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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. I suppose one would have to wait. Like one of Hiram's turns. Not that I'd want to mention Croda and Hiram at the same time. Could be confusing... Croda, Hiram... Hiram, Croda. *sniff* Very similar, I should say. Yeknod
  2. Mind-expanding plants, I should imagine. Not that there's a lot to expand. One's elasticity only produces the unexpected twang. *sniff* I suppose there's enough turning room for the odd Croda? Yeknod
  3. Squirrels would be different. I should think a squirrel on a stick would be quite agitated... unless it was winter. Then it would quite likely be stiff. [ January 14, 2004, 04:46 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  4. I've never seen a Croda sparkle. But a stick is always a stick, I say. Which is just as well, because it could be an insect in disguise and a dazzled insect could be... well... dazzled.
  5. ... soda farls and butter [translation] Thistle ... feeding the donkey [translation] Thistle ... and other stuff [translation] Thistles Yeknod
  6. *snoooooooooooooooorrrt* [circles around the paddock at a frisky trot]
  7. Eh? Me hormones are giving me gip. I'm very sensitive and one just cannot rush Art. What were we doing... was it the road thing? Yeknod
  8. Yes. Embracing the prow of a major cruise liner by one's lips as it heads towards Southampton dock would be very bothersome. As would being attached by one's lips to an iceberg. That's yer North Atlantic iceberg, not yer lettuce. Being attached to an iceberg lettuce by one's lips would be half-way to a salad. And I can't really see how yer can avoid a salad. Yeknod
  9. Exactly. One must steer away from any mention of spooning-on half-set portions of custard. Yeknod
  10. Indeed, one has such an extensive choice. A hot mustard or a light hollandaise or, perhaps, copious amounts of freshly whisked mayonnaise or, if one were to be slightly daring, a fruity chutney with good sized chunks. But we are discussing Hiram, so a cheap, economy squeezy bottle of own-brand ketchup should suffice. Applied, liberally. Twice. And then the contents. As to yer whys and wherefores, one dare not conjure up the images... awful, truely awful... I shall *honk* to dispel the sticky... erm... situation. *honk* Yeknod [ January 01, 2004, 11:06 AM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  11. Say Hiram , could you make it those undershorts that you have been wearing for a week? You know how stuffy it can get down here. </font>
  12. I will set something of mine on fire, to save you the trouble. Move towards the burning armor thingy. </font>
  13. I just wanted to say that after much thought regarding the length of the road on this map that I will move to the furthest end away from anything of any note. Or, perhaps not.
  14. [stares glumly at the upturned rubber gnome] *sniff*... its a nobbly cactus.
  15. Eh? *honk* *honk* *honkety-honk* Come to me, baby? Yeknod
  16. Bah! Editing feature to get rid of double posts too, BFC!
  17. Perhaps there may be a middle way where CMx can be offered so that units in QBs can be fully edited and imported according to third party campaign rulesets? A bit like the ability to edit and transfer unit experience and strengths from one game to another using a system like Biltong's rules? The only change to CM would be a greater ability to edit forces for QBs and scenarios. CM community rulesets do the rest. Doing it this way ensures flexibility (campaigns can be as historical or fantastical as players desire) and allows BFC to develop other features? How about this? On the screen where you choose single play, hotseat etc there is a button for campaign. Its clicked and up pops a menu, spreadsheet, whatever to enter unit details or import unit details plus the option for a map... press the go button, game is played. At the end of the battle, there's an export feature to record the details of units left. The player then applies the third party rules and we're set for another campaign game with a new set of imported values. Alex [ December 19, 2003, 01:38 PM: Message edited by: Yeknodathon ]
  18. I just wanted to say that I've discovered me hooters. They're quite magnificent, but I won't be sharing 'em with Emrys.
  19. I suppose me rubber gnome needs a mask of shame... hum-de-hum-de-hoo *peers around paddock for the occasional unconscious fat hunting owl*
  20. ... I'm just very thankful it weren't diced pineapple. That would have caused a small conflagration... or worse, yer explosive bowl of exotic fruit salad with yer chunks of guava, mango, more diced pineapple and wotnot...
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