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Everything posted by Tripps

  1. That is very good news. I am in Grey Lynn, so hopefully I'll get it tomorrow. Enjoy weta!</font>
  2. No no i tell ze truths, order number 81306 i wonder if that means they have shipped 80 odd thousand copies, i wonder who got number 00001
  3. Thats right, down here in NZ it has arrived, but dammit, i'm at work, have to wait 5 hours to start playing...
  4. If you had seen what I just saw in the movie, you would be less eager, let me tell you that. it is amazing how RL tactics work in CMBB, eh wot. Irrepressible in action mate, irrepressible. My lot, not yours. They seem to be hankering for Mutter's Rockzipfel. Edited to provide a link to an article that will be educational for the sourly one.</font>
  5. Ah yes, language has not changed at all in the last few thousand years... I wonder if my 'rot' by way of including the letters 'ah' will be to difficult for people to understand...
  6. hey, on that first page, 3 pics along, the German flamethrower in the, scattered tress maybe, well, there is another German unit right next to it, with a couple Russian stars no more than 5 metres in front of them, is this EFOW? Sure, i dont know if that particular unit is panicked or whatever, but looks ok, and looks like its not sure if right in front of them is up to like 15 soldiers or something
  7. Where are the Russian Vodka support troops? y'know, the ones the got the whole lot sloshed before the human waves?? surely this can be implemented somehow, i was kinda looking forward to them maybe a T34 with huge kegs of Vodka on the back, racing around, boosting the morale of all troops nearby
  8. i'm just happy Lt Hortlund and Andreas have figured out they were arguing 2 different things. Although the side swipes at Lt H. cos he was new were a bit uncalled for, maybe he was treated as a new recruit into the front lines of BF forum eh?
  9. ahhh true, i thought the morale hit in question was actually global morale, and stopped using the command! i usually reserved it for crews to scat real quick like out of harms way, or for impending arty strikes...
  10. My understanding was "withdrawing" caused you to suffer a morale hit?? is this so? i have never used the command since i got that impression...
  11. Nah us Kiwi's are screwed, we'll have to wait until Sep the 2nd!
  12. nah happened to me too once, had a US vet rifle 45 squad sneaking along some woods on the right flank when their platoon leader decided it wouldnt be a bad idea to just up and dissapear. happened turn 2, so for the rest of the games the usual command delays were a pain...
  13. Hmmm, i would have to find the file to be a 100% certain, but i have taken out a panther with a rifle grenande from the front, range about 5 meters.
  14. Hmmm, i'm not really after personal opinions and stuff, i'm just more looking for the general consensus as to wether they are considered playable or not, Fionn's and Scipio's rules say no, not allowed, and wondered if that was pretty much the rule of thumb for most games in most situations. (i know there will be times when with a friend anything goes, under a tourney its a no, so i'm after a "most times" kind of answer) Oh and the whole Aye and Naye thing, Aye not allowed, Naye they are cheers
  15. OK, i'm wondering if i could have a quick show of hands with a simple question: Is using aircraft generally considered not acceptable. I dont want to go to much into this, but in tourney play, tcp's, MB's, the rule of thumb is usually that aircraft are not used, full stop. please reply Aye they are Not used, Nay they are. Thank you
  16. I believe the answer is no....
  17. Hi, I was reading the thread on 'notes on the CMBO scoring system', when I came across this statement: "Note that while exiting your units does not lower your victory level, it lowers global morale. Captured unit must be exited from over your map edge to count, any other edge frees them. Does this mean you can move captured units?? and that you have to exit them from your edge to even get points?? i remember trying to move captured units many various ways when i first captured enemy troops, and IIRC even tried a little 'mow down the POW's' but alas, nay luck cheers
  18. I think i get where your coming from, your saying after your IG/ATG's have opened fire, pop smoke around them, the enemy cant shoot back, so move on to other targets, smoke clears, bam, they start laying waste again? even if thats not what you were getting at, i like the plan and yes, after experiencing my AFV's popping smoke at the enemy rather than AP, i may start employing this....
  19. Redwolf, are you saying to use your own FO's to lay smoke around your own guns? Or all over their assets to decrease the amount of units returning fire on your guns?
  20. Hi guys, i'm been playing a few defensive games lately with mines, and wondered on any particular favourite ways of placing these. For example, if you wanted to really deny access through a certain area, would you try a staggered formation; ie __-_-_ so that any Inf. coming through would be really discouraged or, with a couple in a line, and when they go around these, flanking fields ie ___---___ I dunno, i even tried a 'channel', a V shaped area which required quite a few mine fields, to squeeze the attacking infantry into a crossfire. any other ways people have found successful?
  21. Wrong thread... [ June 04, 2002, 10:32 PM: Message edited by: Tripps ]
  22. Aww look, can we see the AAR's of say, 4 games between Fionn and Austrian Stategist, 2 games defending, 2 games attacking?? then maybe we can see how these differing tactics work against each other?? Austrian Strategist's "siege like attack" vs Fionn's "Attack defense" would be a mighty encounter good thread too, totally absorbed!
  23. Actually, very seriously consider it, thats how I found the Italian Navy when it was running for cover and wiped it out. ouch, 2 edged sword tho i reckon, i dunno how many times i have also clicked a unit and then mistakenly clicked somewhere else, and the undo button saved my butt maybe an option? to be turned off and on? that way, when playing PBEM, it can be turned off to avoid cheating, but playing single player, if you wanna cheat and use this option, well, hell, its your choice
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