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Everything posted by TaoJah

  1. Hmmm... So 6-8 means it takes randomly 6, 7 or 8 and then the condition is filled if you have 6, 7 8 or more units. So with 6 units, there is a 33% chance it will execute, 66% chance with 7 units and 100% with 8 or 9 units. What a nifty way to do things !
  2. If that's true, then the condition would not be triggered with a unit in range 0, would it ? IT's odd... Darn ! when I saw this post, I checked the scripts and for USSR readiness it said [6,8] around Warshaw. I hoped I could get away with placing *9* units there, hehe.
  3. It's at game start. After that, the MPP per turn depends on the resources and the readiness with the easy formula : MPP per turn = resources * readiness. There is no MPP upon DOW.
  4. It's okay to play the Fall Weiss scenario from the start to learn the game better : the map may look big, but you'll never play on the whole map at once. The first 3-4 turns you only play in Poland and Denmark, the next 10-12 only in the Low countries and France, the next 30 probably only in Russia... No need to get scared by the size of the map ! Of course, once you are more experienced, you'll learn to play in different fronts, but to learn it's a good way to learn how not to loose units, how to keep everything in supply, how and when to reinforce...
  5. Thanks for th eanswers. The whole "leave your German fleet in the Baltic and do nothing with it" seems a bit contre-intuïtive, but I guess that's the way to go to keep a D-Day from Norway out. Blah. IMHO it's silly that you don't gain any MPP from taking Norway and Sweden, but I guess that's the way it is decided. Again : blah. Perhaps I should take a new look at the Russian map... If you can't take Russia out, you might as well plan on stopping half-way and dig in somewhere for when the tide turns. Perhaps even buy an engineer or two early on and make them dig a front somewhere. And use your units to take all minors (Spain and Turkey come to mind). Egypt seems indeed a difficult decision. And to take Egypt, I think that you MUST take Malta out : no need to make Rommel's mistake and try to take Egypt out without decent supply. Final question for this thread : how the heck do you take Malta out ? Even with a bought bomber (which will set back your other purchases), you'll have to be lucky to destroy the corps there with all your airplanes, no ? And what do you do against the the Royal Navy when it attacks any planes there every turn from sea ? Do you sacrifice the Italian fleet or do you take the losses ? Perhaps attack Egypt from the east, hehe.
  6. 1. If I leave Scandinavia to the Allies, wouldn't that give the a DREAM place to start D-Day ? They can transport all US-troops to Norway, and then amphiby from the two ports withing close range of northern Germany. 2. Taking Egypt seems to have only one advantage : the rest of the Middle East. But if you want US readiness as low as possible, you don't DOW them, do you ? 3. Is it possibly to take out Russia before D-Day ? 4. Once Russia surrenders, do partisans keep appearing ? In ALL the places ? Because then I will need like 30 units to prevent this !!!
  7. Right. Right. Wrong. IMHO you will favor the attacker ALOT when you would double the amount of turns, it would unbalance the game totally. Then there is no way you can defend Russia even with half the MPPs for the attacker.
  8. How is that ? I mean, how do you LOOSE MPP if you take Norway and Sweden ? And if so, is that also the case after you take Leningrad making all the cities, ports and resources jump to 8 ?
  9. There is no risk involved AT ALL... It's a garanteed win. The only question is : do you win Norway or do you win Norway plus the German fleet And you can safely move both units back to the UK on turn 5 and 6, plenty of time for them to use as defence against a Sealion. Against the AI, however, you could use different tactic even at the highest difficulty level. Instead of taking Norway, move EACH AND EVER UK unit to France and defend France. If you use all UK MPPs and all your UK troops (including the ones in Malta, Gibraltar and Egypt) you can keep France until Russia joins. When the Russian troops start pooring into Germany while he is still fighting in France, it's game over VERY fast !
  10. You need an army (you get the BEF at turn one) and a corpse (you got one at the start) to take Oslo. Put them both in Amfiby and move the French fleet ahead of them to Oslo. First land the corpse next to Oslo, then land the army, attack the 3-corps with your army, move in with your corps. Now, Germany can not defend with it's fleet, because your French fleet will attack it. You'll loose the French fleet, but that's okay, you'll lose it anyway when France falls, so... Move your UK fleet towards Norway just in case, if the Germans decide to be foolish and defend Norway, you can attack them with the French and finish them off with the UK fleet. It's true that Norway is in striking distance of his airfleet, but only if you move too slow. If you do it on turn one and two you'll get a free pass : he won't move his planes to Denmark THAT fast.
