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Everything posted by tabpub

  1. I'm waiting for Kanonier's version of this one...I had a premie ejac with the 88's and he called down the artillery shells with freakin laser beams on their heads . The crew casualties were nominal, as the shells landed directly on the guns themselves.. The "piece de Resistance" was the 155 round that hit on one side of the last hill. It landed in the rough area on the front side. I can only surmise what happened next. Apparently, the large explosion launched a boulder into the air which arced over the hill to land on the reverse slope. Unfortunately for me, the 75 ATG (which had been laboriously handpushing up the hill for the last freaking 10 min) was under the landing spot of the boulder! The crew stood around amazed looking at the LAST effective AT weapon remaining was crushed by a rock...
  2. there went all the work done in FotM...
  3. I agree, the French must make some sort of counter, either at Lucio, or the Hill. My opponent chose to remain in a defensive posture around (insert big center town name here) In review, there was 1-2 platoons of infantry there that could have reinforced early, but didn't. The shermans did not move for the first few turns, so, theRCL had time to connect. If they had moved out to counter, might have been different.
  4. As opposed to my Polish Push fiasco, this was almost perfect. The ambush(only 1 platoon with 2 schrecks)was a draw. All the armored elements raced through like Kelly's boys through Mulligan's mortar barrage, suffering nothing. the trucks/jeeps died..only one made it over the bridge. The ambush platoon then mopped up the survivors that were cowering in the opposite woods. In the center, DF HE and pinpoint onboard mortars preceded a company attack on the hill. The defenders on the crest were handled, but as I moved over the crest/flanks of the hill, hidden units, plus about 10 HTMGs,and mortars hit the company. They withdrew to the friendly slope to be pounded by big artillery for the rest of the game. Enough did survive to control the hill at the end though. Lucio was the cherry. The 2 smg squads deployed in the rough slope right below the town, with the rifle platoon behind them in the woods. the 120s plastered the town w/HE and the rifle platoon area fired for 2 turns, then the 81's covered it in smoke and the SMG's entered. The town was in our hands by about turn 7. Losses, about 2 squads worth. The 2 Vg platoons then crossed the road, dealt with the few survivors, and then pressed on cross country toward Casteleone...they were two turns away from there at games end...should have gotten them going sooner... The SS reinforcement did nothing, but the AA unit was able to deploy near Lucio behind the wall by the wheatfield. The French at that time had grouped the HT's up to apparently support the battle for the hill. this 20 took out 6 HT/AC's in one turn... Finally, yes, I never noticed any air. don't know if it never showed, or just never saw my units. And 2 long range RCL shots accounted for 2 shermies, the other was gun damaged.
  5. My pasty Polish rump was one of those that got kicked in this scenario. The low points: Being cautious on the attack, to the point of having the 3 croms moving to the bend in the road the same turn that the STG's arrive. They were then caught in an arty barrage that made them button; the ATG got 2 and a STG zapped one in the flank as it engage the gun. 60 secs = 3 burning wrecks. In the meantime, my men found every mine in one of the fields, and could not press home the assault. Then the reinforcements show up, I bravely(foolishly) try to engage the STG that is pounding the crunchies. But, I don't notice the quality difference! So, the regular moves up, STG whacks him after a duel, by then the Green one has read his order and moves up right next to his buddy. I can just hear the giggling in the STG now....one shot, WHAM! The rest of the scenario was spent extricating the survivors... The high point:(there was one, really) Lone piat team in a crater on his 5th shot finally killed a STG...of course, he died..
  6. It is fun to watch the "viruses" and "anti-bodies" battle it out in these types of threads.. I am betting on the anti-bodies on this one..any takers...
  7. Right. I Knew that. Just got a couple of your scenarios and will have to try them.. If you were Wilder, the initials would have been "wbw" not "wwb"... Now, back to the Radio Car...<Muldoon!! Car 54! Where are you???>
  8. Damn, after I busted KR's butt getting this thing over.... Actually, I am cool with an neccessary delay. But I will still get on the AAR bandwagon so that I don't procrastinate.
  9. I believe that we all know(or will soon) the effectivness of radios for command vehicles of AFV platoons. I believe that the point being made here is what is the purpose,if any, of a vehicle like the PSW 223 Light Radio Car. Other than being a AC with a MG, is there ANY purpose in noting it has a radio when it CANNOT be bought in a platoon strength? I don't believe that it can be part of another unit, will not "take" command of another unit, and apparently is not designed in game terms to fufill its R/L role of being an armored transport for an FO, either Artillery or Air Liason.
