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Everything posted by TaoJah

  1. Does that EVER pay off against a human, even when his Barbarossa is very light ? And for an allied landing... Everyone always lands in France, probably because that's where the real landing took place. I wonder if it's not worth trying to take on of the two German cities. Or Brussels. Also... do you keep MPPs ready for repairs or do you spend everything on more troops ? I always wonder what's the best strategy there is !
  2. IMHO Malta is nice to conquer Egypt. Once you got Egypt, I don't see how taking Malta changes alot. Some even say that you don't need alot of supply to take over Egypt, so taking Malta is even less rewarding. I never take it, to be honest.
  3. I suppose that the HQs were there but invisible on the screenshots ? But no fortifications around Stalingrad, isn't it the best place to fortify ? The hexes just N and S of the city can only be attacked from two squares, I ALWAYS fortify those, even against an AI that will probably never get there. Not that it would have matter that much in this game if he didn't have tech in tanks and lost so many units so fast, but still.
  4. Ah, so the second option that I wrote, works too I never tried it, because two HQs seems too much just to get to the (easy defendable) south. As Allied I always place a maxed tech corps in each of the three cities (with a HQ operated as soon as he takes Iran). They're hard to take out in one turn when they're entrenched : it would require airplanes that can be put to better use at other places. I assume that all players do this, so going in from the south would be too costly.
  5. I can not say that I understood everything you said, DD, but if you said that the development-attention of the game is a bit too much tweaked towards HvH and modding lately, then I agree. If that's not what you said : sorry The AI is better at defending then at attacking (as all AIs are) but the Allied AI has still some learning to do, even in the defending phase. Taking Norway. Or defending Brest. Defending against an early Sealion. A better script for the engineer in Africa. ... But that's all foreplay : the defence in Russia should be better. - The engineer can be put to better use then dig 8 fortifications around Moscow. - A quicker upgrade to Infantry level 3 is nice too (I got the impression that he only upgrades one point at a time). - Defending Stalingrad much better, instead of keeping 5-6 units around unimportant cities. - A better use of airplanes (I can ALWYAS kill one plane in the first turn of Barbarossa). And some things that can be improved in all phases : - First shoot, then move. - Focus on killing a few units instead of attacking alot units. There are very few bugs left in the game and in HvH game the odds seems to be balanced, so I guess the full attention can go to AI tweaking now !
  6. I think that the only way to do that, is to take Erzurum (the city in Eastern Turkey). The supply from Baghdad and that is never enough to move your HQ into Russia. Even if you take a Russian city, it will only give you a supply of *3* if they're not connected with Berlin. That is never enough to move your HQ into Russia, the mountains prevent that 3-supply to go far. Without Turkey, the furthest (sp?) you can go with a HQ is 130, 26. If you move it one step north, then you're stuck there forever (or untill you take Turkey), even if you somehow took Baku of Tblisi. I think that the second option is to have TWO HQs there,n but I am not sure that will work, since HQs no longer supply other HQs. PErhaps it will allow you to move one HQ into Russia, but it won't give any supply to units, until it reaches Baku or Tblisi, I think.
  7. I wonder what's best : diplo Spain, so it stays over 40% or diplo both the Eust-European countries.
  8. An Axis DOW on Sweden "only" affects the US, USSR, Swiss and Finland.
  9. If you're succesful, you can get the US and USSR readiness down, yes. But it's costly and you only have 5 chits, so that limits it's use alot. Personally, I don't know if diplomacy is worth it. I diplo Spain until it's more then 40% and if needed the Eastern Europe countries. After that I give my diplomats a gun and send them to the front !
  10. Yes, that's normal. Sweden and Swiss only have a 25% chance (each) that they'll be upset, for Finland 50%.
  11. Nice screenshots, indeed ! Some nice tactics in action, very learnful. Here are some things I do diffeent;, so feel free to shed light on my ignorance 1. You don't seem to research Mobility level 2 with the Axis ? I use it mailny to cut off east Turkey in the first turn that I DOW it and make it impossible for the Russian to operate troops to it's defence. 2. Aren't you afraid that a Britisch paratrooper will land in one of your undefended cities ? You seem to keep them undefended and with the right technology, they can land as far east as Munich and Berlin, no ? 3. Often there are more troops then your HQs can support ? 4. Do you sometimes buy a german engineer ? And extra german airfleet ? I only buy those with Italy.
