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Everything posted by Cameroon

  1. 64 people is not a lot of people, and they can only fire so much at a time. There's only so much LOS/LOF tracking that has to go one. Maybe with a larger dev team, more could be squeezed out of the systems being used, but I can't come up with a situation in any current FPS that has the same amount of calculations going on behind the scene. As an example of "lots of processing, few units", the physics processing and graphics in Forza 2, a current Xbox 360 only title, mean that they can only put 8 cars on the track at a time. 8. They're processing so much raw physics data that both the gfx and number of cars on track had to be toned down. Combat Mission has always run into similar bottlenecks. I'm not playing "fanboi" just saying that it's not even close to reasonable to compare a FPS to, well, just about any other game type. They just don't stress the CPU much compared to the GFX card.
  2. Hey, when did Sierra-Tree-Actual start? I don't recall seeing that in your sig before... Anyway, cool, something else to watch while we wait
  3. Welcome Guinnessman Ammo is tracked per individual - here's a good post about that actually Ammo [Edit] While that's an older post, Stryker dismounts (and others?) can resupply with a command at at Stryker. I don't have a post handy for that one at the moment.
  4. That's a good thought, I still want to see Rune's guide though
  5. 1. Whats the reason for that? 2. Will this be patched later? </font>
  6. If it's like the Theater of War pre-order, it won't end until right before the actual release day. Would be good to have an official word though, for those evaluating whether or not they want the Deluxe for 10 less
  7. Heh, Sixxkiller, you're machine isn't exactly "low end" for most wargamers
  8. Yay! My CC has been burning a hole in my pocket just waiting for the pre-release to go Woot!
  9. I pity whoever buys the retail version. </font>
  10. Hi jogr, they don't mean that they'd sell a new, unlocked version but rather release a new executable that is not copy protected.
  11. Dear, dear vincere - you've asked in entirely the wrong fashion. You're supposed to make indignant noises about how they've obviously screwed up the system (not to mention gone to a modern theater!) and how its sad that another good publisher has lost its way. This rational "Wait, could you please elaborate" will obviously get you no where.
  12. Battlefront uses e-License for their games. In the age of activation, so far it's the least annoying activation system I've yet encountered.
  13. Ach! Neon doodads! Those look great even if the doodads don't get shadows.
  14. Chicago on the 30th you say? ... {checks map} ... *sigh* I don't think I can do an 11 hour drive by myself. Anyone else in the DC area up for a road trip?
  15. Good news, gmail just increased the max attachment size to 20 megs Although, it's "20 megs maximum, depending on the attachment" so who knows how much they'll actually give.
  16. Damn, that is very lucky! Send some of that luck my way for Avalanche...
  17. It's moments like those that make me wish we had a built-in replay mechanism
  18. To address the question of AT guns - de-crew them at the start and then crew them when the tanks get into range. I'm going to build a test mission to see how well they actually hide and whether or not bushes and trees help. I have had success with them, however. It was more of a meeting engagement type battle so they were hooked to transport. Both got off a good number of shots that hit and one managed to survive.
  19. I haven't run into any trenches yet in the Allies campaign (2 battles in).
  20. It does in multiplayer, but the second mission that I played last night ended in victory without me having to hunt down every last straggler. I haven't looked too closely yet, but hopefully we can design missions with a lower threshold for a win.
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