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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. Why do you want to sleep with a Gnome with a red pointy hat?
  2. Yet again, the greatest gift these Isles have offered the nations of the world has been spurned; irony. But we offer Mr Bean for those who struggle. PS what was it with the US of A team looking like a bunch of paramilitary security guards on a day trip from a camp in Cuba? I thought we'd solved our internal security issues a few days ago?
  3. Mr Bean touches the parts that so many nations cannot reach
  4. Would he need a trolley for his personality or the catheter bag?
  5. One can hear the quickening clank of walking frame across the floor to his favourite spot...
  6. Jo Xia's voluptuous pleasure dome that is the Mormon harem of insatiable desire.
  7. I just wanted to say I once had a phantasy Emrys attached to my hind quarters. It took quite a bit of shaking and rubbing for it to work loose.
  8. Locoweed, locoweed I got lots of locoweed Makes me soft Makes me free Locoweed makes me wee *sniff* man, like, liberating
  9. Obviously, libor rate price fixing is a waaaay beyond till-boy Boo
  10. After some research into the matter at hand, I discovered Mr. Emrys is absolutely horrid. —Goober Ah, yeah, you make me barf. —Whaledroppings ...Michael's assessment is quite.. what was it? —Goober2 And after some thought, I decided that Emrys is mind-bendingly horrid. —SSNtoady ...you´re - once again - absolutely dire... —accent ... Michael Emrys is absolutely desperate. —usercantbebotheredtomakeupapropername32546237272587458 Michael Emrys seems to have sapped all life from it. —DLaundry
  11. Quite, they never really caught on to concept of cannibalism and focused on rhubarb
  12. One can only imagine Werewolves cringing in desperation to the strains of... Wheear 'ast tha bin sin' ah saw thee, ah saw thee? On Ilkla Mooar baht 'at Wheear 'ast tha bin sin' ah saw thee, ah saw thee? Wheear 'ast tha bin sin' ah saw thee? On Ilkla Mooar baht 'at On Ilkla Mooar baht 'at On Ilkla Mooar baht 'at Tha's been a cooartin' Mary Jane Tha's bahn' to catch thy deeath o` cowd Then us'll ha' to bury thee Then t'worms'll come an` eyt thee up Then t'ducks'll come an` eyt up t'worms Then us'll go an` eyt up t'ducks Then us'll all ha' etten thee That's wheear we get us ooan back
  13. I suppose one will have busy oneself for several decades until the progeny has found its way here to announce to us all as Nidan2 Marvelous.
  14. Hague, North Dakota - population 71. Rather strange obsession they have with Michael?
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