  12. It's sure that an overstrength unit is not the game winning feature. But it's more then a "one time advantage that is lost after the first battle" The reason is not just the small extra punch in battle that comes from being 1 point stronger, but also the big effect that that point has on morale morale. Here you can see two units that take one loss every turn, one that starts at 10 and another at 11 (both always with 8 supply). IMHO the effect of starting at 11 instead of 10 is certainly worth the cost. Note that morale and supply are calculated twice per turn, as Hubert Cater said. . . . . . . Old Morale Strength Supply New morale Start turn 1 . 100 . . 10 . . . 8 . . . 95 End turn 1 . . 95 . . 9 . . . 8 . . . 85,5 Start turn 2 . 85 . . 9 . . . 8 . . . 81,8235 End turn 2 . . 81 . . 8 . . . 8 . . . 73,56415409 Start turn 3 . 73 . . 8 . . . 8 . . . 69,78406558 End turn 3 . . 69 . . 7 . . . 8 . . . 62,19823106 Start turn 4 . 62 . . 7 . . . 8 . . . 58,26796301 End turn 4 . . 58 . . 6 . . . 8 . . . 51,29866142 . . . . . . Old Morale Strength Supply New morale Start turn 1 . 100 . . 11 . . . 8 . . . 103 End turn 1 . . 103 . . 10 . . . 8 . . . 95,996 Start turn 2 . 95 . . 10 . . . 8 . . . 93,5024079 End turn 2 . . 93 . . 9 . . . 8 . . . 84,99233792 Start turn 3 . 84 . . 9 . . . 8 . . . 81,59655171 End turn 3 . . 81 . . 8 . . . 8 . . . 73,47122337 Start turn 4 . 73 . . 8 . . . 8 . . . 69,7368765 End turn 4 . . 69 . . 7 . . . 8 . . . 62,17591655 [ December 31, 2006, 11:51 AM: Message edited by: TaoJah ]
  13. I agree that HQ's shouldn't take up the same space as armies. Same with Engineers, Corps, Planes, Rockets... But I bet that it would be a nightmare to program stackable units into this great game, so it probably will never happen.
  14. I think that one of the only things that everyone agrees on is that you should ALWAYS have your research maxed out for Russia and Germany. I always go for Infantry first, together with one in Production Tech. If I get a breakthrough in Infantry or Production, I buy it again until they are at level 3 and 2. Next on my list is Mobilisation for Germany (not for Russia). Then Advanced tanks to level 4 together with Anti Tank to level 3. After that, with Germany I go for Advanced Aircrafts and Long Range aircrafts. For Russia I try to get tanks to 5, but I'm not sure that the slim chance of getting it, is worth it.
  15. In the deafult, they don't go to Canada, so... And yes, the Russian will pound on you HARD, but that will be the only front you have to defend. Plus, you can use all those garrison corpses that you keep in France, Germany, Brussels and Denmark against a D-Day to fight the Russians. I'd like to see that fight : I think you got a good chance as Axis to win it.
  16. (1) Yes, if he left all units in Egypt. (2) Advanced infantry 3 is nice. (3) Yes, you need London. I do this by attacking Londond with all 4 airplanes that I have, land three armies next to it and take it with the paratroopers. Next turn I transport a HQ and an extra Corps. (4) No, you don't need the two extra ships. Your Navy will be destroyed, yes. (5)The new patch makes it alot harder for the Allied player to spot the Sealion because you can't spot with his bomber anymore. That bug will be corrected in the next patch. Sealion depends on succesfully landing three armies. You need your 3 sbmarines and two cruisers to protect them from the Royal Navy. You can also use some Italian Corps in transports to help intercept the German fleet. Now all this is against the AI. I don't think that against a moderate/good player you can do a Sealion because he will keep ships around the UK and block you. That means he can not go sub hunting will all his fleet or move his fleet to Egypt, so it's reasonably safe to do sub-raids and to attack Egypt. Lately, I wonder if the time table allows an Axis player to buy all 6 subs he can buy and THEN do a Sealion. And I do not agree with people that say that a Sealion is not worth it. If you can do it, it is a game-winner. If you can take Egypt and make the UK surrender, you won the war, that's for sure. Then you own both the Mediterranian and the Atlantic. That means that you keep the US out of the war : there is no way that they can land their troops if you patrol the Atlantic with your combined German and Italian fleet. The problem is taking Egypt. You can not take Egypt if the Allied player moves all units there. If you only do a Sealion and don't attack Egypt or can't take it, the advantadges of Sealion are more debatable. If the UK fleet is still intact (it usually is), then the US can do a good D-Day. And they can do it EARLY since their readiness went up alot. A D-Day without the UK mainland is weaker and you don't have to worry too much about looooong ranged paratroops, but it's still doable for the Allied to do a good D-Day, I think.
