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Everything posted by TaoJah

  1. Yes, I know, that's why you got to put the FOW back on for his turns. The goal is to understand the AI better, so you can't keep it turned off. I always play with FOW turned on, altough I think it's a bit... un-historical. I am pretty sure that you can't hide an army in a city, without the enemy knowing it. The reason I play with FOW on, is that I somehow hope that it makes the AI tougher, altough I never tested that theory by playing a game with FOW off.
  2. Double post... [ November 24, 2006, 10:24 AM: Message edited by: TaoJah ]
  3. I noticed this too, but I rarely do anything with my fleet until Sealion, so... If you want to learn what he does, you can play turn one, let him play turn one and then turn of FOW to see what he did with his ships. Turn FOW back on, play your turn two, let him do his turn two and then turn FOW off again. Repeat... That's a good way to see how the AI plays with his RN. I did this once while testing and he did weird stuff with the RN. He sent one part to Nporway and the other part straight to Egypt. Oh, and once I managed to capture two of his UK ships after taking the Denmark port : his boats were trapped north og Germany, hehe.
  4. I am STRONGLY in favor of removing the randomness in tech, because tech often makes or break a game. The get-100-points have been suggested before, it would be nice to add this as an option.
  5. Yes, basically they are saying "here is an empty piece of land, build a city on it". Must be cool to be able to design a city from the ground up : it's like SimCity foir for real !!! I wonder if they let the candidate-architects play SimCity first to see if they know what they're doing
  6. "snell", "nein" and "dumhkoft" : "faster", "no" and "dummy", I could come up with a few situations where those words would be enough, but since this a family-friendly board, I will not elaborate
  7. This is the reason why alot of people don't play others, it's hard to find opponents. I wonder if it would be difficult and costly to have a feature in-game that finds opponents, by logging onto a central server or something.
  8. Euh... Isn't is kinda obvious, why people distrust so-called superpowers ? They tend to invade other countries, usually under under false motives, you got to give the people at home a reason why they should send their kids to death. Rome did it 2000 years ago, Napoleon did it 200 years ago, the UK did it 150 years ago, the Germans did it 60 years ago, the USSR did it 40 years ago and now the US are doing it : invading countries that did nothing to them under some bogus reason. One would question motives for less...
  9. The Chinese are the people of the future, IMHO. They already lend 2 billion *every* *single* *day* to the U.S. governement by buying bonds. And they got half a billion people that don't contribute to their economy yet. I just hope that they won't reach the same level of economy before we figured out a way to deal with pollution, because if all Chinese would pollute as much as the average American or European do now, you got another thing coming, lol. Good thing they were never intrested in invading countries half-way across the world or else I'd be actual scared !
  10. Wow, an increase of 15% ? So, now it is 20% of the US spendig instead of 17% ? And will your scenario also include the nuclear weapons in India and Israƫl ? But more general, I think a MOD with a map of the whole world would be nice, especially if there is a good AI behind it and not just HvH.
  11. Take Denmark and keep your marine north of Germany until you take France. But you're right, those suidide attacks are a bit gamey.
  12. Yes, the AI behaves better now. There is no real effect in the Low Countries, Denmark, Norway or Sealion and there is already a small effect in Poland, France and Egpyt. But the real enhancements are in Russia, he does a much better job there then before. To be complete : it goes alot slower in Egypt too, not because of changes to the AI-engine, but because he gets engineers there : fortresses are STRONG ! All in all these changes delay the victory for a bit more then a year for me. Perhaps I can shave off a couple of turns in Russia, but it won't be much. [ November 15, 2006, 11:49 PM: Message edited by: TaoJah ]
  13. Hehe, I noticed that I wrote it wrong twice, so I can't get away by saying it's a type, right ? I see that I even misnamed the folder in Outlook where his mails go, lol. Oh, well, I am sure he'll focus on the issue at hand and not on the way I spelled his name !
  14. What I meant was that Hubert Crater could add something like this to the game. There is no way that players like you and me could prevent cheating. He could add a feature that checks this. It's just an idea, I am not sure that cheating is such a big problem that Hubert Crater would invest time in a feature like this. And to the other poster : it could be made so that you can not load a game on another computer then the one qhere you played your first turn.
  15. There are ways to prevent cheating IMHO. For instance : give every game a unique ID, like a timestamp and a registration key. Then when a player loads that particular game, there is a place in a game-file (or in his registry or whereever) with the game ID from the mail and a counter that is set to "1". When he reloads, it's set to "2" and so on. Then send the counter back to the person that send the game and he can see if you reloaded.
  16. I don't know if there is an offical website that hosts the old patches, but I uploaded it here : http://savefile.com/files/225059
  17. Yes, I had the same problem. I mailed the support and they fixed it by sending me a key.
  18. Sure, the mud made that Napoleon's cavalry couldn't manouver well enough. But IMHO he lost because he didn't call off one of the earlier attacks when it went wrong : instead of taking his loses, he just kept on throwing more and more troops at the center, who were butchered from all sides. One of the few military mistakes he ever made.
  19. I asked the same question a couple of months ago and they answered that the defence bonus is indeed only applied for attacks across the wire, but that the entrenchement is for all attacks. Someone should re-check this, since the rules for fortifications changed.
  20. You got to keep a unit in EACH of the three UK cities, else they ALL get damaged every turn... The UK has a special script for "partisans", they take all three cities and ports down when one single city isn't garded.
  21. I do not agree that Germany could not have "won" the WWII. You are right that they can not win against all three powers at once, that's true in real and in game. But it should be possible to have a strategy where the Axis take out Britain, then take out Russia and "win". With a US that can send units from turn one to Europe (because they are so cheap) that's never gonne happen : Germany will have to fight Russia, the US AND the UK (with the new move-to-Ottawa-rule you can not knock the UK out of the war anymore) from the second they join. That's plain a-historical. The US didn't have a war indutry at the fall of 1939, they didn't even join the war before they were attacked ! Oh, well.. No need to get excited over it, just my two cents.
  22. The game now is "Axis win in 43 or they lose", with very few exceptions. With quadrupling the US purchase power, you might as well make a "I win" button for the Allied that you can press the first turn in 1944, saves us all alot of time
  23. IMHO each country should get a moral hit when their capital falls. Russia, but also Germany and the UK. Imagine what an impact on the UK morale it would have if there were pictures of Germans swastikas hanging down Big Ben... It's not for nothing that Hitler had his picture taken while standing on the Seine with the Eifel tower in the background : symbols like these matter in real wars. So they should matter in the game too.
  24. The obvious problem of giing historical MPPs is that the Axis can never, ever win the war when you implement them and that's no fun, is it ? So here are a few things that you can do to offset this... 1) Raise the ratings of German HQ's. 2) Raise the moral of German troops. 3) Raise the German Advanced Infantry research to 5 while leaving the rest's at 3. That way you can safely raise the Allied MPPs and still keep the game balanced. Raising the value of oil excessively will result in a Axis focus on south Russia, wich IMHO is very gamey. Ask any American in south Iraq : you can not just rebuild a oil field in one year. We're three years after the capture of the oil fields in Iraq and they're at about a quarter of their production then they were before (well production and distributing). It's very easy to disturb oil capacity : long pipelines are impossible to defend against partisans. IMHO relying on oil fields for MPP will result in very gamey situations.
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