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Iron Chef Sakai

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Everything posted by Iron Chef Sakai

  1. wow i typed that out way too fast, check out the spelling, hopefuly their arer enough "rigid thinkers" here that can break the enigma like code that my post was written in, hehe
  2. haha! My only point is that i find most topics in here overly magnified and examed. does it realy matter wich way the wind was blowing and the chance of percepation of the weather before the bismark was sunk? i mean how many conversations can there be on armor thickness of a single vehicle?? well charlie, i think the slope was at a 41.8 angle, and that why the heavily aerodynamic piece of metal hurled at it from great veleocity penetrated the armor. brilliant. well no i disagre george, i think the armor was actaly at a 41.7 degree angle, i found it in a book. well no my book states clearly that it is 41.8!! you are utterly wrong!! no i'm not! my book said 41.7!!! pointles and immature argument ensues, and there you have about 80% the posts.........don't beleive me? this forum was actuyaly worse, the people here who calim to be mature, well they have written some hillarious stuff!! i went into the archives of the forums and started reading posts form 1999 and 2000, BTS had to constantly mediate with these so called rigid thinkers and would talk to them and appropriatly at the time like how they were acting, like bratty kids, i.e baby boomers, lol, so before you try to claim you've always taken the high rode and your a scholar like everyone else here, take a look back, if you want prood i'll actualy start posting some of those things, they were pretty funny in a pathetic way. MadMatt almost closed down the forum on account of these jokers. So in closing i'm gald your behaving a little better, but keep in mind the archivesd are open to everyone to read, lol
  3. Man, does anyone laugh on here? guess no one can take a joke unless it has to do with a tank or something in the game, oh well, i tried, andony else care to? :cool:
  4. Ok, do you know how many people in the world have gone to school for a couple years and recieved a degree in history? well alot. So is you see one person as the ulitmate authority on history, well thats great. But you should put down the World War 2 History books for a moment and pick up a joke book ro something, mabe your sense of humor will surface. And as far as "studying" world war 2 and claiming to have knowldeg eof hostry is a joke. World War 2 was what? 39-45 right? and how long is history again? alot of other things have happend, even alot of things that,..sit down now,......have nothing to do with war at all. If your looking for me to write and essay on a messege board about something that everyone knows about, and could technicly be taught in a full day, well your going to be waiting awhile. When you get cik of reading book after book on the same battles, equipment ect.. try rradong about some other war, theres' been tons of them,...read up on the crimean war or something i don't know you might find it interesting.
  5. best looking plane, hmmmmm the Spitfire i think has to win out there. 2nd would go to the Fw-190.
  6. What is wrong with what i typed in? I figured i'd get to the point instead of simply plagerizing books and random websites like so many seem to do here. Was what i stated incorrect or something? Also as a side not, i would not base fact on a website. Next time your going ot direct someone to a source of information, give them a list of some books to read. Anyone can make a website and put whatever they want in it, does'nt make it fact. So in turn, i would like to add a link here that would take you to your local book store or library, but you'd have to do that on your own.
  7. Christie did have a huge hand in making the Soviets want for an all terrain "fast tank" possible thru his suspension though. So, in playing a huge part in the easrly develpopements of the BT's, he in turn by defualt played just as big of a role in the making of the T-34. The T-34 was a direct decendent of thr BT series tanks.
  8. I was'nt aware he tried selling the design to Gemrany as well. thats interesting, were there any reasons why they deemed the design unfit for their military? Even the British i would think would have shown an interest in the tank desgin considering on who their new neighbor was in 1933. With the tanks we had in the 30's, you would have thought that we would be all over that design. Well at least we had enough sense to go forward with the B-17 project.
  9. Lord General, shake off your damn hang over, drink a beer what ever helps, and take you damn turn! Or, if my forces have already routed yours, wich would not surprise me in the least bit, surrender and send me my turn so i can see what happend.
  10. That tank was what the Sherman wished it was. and technicaly should have been an American tank. the Christie suspension was designed by none other than Christie, an american. The americans would not buy his designs so he sold them to the russians. i beleive he had a hand in the sloped armor idea as well, but i am only going from memory, so i would check that.
  11. One source said that it was 60mm thick armor in the front. that would have made a formidable opponent for any german tank at the time considering german armor of 1940 was hardly the best in the world.
  12. Anyone heard t the Charon2C heavy tank? i have'nt up until now. i was looking for some ugly tanks to post in another thread, when i came across this. a 68 ton French tank. Was it ever used?
  13. Also keep in mind i don't consider that New Zealand circus tent built on the chasis of a tractor to be an afv.
  14. Let the Games begin!!! Lord General, i have sent you the first turn of the rest of your life. I am looking forward to your forces impaling themselves on the unbreakable pike of what is my defense.
  15. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Lord General MB: Soldiers, CHEF Get me a turn so that I can get around to killing you! PENG Burn baby.... thought I'd buy all Tigers? Hehe.... <hr></blockquote> if i could only load the game you'd be toast. does anyone know of a free zip program that could zip and unzip files?
  16. Will this be modeld though? i'm so sick of seeing the germans dressed in full grey uniforms in every game and ever scenario within games. alot of fottage and pictures i've seen form the eastern front show germans green. Do you think BTS will model the changes thru the years? i think that would be a great idea myself and add some realistic variety to the games visuals. thanks for your reply, i have never realy been an expert on uniforms, just conveying some observations.
  17. Ok, i noticed in some screen shots that the germans are still in battleship grey. the germans used this battleship grey color during the french campaign. from 41-43/44 the german infantry uniform color was green. will this be modeled?
  18. Lord General if you ever up for an ip game drop me an e-mail. tonight i'm playing against a friend of mine, but other then that i'm usualy free to play. i have a ton of computer games, but i can't seem to stop playing this game. defiently a good sign of the quality of the game. I have had as much fun gaming since x-com.
  19. Hi, it's your friendly neighborhood chef once again and for once here with a relevent question. Whats your take on IP games? i prefer them to pbm, and with the chat option would leave the game more open to taunts and what not. Just wondering so i don't waste an e-mail on someone who can't devote a couple hours to a game because it would take time away from their main hobby of arts and crafts. i'm sure you can cross stich as good as anyone Stuka and good luck with that, we still like you, but for the last time stop asking me to go to Blue Oyster bar with you, i'm not interested.
  20. Santa does not know c++, but his elves are quite the little engineers.
  21. Have a Merry Christmas everyone! i am not sure if Mad Matt is aware of this, but rumor has it that Santa's elves have been hard at work creating the game all year for people like myself who asked Santa for CMBB.
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