  11. Hi ! Whatis considered the current "best" war path as an Axis against an Allied human opponent ? Poland is obvious But do you operate half the troops out to get an early Low Country surrender ? Do you take Denmark (probably) ? Norway (probably not) ? Do you take any minors before Barbarossa ? Go to Egypt before Barbarossa ? I was just wondering what the current views are...
  12. Perhaps, yes. Especially Turkey, Greece and Spain come to mind. But the game seems to go in the opposite direction : now you can not even place the German paratrooper where you want it :-(
  13. Ah, Waterloo... That brings out some fine memories from sleepless nights, where I should have been studying but was playing the Battleground game instead. I am really surprised that no one brings out a game that redoes Waterloo. An official Waterloo scenario in SCII with a working AI will surely sell extra copies of the game. And in theory the AI should be easier to do then WWII, with no navy, airplanes or minor countries.
  14. The people in Southern USSR weren't to keen on Moscow either, perhaps that's why they're an execption too.
  15. Intel only works on the chances of other techs. If your enemy has a higher tech level in something that you're researching, then you gain 1% per INT tech level that you have more then him. Also the other way around, of course : if you have a higher tech level in somethin and your INT is lower then his, he gets a bonus. It does not however lower his chances in general nor does it give you a higher chance of researching something if your enemy doesn't have a higher tech level. Call it "spionage" and you'll understand it better : you can only steal tech from someone that has a better tech then yours and you can only prevent others from stealing it from you if you got a tech that's better.
  16. Partisans have always been effective, throughout the ages in any war. Local people know more then the invaders, they are more motivated (seeing your family killed or your house destructed does that to you), they can plan things for months... They don't have the technology nor the command-chain to coordianate large attacks, but for smaller attacks they do very well. And they can do ALOT of smaller attacks. Just listen to the news about Iraq if you want to learn more about them.
  17. I don't know if they shouldn't bother. It's true that you shouldn't bother against the AI, because you go for a quick win in 1942 anyway. But if you are playing a long game till 1945 HvH, you should get a few points in it, I think. It costs 125 MPP to research and gets you 11 MPP per turn. That means you got your research money back 11 turns after you got the tech and make a profit every turn after that, that's not too bad. Of course, level 5 would be too high, because that will cost alot, but I'd get it to level 2 or 3 against a human.
  18. Isn't that the case now ? You got to put a Gerlan unit in every Russian city (and some outside the cities in marches), to prevent partisans from popping up, no ?
  19. The subs are still stopped by other ships. But the price of subs are lowered to 200 MPP so you can build several of them and slip by. Or you can wait until Germany got the three extra ships in it's production queue and took out France. Then it can safely attack the Royal Navy and rule the ocean.
  20. Of course you can beat it. The fun is to find more efficient reasons to beat it BTW is Africa really indefendable HvH ? If you move a UK corps, army and airplane there, perhaps you can hold it until the second airplane shows up ? Perhaps even transfer both carriers there fast. I donno, just asking.
  21. Is that the 3007WFP ? If it is, did you also take the recommended nVidea FX3450 card with it ? And do DVD-movies play smooth on it ? I was thinking of buying me one of those, but I need something that runsd DVD movies smooth, because I don't have or want a TV.
  22. I don't understan why it's changed either, it was never explained properly :-(
  23. Defending France with the UK in HvH isn't an option, I think. You need all the UK and French troops from the med to do it, so Italy wakes up early and gives you a second front to defend. Against the AI, you can defend the French-Italian border with only three weak units in the mountains, but against ahuman, you can't. And even if you forget the Italian border, I don't think you can defend the Belgium-French border against a human : with rotating units attacking the border troops and the three German airplanes attacking you can never defend that border even with the French and the UK headquarters helping out.
  24. Well, in my plays against Axis AI I need that corps and army to defend France, so I can't move it to Norway. I usually try to keep France from the Axis AI using all means possible : the Mediterrean fleet, all units in Egypt, the French corpses, Gibralter, Malta... If I move EVERYHTING to France, I can keep it from the Axis AI untill Russia joines the war and then... well... let's just say it ain't pretty ! I'm not sure that the UK army and corpse would be back in France in time to defend it.
  25. Yes, swapping units position would be a fine addiction. Not sure it's possible with the game engibe tough :-(
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