Vista as for the most part SC2 has been able to run with only a few minor adjustments in some cases. I have a feeling it might be related to the video card driver, can you tell me what video card you are running on the laptop?
  6. Great ideas here Timskorn and I think it is stuff like this that would only enhance the game that much further
  7. Thanks guys and a big kudos to Dan as he really has done an excellent job putting this first installment together
  8. I've just posted the first AAR in a series of developer diary entries that will follow as we get closer to release. The first entry is an AAR in progress of an Allied game played by Dan Fenton versus the Axis AI. Dan gets you right into the action and even highlights some of the new features, including AI enhancments, that will be available under Strategic Command 2 Weapons and Warfare. Screenshots are also included. The Strategic Command developer entries can be found here and if you subscribe you will be automatically notified whenever there are new developments posted: http://www.battlefront-newsletter.com/Blogfront/tabid/55/BlogID/8/Default.aspx Enjoy! Hubert
  9. No worries guys there will be some slight changes to Intelligence and other research areas in general that will improve game play and of course make these areas more attractive... just working out the bigger stuff first
  10. brucertx, it sounds like that for whatever reason the video memory is being lost when it is attempting to draw graphics to the screen. Do you have competing programs running at the same time, perhaps the Editor and the Game running together or anything else that would be stealing video memory from what the game would require?
  11. Interesting site, never seen that one before... is it possible to have SC2 added? Anyone here a member that would know?
  12. Slow day in my brain today as I am not sure what you are asking... what is the blitz for SC2?
  13. Lars, this is something I am hoping to add but most likely not until after initial release due to time. One idea was brought up during testing to give the new Special Forces unit the ability to destroy rail lines and in turn you could use an Engineer to rebuild them. Would add a whole new dynanic to the game and should work out well if properly implemented... I'll keep you guys updated as we proceed
  14. Bromley, The problem is Siwah and Tobruk are both essentially considered cutoff from their parent supply source since neither is connected to a friendly capital so with the current setup neither influences the other unless connected by rail. So in their cases they are at strength=5 as max supply as all other cutoff resources are unless otherwise specified via the Editor. One adjustment I have made for Weapons and Warfare is to allow max strength for a particular resource type and Villages like Siwah by default now max at strength = 5 regardless of connection situation. One thing that will slow down an Axis advance under Quattara though is that Desert terrain which acts like Mountains and limits the assault options... and so far plays out very well
  15. Ah Ok, I was just about to send you your turn processed to the next autosave but it looks like you found a workaround... glad to hear that Hubert
  16. Sorry for the size but it is needed to give you a better picture of the new map and features. Windowed mode is something I have quietly been working on this week and so far so good although if you ALT-TAB during the AI turn you will have to wait until the AI completes its move until you can ALT-TAB back. Similar to what we have now and will work the same in windowed mode, i.e. you'll have to wait until the taskbar icon is flashing to indicate you can return to the game. In general though, this is a screenshot from one of Blashy's test games with FoW toggled off to give you a better idea of the situation. AI is marching on Tobruk while Blashy is attempting a sneak around under the Quattara Depression... sneaky guy Notice the sandstorms in Jordan and the Commonwealth minors that have been upgraded by the AI. You'll also notice the sand tiles that reduce unit movement as well as the road and rail system that now affect regular movement as well as operational movement respectively. Under the new system you can now only Operate to cities that are connected by rail so this will add a whole new dynamic to game play and players may actually be inspired to use Strategic Reserves as not all cities are connected as they previously were. For example, US landings in Algeria will no longer be immediately counter attacked unless the player has Axis units in the immediate area as there is no rail past Alexandria in North Africa. Knock Paris down below 5 with the newly modelled Bombers (double strikes) and all subsequently connected cities via Rail drop to 5 as well. Cut a rail line in enemy territory and you can prevent all operational movement along that particular rail connection. German advances in the USSR will also be affected as cities will only increase in strength as logical rail connections come on line. For example, if the Axis capture Minsk and then Kiev the German player will have to wait for Minsk to reach strength = 5 before Kiev will increase in strength past 3. Essentially this models reconstruction and re-establishment of supply as city railheads are rebuilt after the scorched earth destruction from the retreating Soviets. More to come
  17. As Blashy mentioned the AI only scripts should all be flagged as such and are independant of multiplayer games and will have no effect. This is a feature of the SC2 Editor/Engine that allows you to fine tune both types of game play options, i.e. AI or Multiplayer. Good luck in your games!
  18. brucertx, sorry about this as it looks like I missed your follow up. Can you try the latest Video Card driver to see if that helps? Alternatively you can also try running the game in Windows XP compatibility mode or any other mode that will get the game running. Vista has some issues supporting non DirectX10 games and usually one of these resolves the issue. Hope this helps, Hubert
  19. Hi K Jonsson, Sorry to hear about the trouble, can you send me the autosave and I will take a look for you. Send to support@furysoftware.com Hubert
  20. Actually this is not exactly true... n0kn0k may be referring to the current test parameters but that is still of course all unofficial Unfortunately I can't be more specific on exactly how the final expansion will be set up and priced as we are still working out the details... all I can say is to stay tuned and we'll hopefully know more soon.
  21. Just an update that we are more or less pretty close The major coding has been completed with just a few small outstanding additions being worked on this week but for the most part everything is in place and we are now in a primarily testing/tweaking phase for the current build. If all goes well this should be available some time in August (probably late August) but by next week there will be updated screenshots as well as a new feature overview with hopefully some AARs to boot
  22. Essentially any delay is caused by DirectX memory being dumped or re-enabled when you go to and from SC2 via Alt-Tab or with the Esc key. This is of course an automatic feature of DirectX when run in exclusive mode, as SC2 does, as this generally gives the game all the video/sound resources it needs to run efficiently and frees them up when not needed, i.e. when you switch out of the game to do something else etc.
  23. Just another update on an additional scenario that will be available for Strategic Command 2 Weapons and Warfare. The new Poland 1939 scenario covers the initial German invasion of Poland followed by the Soviet invasion from the East. The scenario was designed by Bill Runacre and Matthew Nesser and plays for approximately 30 turns. It is another very well researched campaign that offers terrific game play for those interested in covering the invasion of Poland from a more detailed level of the battlefield Here are a few screenshots:
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