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Iron Chef Sakai

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Everything posted by Iron Chef Sakai

  1. Whats wrong with me not liking a tv show that you like? I thought the show was awful, if you can''t deal with it then don't bother me about it.
  2. Is everyone on here realy this anal!??! why don't you let BTS make their F-ing game already, they did a great job with CMBO and i think their capable of handling their new upcoming title CMBB. I've heard of arm chair quarterbacks, but i never realized armchair game makers existed until i've seen this forum.
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by The Commissar: Now, once again, I am no expert in on the Afrika Korps (and I so do hate intruding on topics I am not completely in tune with), but wasn't the Korps in a state of disrepair and severe neglect when it came to supplies? Was El Guitar during or after the siege of El Alamein (sp?)? Im tempted to think after, when the British pushed the Afrika Korps back to where they started. This would mean that the "poor" Germans were in a very tight spot. Even Rommels skills could not make tanks lacking the necessary fuel start moving.<hr></blockquote> Your absolutly right Commisar, the british had been having their way with the afrika korps for quite sometime before Patton's army gained any success. Patton did not defeat Rommel, it was mainly Hitler refusing to resupply the army at key points in the campaign, and of course the British and Commonwealth armies.
  4. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by busboy: Iron, you're entitled to your opinion, but so am I. I say you're wrong. Comparing Patton and Monty is rediculias unless you mean they both loved the spotlight. Bradley was reliable, a battle winner, but not the best we had. Patton overrated? Hell, look at statistics, or look at how others held him. He was the only General the Germans really feared ("Monty was reliable" they said.) Stalin himself said that the Red Hordes couldn't have done as well as Patton's 3rd Army did. <hr></blockquote> Ok, find me in writting where Stalin himself said that the Communist armies were inferior to that of the 3rd army commanded by Patton. The red army was fighting much larger german forces then the western allies were. If the Soviet Union was not at war with Germany, how well do you think Patton's 3rd army would have done against say....Army Group South? I was comparing Patton to Monty not as tacticians, but as for both being gigantic glory hounds. They had no problem sacrificing their mens lives for some extra added glory, wich is poor leadership. I'm sorry to burst your bubble, but Patton was not any where near the realm of a Hannibal or Napolean. Patton just beleived his own hype. Patton and Monty were just 2 compettive little brats both trying to out do each other.
  5. I agree with the above post wich was whati was getting at. Now the centurion tank was pretty gross.....hehe Also in response to that Patton quote to Zhukov,...Patton was a blow hard and over rated. Bradley was a much better general. Patton was our equivelent to Monty in my opinion.
  6. There were many different versions of the FW-190. I can't remember off hand but i know they were faster then the P-47. The FW-190's also had nitros, wich gave them significant speed boosts. Did any of those TA-152's ever see action? i've never heard of them before, and i was pretty surprised. They kind of look like a stretched Fw-190. Now getting back to the ugliest plane award.....my vote goes to the P-47, wich instead of being called the "thunderbolt" should have been called the "flying sherman". Wait, did'nt alot of pilots call them flying bath tubs or something?
  7. WW2OL???? I was silly enough to buy the game on release.......i paid 50 dollars for a card board box with pictures of a game that was about 1/4 finished. It was a good idea, but the game still is'nt even what it's advertized as. Even if cornered rat somday comletes their game i would'nt bother playing it just because of how awful the game was for 3 months that i tried to play it. Also, my computer had more then the recommended requirements to play the game, and i was'nt on a dial up modem.
  8. any place wherei can find some good sky and sherman mods?
  9. Was'nt the DO-335 the fastest propellar driven plane of the war?
  10. Is it possible that the US army opted for other designs because of budget caps due to the great depression? Also America was an isolationist nation during this period, and the populace very adamant about not going off to another war in Europe. Though i think a war with Japan was forseen, considering their naval presence in the pacific and an unprovoked war against China in wich they refused to opt for peace. So for prepping for an inevitable showdow with the Empire of Japan, would it realy matter whether our main battle tank was a Sherman, or a T-34 when going up against the severly inferior armor of the japanese? The United States attitude was to leave European wars to the European nations. So there would technicly be no need for an expensive state of the art tank capable of crashing thru the European countryside when in fact it would not become a reality, there for a complete waste of money. Our leaders more then likely thought the europeans capable of settling any disputes amougnst themelves. Imperial Japan was more of a threat since it took on an expansionist stance through the pacific sphere where we had asets of our own( phillipines ect..) Where as Germany had France and Britain to keep them in check, wich apeared to be the case, Japan had none but The United states santions to slow it's hostilities towards other nations. This situation would greatly reduce the need for a "super tank" and call more for ocean going vessels and aircraft of a better quaility. i believe this is the reason that we went ahead with the B-17 project and others of the same nature and importance, while declining on the Chirsite tank designs. this is just something i've thought of right now so no need to rant and rave if it differs from some actual facts.
  11. Makes sense to me. What i am also hoping for are german soldiers in green instead of grey during the earlier stages of the game, since they widly used a green color for their uniforms during the period.
  12. Thats a good question. I think it would only manke sense for them to be added. I think it would be great if all the uniform varionts from all sides were modeled in the game, but i don'nt think they will have the time to implement them all. I would be happy if most were implemented, but i am happy enough about tank platoons, vehicle moral and higher resolution graphics. As cool as it would be to have the Marines modeled, i do not beleive that the battle of Sevastapol is within the scope of the game.
  13. Personal dispute? Try a disagreement, your realy showing your age. Since you seem socialaly retarded and unable to discuss a subject with someone who may not have the same view as you,i suggest you head on over to the IL2 Forum. Also i think i hear tanaka crying out for his warm milk, mabe you two should go to a forum about your favorite soap opera or soemthing.
  14. It can suggest it? I thought every historian already pretty much agreed on that it was fact. I beleive it may have been suggested in 1941, thought about and mulled over then agreed upon years ago. I've done some reading that suggests that the world is not flat, but infact a sphere.
  15. this has what to do with the t-34 argie? perhaps you should go to the IL2 forum and cry there.
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Tanaka: Instead of producing fast and imprecise generalizations, go here http://history.vif2.ru/index.html , for a better education in this field (look inside tank developement) [ 12-27-2001: Message edited by: Tanaka ]<hr></blockquote> imprecise? Thanks Gyrene, i did'nt feel like going out of my way to prove a point to someone who sounded so ignorant and immature.
  17. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Barrie Storm (CMMC): 38 years young.... <hr></blockquote> no, your 38 years old, now go play with your pasta machine and juicer.
  18. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Andreas: I always thought that the Panzer III that are on strength in the West in 1944 were command tanks, and would not appear in the frontline. Where in the Ardennes were they so decisive?<hr></blockquote> i agree, i remembver reading that as well. the panzer III's late in the war were used as command tanks, not for front line fighting. i also do not envision many lynx spear heads on the western front as well.
  19. i just got the game for christams, it looks fun, i am configuring game commander right now for it
  20. SO your a self proclaimed scholar? thats pretty credible, you should say your a prime minister or something too, hehe
  21. this board used to be worse then that, check out the archives from 1999 and 2000 here. people still complain alot here, not everyone, i find the newer members a bit more tolerant.
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