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Everything posted by Cameroon

  1. Strangely, while I totally agree with the physics aspect, I like the 90 degree turn visually. I don't know why, since I generally like realism much more (which would be a curve). I agree with Bnej about the lock-on warning, but have no strong feelings one way or the other about 'fixing' the course correction physics.
  2. Hey Bnej, I believe they stand for HE-Low Velocity (short range) and HE-High velocity (long range). The ballistic computer selects the appropriate one for the range you are trying to fire at, you can't manually choose one or the other. Currently the high-velocity rounds cannot target short-range even if you are out of all of your short-range rounds, but Claytonious indicated in another thread that it might be changed to allow that.
  3. I took out more than one MBT with the 20mm on the engineering vehicle by being close and shooting the turret side. The lethality is ok to my mind since it leaves room for mistakes. Guess here's my list as I see it right now. Wish List: 1) I don't mind that hovercraft aren't as simple to move, but they need to be able to side-slip. I realize that would throw in another set of keys for them, but it's agonizing trying to maneuver them. 2) Being able to set a rally point for the AI so they don't just drop randomly on the map. Ideally we could create multiple rally points and assign bots to particular ones, so that we could construct better attacks that included bots. 3) Edge scrolling in the tactical map. 4) 'E' toggles gunnery mode (or can toggle, could be a pref). Especially since if you're trying to move forward, turn left and target you quickly run out of fingers to coordinate your actions. 5) Track and hover damage similar to wheeled vehicles in that you can lose one track or take damage to a quadrant of the skirt. If you suffer skirt damage (or just lift damage, if they don't have skirts), it would be cool to list towards that quadrant. 6) Similar to the "Buddies", a "Favorite Servers" would be nice. 7) Tabbing between fields, automatically putting the text entry into the first available (or logical) field, and return == default button 8) Slightly faster engineering vehicle? Even if the speed while digging wasn't changed (or changed much), it seems that it's as slow as the Thor which makes getting to somewhere useful (to capture, dig or remove mines) very difficult. 9) A variant or two of the Shrike. It's extremely fun to drive, but the ATGM is in very limited supply. Although, if you put a 20mm gun on it, it might become extremely deadly since it could probably out-flank the turret speed of many of the tanks. 10) Placing turrets on walls (e.g. Ice Fields) 11) Some sort of visual scarring for non-fatal hits. This seems especially important for the Ion guns. It would make them more lethal, since multiple shooters could see to target the same spot AND would mean that someone could later take advantage of the weak spot. 12) Make the 'accelerator' keys for issuing orders to the bots work without the Option key. If you've got one hand on the mouse, opt-m becomes difficult to manage (especially with a split keyboard). 13) Teach the AI about the Extract command and when its ok to use. Even a "Try it once, if your DS gets shot down then suicide" might be fine. Especially important if changes are made to make a suicide less convenient for players. 14) Does the AI understand that it should stay near the EWV? 15) Allow the commander to assign control of a bot or bots to other players. 16) More substantial looking tree trunks? 17) Targetting map auto-exits when you die or extract 18) Definitely wishlist, but... Shrike with 20mm and lasing ability for the mortar vehicles to guide munitions in. Ideally the lasing (or is that lazing?) would be boresight so you could be hulldown. I don't know if that would be too powerful, but I want it Things I like: 1) The game 2) The smoke effects ROCK! They are visually appealing and definitely affect combat capability. Does the AI have trouble seeing through smoke as well? Seeing an incoming missile is definitely an "oh s..." moment 3) EWV - I like that it rewards "thoughtful" gameplay, since it can have a large impact against players that dismiss it for the small gun. 4) Hovercraft acrobatics. Get up to full speed running straight at the walls in Ice Field. WEEEEE! 5) Dragging a DropShip around like a hat when someone shoots it down over my vehicle. I've wondered if it provides extra armor... 6) Deformable terrain. It has yet to get old to see the ground collapse out from under a Thor due to artillery or to watch trees collapse from large rounds or artillery. 7) Armor penetration and damage modeling rather than hitpoints. I really like that a 20mm cannon can give a Thor a bad day if you're close and firing at a vulnerable point. 8) The Paladin 76mm. If it were just a little faster, it'd probably be my favorite non-direct-fire-artillery vehicle It's just quick enough, potent enough and manueverable enough to make itself a nuisance. 9) The Hurricane (who doesn't love that!) 10) Extraction and Resupply 11) Indirect fire via the targetting map
  4. RIPper_SVK, you can tell the bots to escort or move with you. I think that would pretty much be the equivalent of controlling multiple vehicles at once. Given that there is the command aspect, it would be nice if the commander could assign bots to a particular player. That player could then do as he or she wished with the bots. My own list of likes/dislikes/wishlist is coming
  5. Ignore below! It was stuck at 16 bit and magically when I loaded it a 3rd time its back at 32 bit. I have no clue why though! --------- I'd been playing for the past two days using, unbeknownst to me, the Catalyst 6.1 drivers. So I said "Hey, they say 6.2 or later" and downloaded and installed the 6.3 drivers. Now, despite every setting indicating that it's set to 32 bit mode, it's most definitely rendering in 16 bit. Are there any known causes? For the time being I'll probably just tell the drivers to force 32 bit mode, but it seems strange that it was working flawlessly with drivers that were too old. Specs: P4 3 Ghz w/ HT 1 GB RAM ATI X800 w/ 256 RAM
  6. I enjoy the smoke trails too. I'm sure it's not realistic, but it's just so much fun! My only issue with the missiles is that I can't seem to hit anything, even with a lock. It seems to always impact right behind the target, rather than on top of the target.
