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Everything posted by Yeknodathon

  1. Nostradamus Quatrain reads: Brain in the jar simmers And the Grogs will stroke their tripods Flames rush through grass mods And the Emrys Beast will be proven false ...well, I'd pay an extra $10 for that
  2. Re-attach this little puppy to somewhere amusing on his little corporeal existence?
  3. Quite a large cup size would be needed to fit his ego and stop it from wobbling when he runs.
  4. ... but he always took ever so long to say it. Like stretching freshly masticated gum.
  5. His pointy hat has got Swarovski elements. That'll attract some attention.
  6. [... meanwhile hasty preparations are being made in the Paddock to raise the Boostav line and on a rocky promontory a rubber Gnome has been buried so far as just to show its red pointy hat to all on-comers] It's what I call a Gnomezerturn
  7. [.. meanwhile at the Paddock Observatory the great dome shields slide open to reveal a very large telescope as it slowly rotates and depresses as far down as possible to focus on its ground target...] K789056 Emrys Meteorite Small Very small Quite burnt up
  8. I never liked elliptical orbits or gravity due to the quite unnecessary attraction of dull, lifeless clumps of drifting material seeking an energetic union but always miss and spin off for another pass somewhere down the centuries.
  9. It was easy, I use a special TWERPY over-sized keyboard for all Captain Emrys posts. Sometimes I run my snout up and down the keys for extra affect. Its specially attuned to dash out invective and literary spleen for those special Emrys turkey moments Pass me the cranberry sauce, has the quitter sunk yet?
  10. Oh, I think you could use an A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O P, R, S T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z-word and we'd still hate you the same. Why should we be restricted to Qs?
  11. BOOOOOOOOOM!!!!! whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrr thud-a-crash! JonS shoots, he scores and another piece of Emrys is dashed to wind in little splinters of Emrys debris. ..but he's a trooper, no mistake,I'm sure our magnificent hero can get a telling shot in somewhere?
  12. ...and the mighty guns of Grogkania belch out towards our liittle boat BOOM whhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrr SPLOOOOOOSHH!!!! Oooh, JonS has got his range with laser-like pin-point accuracy but upon his prow our Michael grasps his harpoon. Though but a toothpick against the sun-baked hardened butt of rhino erudition and well-informed general geekery our Michael knows how to wield a stiletto and ease it in with unerring accuracy and jab it real fast in the face adversity. We like a hopeless cause and a few pin pricks will leave a nasty rash, that's for sure. BOOM whhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrr cuuuraacckkkkKKKKKKK!!!! Oh a hit! How will he recover, will our David bring the Goliath down with his next shot, this is just too exciting!!?
  13. Oooh, look Emrys takes on JonS in Grog wannabe Chinese-Burma slapdown lets count how many books I have but eReaders don't count contest... is it possible Emrys will not come out holed below the waterline in tender areas as the coastal defence guns of Grogkania blast away in mighty salvos at our plucky little phishing boat? Go, JonS Go! - where's my pom-poms
  14. NRO says everyone should be armed with a donkey, just in case.
  15. [Hoofing a thick, glossy strand of prime donkey nasal material] I sure he's furry in other areas, it his one comedic feature. Velcro was made for Emrys
  16. Well ain't you the human calculus machine, do you have any more scintillating inklings of mathematical genius or will we regard you as a binary-challenged Emrys?
  17. I'm looking forward to an Emry's half time show, shaking booty and all, to see what electrical apparatus will flash, pop or grind to a halt. I'm particularly interested in the effect of hurricane force wind machine that will rip through his nasal hairs and cause a catastrophic brown-out south of the Texas Panhandle.
  18. I think I'm having an Emry's malfunction.. but I'll pop it back in
  19. I don't think he needs to wave a cell phone or a PDA to get picked up or solicit some trade; not in those meggings.
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