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imported_Hiram Sedai

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Everything posted by imported_Hiram Sedai

  1. I am off tomorrow. I am deep in my cups, confused by the person of Roxy (bolded because of that person's short attention span and hermaphroditic nature), and am itching for some TCPIP. Suggestions?
  2. Now, for a liturgical post That was the least original and most disturbing sing song I've witnessed yet. Where has the Seanachai we've disdained gone? Everyone: I blame Croda. I was expecting some profound prose or perhaps some esoteric poetry that does confuse a bit but is nice in an odd way. Instead, I read something honouring (what a gay way to spell that) Dorosh. Everyone: I blame Croda We have brainless people posting with only their first name or maybe a character name from a movie. They can barely spell and are clearly stupid. Everyone: I blame Croda New Jersey is packed to the gills with ugly women who have too much facial hair and think that wearing a shirt that shows off their monstrous navel makes them attractive somehow. Everyone: I blame Croda
  3. Croda!! You are a drippy chancre sore on my sense of reality. I had hoped you retired from this mortal coil, yet you slink back in with your tail between your legs and have not sent me a turn since the Bard was a street corner mime. Know that my boundless disdain for you still burns within and would like nothing more than to pummel you senselessly, revive you, tie you to a tree, and then continue pummeling you. But I require that you send me a motherlovin turn first. You have to send me that turn. Do it. Do it now!! It figures that Meeks would be out there and you would be in here selling your wares. I see that you two are still joined at the hip. You could ask him for some tips so I don’t beat you like a mangy mutt again. This PBEM wasn’t made by you, so you might have a chance, however small, to maybe get a draw against me. But then again, there may be a small chance that you could go to work just once without people laughing at your obvious deformity and massive skull. Watch those doorways, Mister Poopyhead. I hope that while you were reading this, you were dusting off your computer and stopped breast feeding the little monsters. We all knew you could lactate but did not discuss it before because it’s kind of creepy. Send a turn now so I may continue whoopin up on your sorry behind you Stank Crack Ho.
  4. I vote for 4A - Roxy should buy me beer immediately. If He/She is a female then she should have a plump rump that sways as she sashays here and there. Now if Roxy is really a male, then he should buy me beer and stay a safe distance away from me because of my homophobia.
  5. Let it be known that I agree with the words of the Bard regarding taunting of the various ladies of the pool. We, as gentlemen, should refrain from unleashing upon them because there are so many other ripe targets for ire. Regarding whether or not a person is a female, I don't really care.
  6. Good for you, Roxy. I worked at Walmart for 6 wonderful months. I had so much fun putting juice on shelves. I lived on Mountain Dew and ciggarettes. My ex-wife basically supported me as I worked on night shift. They only require a pulse, so I'm sure you're a shoe-in. Go with red, it brings out your eyebrow. Be sure to flirt with the interviewer, especially if its a female. I always stretch alot and toss my hair to the side. It got me this wonderful job.
  7. Such a boring thread. The only post of note was from YK2. The rest is so very...boring. I will read it once again before going to bed. I am partly to blame because I haven't posted much. I still miss JDMorse and MarkIV. They were interesting.
  8. Well, Berli, Peng, Persephone, Joe Shaw, Lars, Dalem, Shandorf, and Hanns have all met me in person, and Hiram has spoken with me by phone. So you'll have to ask them to know for sure.</font>
  9. Infantry and Armor - You can hide a squad or a team and then place them on the back of a tank. The graphic shows them as hiding even though they become a passenger. Are they still hiding on the back of the tank? I mean, while that tank is moving, is it more difficult to see that squad on the back? Another question - What is the difference between a Sherman with a 75MM gun and one with 75(W)?