  7. Any chance of getting rotation of which side is attacking and which defending? I looked at the command line switched and didn't see anything. Since both sides have exactly the same equipment and support (or so it seems), the starting 1000 points and ability to deploy turrets seems to make attacking exceptionally difficult. Is this a command competence issue? [My gut says not exactly, since defenders usually have an edge and the numbers aren't weighted to give the attackers any help]
  8. Interesting, I've taken out MBTs with the 20mm from the rear and sides. I am starting to think I should look at the schematics online more carefully for the weak points.
  9. There are two things I dislike about the ice fields: 1) DropShips are shot down from way far away. I can't tell you how frustrated my brother was that the bots on my team kept taking out his DS that was coming down on the edge of the map. 2) It feels featureless. Which I guess is accurate, but it's just so barren
  10. The mortars automatically pick the rounds based on distance. So if your target is out of range, the short range rounds won't be wasted. When using a mortar, try using Ctrl-M to bring up a targeting map. Put the cross hairs on the target in the map and fire away. Ctrl-M again to close the targeting map </font>
  11. Heh, you know, that as what I thought originally. Then the help text or whatever in-game confused me (that and there didn't seem to be a "Bring it back to here" marker anywhere as you mentioned).
  12. So I just played a CTF game where I carried the opposing team's flag around for probably 3/4 of the game, yet at the end my "Team Score" was 0 (we won). Maybe I've just played too much Halo, but it'd be nice if there was recognition for flag carries/saves, time carried, or something.
  13. Well, the "simple" way would be to draw some text right across the browser area when you click on the Network tab that says "Click Refresh". That would, probably, serve to instruct on how to refresh as well indicate that you need to do it to get any servers at all. Whether that's visually appealing or not...
  14. Kurtz, I'm able to read it just fine in Preview. Do you have any of your fonts turned off? At work I just helped someone troubleshoot why a ton of their apps wouldn't work, which turned out to be that they turned off some of the system fonts that the machine expected to be there. And just an FYI Moon, Preview is the OS X-provided PDF reader (as well as plain images).
  15. Claytonious, thanks Mace, I had gathered that it would get loads more fun with some organization. And I even would have taken that role, except that I don't know what I'm doing any more than the others
  16. PCF Test? I ran one server, CamsCantina, for probably an hour or hour and a half off an OS X box and then I tested the instructions I gave Los and that was maybe 15 minutes. Can't recall what that one was named. I don't know if that answers your question, but I'm assuming that there was a server running called PCF Test or something.
  17. So what's the chance of getting the TBG and BattleFront guys to hold some sort of "training" events? Like an 8 v 8 game with 4 experienced people and 4 of us unwashed masses? I have no idea what kind of numbers could be in one game, but there seemed to be an awful lot of chaos on the battlefield and not a lot of organization to that chaos
  18. Los, are you running Windows? Are you familiar with the command line? Make sure whichever person is hosting the game has port 9967 open. Even if you aren't familiar with the command line, hopefully these instructions can help you out (note: I don't know how powerful your machine would need to be to be the host and client, so...): 1. Go to Start and select Run 2. Type cmd and click Ok 3. Type cd c:\program files\battlefront\dropteam public test\bin and press Return 4. Type DropTeamP4Release.exe -enterlobby false -hostmode server -lobbyname YourGameName -numbots0 4 -numbots1 4 -dynamicbots true -gametype Objective and press Return 5. You won't see any apparent results, but it should be running now. 6. Double-click the DropTeam icon on the desktop and connect to the server. If you'd like to adjust the number of bots on each team, simply change the -numbots0 and -numbots1 parameters (and I did try it to make sure it works). In order to stop the DropTeam server, you'll have to use the Task Manager since there doesn't appear to be a way to do it otherwise.
  19. I think you have to fire up a dedicated server with the multiplayer test release. I think the "server+client" at the same time was mentioned to be coming with the actual release (thought I saw that in the docs somewhere). I think you can probably run both the dedicated server and then the client, but the hosted games seem to be as confused as the game my brother and I were playing.
  20. I think the "login" is a little confusing. Working in tech support myself, I can imagine a lot of people asking themselves where the login button is. Also, since it saves the username and password, it might also be a good idea to have a checkbox to choose to remember the password or not.
  21. I'm also looking forward to it It's a quiet forum (and buried near the bottom!), but I always check to see if there's some new bone. A demo or release date. Preorders. Gameplay video. Something
  22. Only if we've been good. So I'd say we're screwed.
  23. I always heard it was by a proper ritual sacrifice, but I've not yet learned what that sacrifice is.
  24. Mmmmmm.... Bolo.... I always seem to enjoy those stories
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