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Iron Chef Sakai

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Everything posted by Iron Chef Sakai

  1. an "ignore switch" huh? where is that? located just above your "i'm a grammar professor switch"? or wait, do you have one of those new fangled "light switches" as well? your starting to sound like Mr. Burns from the simpsons.
  2. Dorosh, why did'nt the germans stick with green? did'nt it provide better camoflage?
  3. yep, and i agree with your last post. i just wanted to see if my assumtions were right like i figured. i'm pretty ignorant to things such as german laws and what not but figured it was something of that nature.
  4. Seachai, it sounds like someone needs some midol, and i'll give you a hint, it's not your inflata-mate. ok so let me get this straight, you combed the whole forum and checked every single one of my 300+ posts? and then you go on to say i'm not making any friends? well you may be true, but it looks like i've found an obsessive fan instead. instead of stalking the fourm, mabe you should go back to your crossword puzzles, and regis in the morning show. since you want to bring up dates of birth, i would'nt doubt if your age has been posted more then once by that robust weatherman on goodmorning america. don't get all upset cause todays youth is not familliar with all the names and writers of such hits like good morning america, and rise and shine with regis and random annoying co-host. oh and as far as being crutchless, i think you got all senile and confused, you meant to say that you were crotchless and not even the double dosage of viagra your taking is helping right? so i have a solution for us all, why don't you go back to walking up hill both ways braving the harsh elements to make it to one of your local reataurent to complain about the soup being warm and the crackers to hard for your dentures.
  5. ok the natives are getting restless, i think what everone needs to do is calm down and have some........SEA URCHIN ROE!!!!!!
  6. joe, i fully understand what the 20th centuary meaning of the swastika is. before the damn nazis, i read that it was a universal good luck symbol and can even be found in very old jewish temples. i'm not debating the awfulness that the symbol came to stand for in 20th centuary, there is nothing you have to convey to me about that, it's pretty self explanatory. my only point was about the non universal banning, wich makes sense if wolfenstein is not being sold in germany. but......the sickle and hammer also represents the same awful things to millions of people. Lenin and Stalin made the suffering of the people within their boundaries surpass all in history. i'm not here to say one is less evil then the other, my point is actualy the opposite. the Soviets under Lenin and Stalin actualy killed more people, and were just as anti-semtic as nazi germany. and their regimes were in place longer, Stalin was actualy ready to start another purge in the early 50's but luckily for the citizens of the soviet union, he died before he could set it in motion. Stalin was every bit as anti jew as Hitler, i'm not saying one was better then the other, they were both the, same animal, but why is no one offended by the hammer and sycle and what it came to represent in the soviet union and in the rest of the world? yes we all know what the nazis did was wrong, but why does everyone seem to overlook what the soviets did?
  7. i have one more quetion, in return to castle wolfenstien the sawstika is all over the place, since the game takes place behind german enemy line in 1943 i think, it kind of makes sense. so if it can be modeled, and not censored in one game, why not another?, is my question. i can live without it, it's realy not a big deal to me, it's just thier does'nt seem to be any consistancy of the so called ban of it. it does'nt matter that it's a swastika, it could be a flag of a purple polka dotted hippo and i'd have the same question to the inconsitancies of the banned/not banned in some games for whatever reasons.
  8. i was'nt complaining about it, just discussing it, the only complaint i have, and is a minor one, is about everygame giving werhmacht forces grey uniforms, they wore green dammit!!! hehe
  9. i have lots of quetions about a country that had to pass legislature about sex with goats, was this an epidemic in that country? yikes
  10. i created a topic about this in the forum so i don't intrude on someones elses thread, it's titled flags in CMBB
  11. i thought of this topic while in another post,but will repeat some of it here. i came to understand that the swastika flag(wich holds no special meaning for me) is banned in germany. germany is also a big war gaming country i was told as well, wich for some reason does'nt surprise me, Rommel once published a book on infantry tactics in 1937 and it became a best seller in that country. scary i know, hehe. well to get to the point, if the soviet hammer and sickle flag is being modeled, why not the authentic german world war 2 flag? the Soviets committed the same atrocites as the scumbag nazis under the leadership of Lenin and Stalin. here is my take on it. the waffen SS symbol is in the game. i know that the waffen SS were an elite fighting unit and were not invloved in the atrocities, the SS were. but....they share the same symbol. so....is it is ok to have the symbol of those who played a huge part in all of the awful crimes against humanity, then why is it not ok for the symbol of the country that ordered them? my point being is that from either point of view, in a logical sense, should'nt either both the swastika and ss symbol be modeled, or niether be modeded? i myself would not take offense to seeing a swastika in a game that depicts a world war 2 setting. a realistic one at that. if swastikas were modeled in the game, i do not beleive that people like myself who are sickened by what that regime did would suddenly be swayed to thinking that it's cool by seeing a stupid symbol. On the other side of the coin, i also do not believe that morons who actualy support the swastikas 20th century meaning, will suddenly wake up and realize how awful it is, if it is not modeled in the game. any thoughts?