  10. I owe turns I’ve successfully paid off my credit cards and am thinking about buying a house, but I owe turns. I successfully caught the eye of a succulent honey at work, but I owe turns. My free time can be counted in minutes and I’ve wasted some of them getting snockerd this evening. Both of my brain cells are working overtime considering my next move against Fionn but the nagging debt I have with turn sending haunts me. It greets me as I wake in the morning and steals my solace as I engage in frantic loaf pinching. As I console an underling at work, I think of how I might get a draw against one of you. Gamey flag rushing almost became a topic at one of my meetings. They met my inspired soliloquy with blank stares and droopy eyelids. The brainless twits know nothing of Combat Mission and the glory that can be gained by stomping opponents into the ground. As I go to work and muddle through the tedium, the weight of the debt pushes me down into despondency. Granted, I’m not that far from being despondent anyway, but it contributes. Reality is a harsh mistress and the sting of her whip has torn me asunder. When I send out my turns, I know that paradise will be mine. An eternity with Anna Nicole Smith before she became a porker will be my fulfillment. There will be no incessant idiocy as is evidenced by the sophomoric posts made by Mister Beman. All will be right in my little world. I will have satisfied the powers that be for approximately 5 minutes and I might even get some restful sleep. I do hope that my worthy opponents understand that turns are forthcoming inasmuch as when I am sober and not working I will process them. I will dutifully give up any hope of winning and click Go. That is what you want, isn’t it? You don’t really want me to beat you. That would be scary. You wouldn’t be able to show your face in public any more if you actually lost to me. Your co-workers would scorn you and heap abuse upon your head replete with male pattern baldness. Even your teller at the local bank would revile you and expectorate upon your car window as you sit in the Drive Thru. I will retire to my little bed soon with the demons of inadequacy and mediocrity. I do hope your lives are better than what I have experienced and be sure to process your turns quickly. Otherwise, you may end up like me.
  11. Go here, you sycophantic toadies. http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=get_topic;f=1;t=025983
  12. This is the Peng Thread. Give up hope, all ye who enter here. Since I am the one who is creating this thread, I am also the creator of the rules which you will abide by. 1. Challenge someone. Do not post with nothing important to say. Since you are unimportant in the greater scheme of things, you should think about leaving. 3.14 Do not curse. We will not respect you if you refer to your genitalia or if you are crass in your approach. You may be sent to Coventry for such an offense. Black Booty Pie. Since you are insignificant worm and should be stomped upon, find somewhere else to spread your malignant disease. If you should choose to stay amongst us, understand that we will verbally eviscerate you. Try not to cry too much. Booty a-plenty. Do not respect your elders. Instead, heap scorn upon their balding heads. They are unworthy toads who scamper about creating flatulence and dissent. Heart Shaped Booty. There is a reason why you are not welcome in society. It is the same reason why you are not welcome here. Thank whoever encourages you to leave and follow their instructions.
  13. Hi i return from commode (was sure to wash). Can someone with a beer , give me one? Thanks
  14. I wouldn't trust her... but her husband is a right trustworthy fellow</font>
  15. Serious Mode on Apologies to all regarding slow turns and all. Have been really distracted with real life. Any oncology experts out there? I have a couple of questions regarding radiation treatment and chemotherapy. Serious Mode off Blech, hate you all, hope you have things fall of of you etc etc.
  16. Turns will go out tonight. Too many consecutive 12 hour work days. Not enough time for what's important...CM. Don't have the energy or inclination to hate any of you today. Check back later.
  17. Doug Beman, Shut up, Shut up, Shut up!!! You are like a toddler trying to emulate that uncle who demands that others pull his finger yet you fill your diaper and our monitors with fecal blatherings. You can't pretend to be one of us. You don't belong. Here is a dollar, go buy a clue. There was never, ever, in your sad existence, a moment when you were welcome here. Check your calendar for the day when you will leave. When is it? We hope it is soon. You remind me of Panzerleader. When he was still in his prepuscence, he railed against the idea of a Peng thread and then he tucked his tail between his legs and started posting with us. Almost like he was one of us. We heaped scorn upon his unworthy head and he does serve a purpose as a foot stool. But you? You serve no purpose whatsoever. We know that you enjoy your pendantic posts in the General Forum and create inane topics that have no relevance to anything of importance. We see you scampering about and suckling at the teat of the Dorosh grog. But, you bore us. So, to save me the trouble of burying my foot in your hindquarters, let me state, once and for all, that you should do the right thing and make yourself scarce. The only thing that has truly saved you from my ire and that is that I see our sacred thread has been created by the Old Firm. I now know that everything is alright now and that balance has been acheived. Doug you are a speck of dust compared to the Peng thread and should know your place. Begone!!
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