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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. [strapping on industrial rubber hoof cleats to all four limbs to ensure the best grip and leverage....]
  2. [carefully laying a trail of sunflower seeds and other useful seeds and nuts towards the yawning maw of the Paddock aircraft hanger sliding doors shed...]
  3. [carefully selecting the sink plunger with the greatest amount of suction...]
  4. Got a cute, wee little beak muzzle [sound of long strip of duct tape being prepared] ooooh, little birdie come to uncle donkey?
  5. ... its a parrot gone seriously imitative or minor bird with ADHD... toss the little bleeder a ritalin cookie
  6. Young MagPoz (sounds like something attached to the end of a screwdriver) is on the freakin outreboards everywhere.. its worse than a freakin virulent outbreak of mushrooms on a moist autumn night.. opine on this, opine on that.. there isnt a bleedin subject known to humanity or beast or vegetable that doesnt interrupt the constantly chattering little bird's squawk.. STOP IT, its sooooo... Dorosh
  7. [meanwhile, it is a very special Dentures Night at the Paddock and something grey and heavy is proudly parading a set of fine Justicar gnashers with liberal application from a tub of Super Poligrip Utah Mormon Collectors Edition cream to ensure good adhesion]
  8. [donning a mortar board] PhD from the University of Toadstool
  9. (Dozy Magpie) Say you'll love me every waking moment Turn my head with talk of Knigget time Say you need me with you now and always Promise me that all you say is true That's all I ask of you [Stukey] Let me be your shelter Let me be your light You're safe, no one will find you Your fears are far behind you
  10. Stuka walks with an Amazing Technicolour Dreamcoat and can never be taken seriously.
  11. Utterly cool, We're going to get 39th SS Grenadier Division Gonzo the Great!
  12. Ah, the MBT crustacean, Crusty Joe Justacrab. And a crab needs a pot of mayo and several pointy implements to get to the juicy bits.
  13. ... and Flipper. What was that? Did Flipper do limpet mines? No. Complete waste of time. Would our erstwhile Dudster0.7 (getting smaller) with a bit of training do a bit of fetch and carrying in a marine environment? No. Will he bob up and down and make frequent clicks? Will he even quack? No. Complete waste of time.
  14. I just wanted to say that even if Dudster0.8 managed to approach in high heels and a little caper I could hardly summon enough enthusiasm to lift an eyelid or curl a lip or contort my bowels in such a way as to impersonate something passing in fog... not that we'd be so lucky... [peering across the misty Paddock pond] ... as to get a fully laden tanker passing through to flatten the semi-rigid inflatables around here
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