  17. Hmmm, so I guess my whole "take Poland and France slow to get more experience" is a waste of time, except for air units. I do like to overstrength units, but usually the extra strength only lasts one turn. So I guess experience isn't that useful overal for ground units.
  18. I started my first HvH game and of course the opponents doesn't have a experience bonus of 2 stars, like the AI always has. So, I started thinking : what EXACTLY is the effect of those experience medals ? The formula in the manual states this. Multiplier = Readiness / 100. Attacker Losses = Defender Multiplier * (Defend Type Value + Defender Experience / 3) - Attacker Multiplier * Attacker Experience / 3 That's odd for attackers without any Experience, isn't it ? That means that the attacker's readiness doesn't do anything at all without experience ? Defender Losses = Attacker Multiplier * (Attack Type Value + Attacker Experience / 3) - (Defender Multiplier * (Defender Experience / 3 + Defender Entrenchment + Defense Bonuses)) That's also odd, because that means that in open terrain without entrenchement, the defender's readiness doesn't play any role for the defender's losses except when the defender has experience...
  19. About engineers... Where do you people use them anyway ? I always buy an Italian Engineer ASAP, but I haven't found a REAL proper use for them yes. I use them to fortify the German-Russian border (if I play agressively and Russia joins before all troops are back) and dig some things in Europe and Germany, but I don't have enough troops to keep them garrisoned anyway, so a good Allied player probably parachutes the important ones away.
  20. I always understood that a fortification overrides the terrain under it. I am not sure on rivers : perhaps both the fortification AND the river counts.
  21. The problem with all this minor-taking is that I don't have enough units left to keep Russia garrisoned against PArtisans. I keep - 1 unit in Copenhagen - 1 in Brussels - 2 in NW Germany - 4 in France (guess I could use 1 less) - 2 in Spain's mainland (leaving the capital open, but it's far from the coast, so...) - 1 in Portugal - 1 in Gibraltar - 1 in Casablanca - 2 in Egypt - 1 in Algeria - 1 in Tunis - 1 in Syria - 2 in Iraq (guess I could use 1 less) - 1 in Roemania. - 1 in Hungary. - 1 in Bulgary. That doesn't leave alot of corps for garrison duty, does it ?
  22. No,I don't think that would do the trick. Winter and mud turns are VERY usefull for the attacker too, they're used to take away entrenchements, rebuild / overstrength units, and on mud turns gain important aircraft experience... I think that the time-turns is a very, very, very delicate balance that is not easy to change. The only way to do it is to try it and play it a dozen times...
  23. Out of curiosity : did he move the two u-boats from the Baltic to the Atlantic too ? I don't know if there is a safe way to do that against a human opponent... Also : did he attack Vichy and Spain after or before Russia joined ? I am thinking about a strategy where I really don't do ANYTHING until Russia joins except Poland, Denmark, LC and France. Problem is that the readiness ofRussia rises when you take Egypt... Perhaps I shouldn't even take Egypt until Russia joins, to keep them out of the war for 3 more months. Is that worth it ? What is the usual time for Barbarossa HvH ? By the way, they call it "mother Russia"
  24. Exactly how long do you wait until you DOW the USSR ? You can wait a LONG time before their readiness is up to 90+, do you wait that all out ? And once inside Russia : is it a viable strategy to determine in advance where you are gonne defend against the backlash ? If I know that there will be a turning point no matter what I do, then I might as well prepare for it. Perhaps somewhere behind a river, perhaps so that my HQ are still in supply 10 (altough that doesn't seem to matter THAT much), perhaps dig in a fortess-front on the Russian border with Germany and Bulgary (that may be too far back, but you have the advantage that you can digging it already in early 1940). There is no need to make the same mistake as Hitler and Napoleon and push too far, just for a few more cities of 5 MPPs, I think.
  25. What can you do with the Axis fleet against a human opponent if you don't buy new ships ? I understand that you need to keep a ship in Denmark to block the Baltic Sea, but what about the rest ? - What do you do with the sub in the Atlantic ? - Where do you plave the three extra ships you get ? - Do you keep all four ships that start around Denmark in the Baltic ? - What about the Italian fleet ? It seems... logical to keep the two subs and cruiser in the Baltic to prevent a landing from Sweden, use the one Atlantic sub to harrass the UK MPP as much as possible and defend the raiding sub with the three extra ships. I have not yet found a use for the ITalian fleet. But I don't have experience versus humans, so I really have no idea if that's the optimal use.
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