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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. *playfully wiggles the opposite rump* *sniff*.. only if he wears yer leather outfit... and one must question his stamina? Yeknod
  2. *shuffles round to display a good portion of rump, lips trembling with expectation* Yer could always... *wiggles the rump* .. correct me, eh?
  3. Yes, it is correct because I said it and I am the Prime Minister. I also decree that I shall never be corrected nor told that I am wrong. Kitty </font>
  4. *honk* *honkety-honk* heeeeeeeeeehaaaaaaaaw, HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEHAAAAAWWWWWWWW !!
  5. [... and as the day fades to the gentle *hack* of hunting owls regurgitating pellets the Paddock is holding a welcome-back tea party announced by several signs in thickest crayon...] Cessplod One Frood, Fred Freed [... and delightfully arranged around a hastily errected tressel table, adorned with a best china tea service and dishes of various shapes and sizes, the host (something rather large and heavy) and two guests with unique rubber qualities arranged on either side waiting to be served...] *sniff* ... so, were they rough Mr Gnome? [thrusts a rather thick cucumber baguette forwards) ... rough and desperate, I should say... [Offers a dismembered duck's leg to Godzilla..] ... but one must ask, Mr Gnome, one must enquire? [slaps a freshly buttered slice of fruit cake to plate] Cock-a-doodle doo! Yes, cock-a-doodle do? [proceeds to make various slurping noises, which could be easily misconstrued as sucking] Such naughtiness, Mr Gnome,... [whole cucumber raised] *thwack* in polite *thwack* company *thwack* *thwack* *sniff* ... ain't been the same without yer. Yeknod [ April 11, 2004, 01:42 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  6. Remarkable... its like one Justicar has divided to produce another of equal Justicar... erm... proportions.. 'cept one cann't hide the Ohio mutation. Yeknod
  7. [slowly chews on a thistle, thoughtfully... ] erm.... errrr.. [swings a tail...] *sniff* [looks at the rubber gnome....] errrrm.... ahem... *swing* Can I borrow yer infrared goggles? Yeknod
  8. [waves a lofty limb] I suppose the irony is lost on most...
  9. ... or pustules... [thinks a bit] Never met a Lord Haemorrhoids either...
  10. [stares glumly at the chained rubber gnome and Godzilla] ... I suppose it's almost the time of the year for the season's first jamboree gala tea party where there is much feasting, merriment and other activities? *sniff* [prods the rubber gnome, fiercely, to check the rebound rate for other activities} ... I think we'll be having togas... [ April 09, 2004, 12:17 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  11. *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* [... pauses to rotate an ear sideways] Eh? *sniff* Well, me little stikkypixel one really can't be too sure... [... looks at the pond, suspiciously, and carries on...] *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* [... and then the little rubber Godzilla stops mid-way to thrust its bulky thighs downwards into the soft ground, raising its mad mad, starey eyes to the sky while its short, spindley arms flap around with lots of drama to herald its curdling primeval hunting cry...] *yaddayadda* *yap* *yap* *yadda* *yadda* *stomp* *stomp* [... and then continues its steady march across the Paddock] Yeknod
  12. [... and as the Spring mists begin to clear to reveal stagnant puddles and a freshly savaged duck by the pet pond great white, the Paddock is welcoming a new friend. With scaley tail, upright on hind legs with short and spindly welcoming open arms, mad mad, starey eyes and a mouth agape showing very sharp teeth; a new rubber toy pushed by a dew-ridden snout - Godzilla] *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* *stomp* Yeknod [ March 27, 2004, 01:50 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  13. ... just the sort to have legwarmers... which makes it worse, if it couldn't be more worse... and I doubt that it could... *sniff* oh, well... la-dee-daa *heads for the nearest, darkest thicket*
  14. About the only thing of note, really. Somewhat amusing as stikkybackedplastic tries to adhere to the basic principles of language. Yeknod
  15. Anyone for Scrabble? [ March 25, 2004, 04:35 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  16. [... stands moodily at the back of paddock in four pink and orange leg warmers, pressing a damp snout at an upturned rubber gnome...] Let's get physical, physical, I wanna get physical, let's get into physical Let me hear yer rubber squeak, yer rubber squeak, let me hear yer rubber squeak
  17. *sniff* Oh, blimey I feel a Lorentz contraction coming on... *pffffffffffuuuurrrrrt*
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