  12. how come the ss symbols are in the game then? i mean did'nt they have a big hand in those atrocties? i understand the waffen ss were not the ones doing it, but the symbol for the ss and waffen ss remain the same. again i do not like nazis, but in this case it just doesnt add up. i mean people did'nt ban the cross after the spanish inquisition did they? i'm not tryiong to start a crusade here or anything, my only point is that some stupid swastika on a computer game is not going to make me think it's cool or something, and morons who actualy do think it's cool are going to whether it's modeled in a computer game or not. any thoughts?
  13. ok well that makes sense, figures it comes down to money, ie the german ban. why is it banned in a computer game about world war 2 though, i don't get it.
  14. here is a question about flags in general, in cmbb will the germans have their real flags from the period modeled? or will we have to have the world warI imperial german flags? i'm not big on nazis or anything, but if their flag is in a realistic game about world war 2 it would'nt offend me. the Soviets under Lenin and Stalin massacred more innocent people then the scum bag nazi leaders, will the hammer and sickle be replaced with the russian world warI flag as well?
  15. in CMBB will the germans be able ot use T-34's? they captured many of these tanks, mostly T-34/76's and had no problem using them against their enemy in the east. SS Hauptscharfuehrer Emil Seibold from 3rd SS Panzer Battalion scored some 69 kills during his career including those on his Panzerkampfwagen T-34 747® in July and August of 1943, during the Battle of Kursk Salient. Waffen-SS units also did not hesitate to use captured T-34/76 tanks and 2nd SS Panzer Division "Das Reich" and 3rd SS Panzer Division "Totenkopf" pressed significant number into service. T-34/76 tanks used by "Das Reich" are of particular interest. When in March of 1943, SS Panzer Corps recaptured Kharkov, some 50 various models of T-34/76 tank were captured. All of those were being repaired in a local tractor (tank) factory that was overrun and designated as SS Panzerwerk (SS Tank Workshop). Shortly after they were repaired along with being modified to German standards, repainted and marked with German markings. Modifications included installation of commander's cupola (from damaged Panzerkampfwagen III and IV tanks), Schuerzen (armor skirts) and other equipment such as Notek light, storage boxes, tools, radio equipment and antenna. 25 of them entered service with newly created 3rd SS Panzer Battalion of 2nd SS Panzer Regiment of 2nd SS Panzer Division "Das Reich". any thoughts?
  16. wow, Panzer Leader, are you always that funny? i did'nt realize you had such affection for the villiage people, but in any case you should learn to take a joke, you take yourself pretty serious for a villiage people fan.
  17. is this the vliiage people fan club forum or the combat mission forum? it's getting hard to tell.
  18. no, they were waffen ss, i am almost postive, though they were under control of Goering, who was in charge of the lefwaffe, but his powers extended beyond that.
  19. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Stoffel: there was a Luftwaffe division(goering division)with a Tigerbattalion only the crack SS divisions and the armies gross deutschland division had organic tank batalions but I can be wrong,where are the grogs when you need them <hr></blockquote> the Goering division you speak of did exist, though it was not a luftwaffe division. it was a WaffenSS division, and it was elite. the division was stationed in italy.
  20. i've never heard of the book but it sounds interesting. thats pretty cool about the author contacting you. i have a question for you dorosh since i don't beleive i know as much about commonwealth forces as you. in your opinion, out of the bunch wich was the best over all fighting force? i assume the top two are canada and australia, though in my opinion i'd take canada or the aussies.
  21. agua, why am i not surprised that you surf the tech forums on a saturday night? what do you do afterwards? cuddle up with a bucket o' ice cream and watch titanic till the sun comes up? well if your looking for some company just post for genine or gyrine or whatever the name was, i'm sure you two would have a great time together complaining about young whipper snappers and your shuffle board scores. i tried making this post as short as possible for you in case you felt the need to take one of your 16 naps a day by now.
  22. i prefer a cease fire whether i'm winning opr losing. i dont make my guys fight to the last man , that would be gamey.
  23. yes the orange peel sauce looked very good, and you are correct, Iron CHef is an international contest where chefs from around the world try to defeat the IRON CHEF!!!! be-gin
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