  10. I'm sure that wire being laid from one REMF's hooch to another can use MC's, Jeeps, donkeys, whatever; but I would dearly love to see some guy calling fire that needs to move cautiously up to the next clump of woods 100m away firing up the jeep to zip over there with his cable...I think I would desert before I did that. :eek:
  11. I have noted that some of my opponents seem to be firing on "sound" contacts. Mainly they shoot to either side of the actual unit. Use overkill, gentlemen(and the occasional lady). Fire at the contact, of course, but also take 2 other weapons and target 20-30m to either side. Should take care of the bugger, and any friends that maybe hiding nearby...and aim deep as was stated above. Rounds smacking short just look silly; if they go over their heads, the less stalwart will "take cover"...
  12. Tree, I just sent KR the file that you sent me the other day. OK?
  13. They can run, they will just tire "real" fast...the radio will take longer to tire. The +/- to the wire/radio seem to be: wire: slow, shorter TOT (time on target), can't get on vehicle. radio: faster, longer TOT, can ride vehicle but cannot call mission while onboard. Ex. took 2 41 german 81mm spotters. wire 1min to area in LOS, radio 2min to area in LOS sidebar: what is the function of the 223 radio AC? Just another AC with only a MG? What is (if any) gain from having the radio on board? Now if a spotter could ride with and call shots using that radio, there would be some functionality for it in my mind. Unfortunately, you can't....
  14. I think the price not only reflects the movement ablility, but also the "flexibility" of the radio. You can be transported in a vehicle w/ radio, not with wire. I don't believe that you are allowed to call fire from vehicle still, will have to check. I am curious also to the use of the radio AC on the German screen that I saw once. Will have to look over that as well.
  15. QUOTE]AH- that does make more sense considering that most of my guys were low on ammo! [/QB]
  16. Great AAR, gave me the "you are there feeling" even w/o screenies. But the ending early factor was not based on the "Variable" turn factor. That can only extend the time, not decrease it. What you probably saw was the "Force Readiness" factor in play. Page 44(US) gives the parameters. Basically, when your "global" ammo gets "low"(not really defined) it is the same as offering a Ceasefire. Then if the opponent either is a)also low on ammo; global morale low or c) just plain also offers ceasefire, the game will end early. That is my interpretation of the passage.
  17. Exactly. P 216 describes it as "Soviets are equal to Germans in order delay efficiency (for an equal experience level) starting in Jan 1944. Before that, Soviets order delays are one experience level lower than for a German unit of the same experience (ie. Soviet Regulars have similar delays as German Greens). Now, as to the preponderance of Green in the QB selection process, I believe that it was stated that the Strat AI is a bit of a bargain hunter and will tend toward the cheaper troops. If that is not what you are looking for, then hand select. Or increase experience.
  18. yeah, what he said,Russell. Pick that June 41 force so that your probe can be bent at the Frontier...little did you know that I got the NKVD Guards Border Battalion....Muhahahahaha...
  19. you would only see the boresight when you use the LOS or Target tool. The VCA on a vehicle is constant, whether moving or not. Once set it will remain in that direction no matter how the vehicle moves.
  20. yes, the program does track out all the kills,and exactly what they were, regardless whether you knew it at the time or not. Fired up a little QB when it came; July 41 South. German defense against Probe. PzJgrI had 3 kills 2 were unknown at the time, found out at the end the type and mark. In addition, my 81 spotter was plastering some rough and woods. All that I knew was that Russians were yelling and running. At the end mortar credited with 42 crunchies. The MG34 HMG only tallied 12, but it did pin down a lot of bodies. Used the damaged units option also, real cool...
  21. Wow. I knocked around with the Demo for a while, but I didn't find it quite the "thing" at the time. I did find the air/naval aspects to be played "way" up for me based on the purported scale of the game. After reading the posts on this thread, I think that I wasn't far off. I don't relish the thought of fighting the European campaign as hordes of air fleets protected by a screen of corps that will advance into the bomb cratered fields created by the former... Thank you for your time. Now.... (back to the pissing contest)
  22. Wow! I am impressed. Nothing much happening down there in Homewood, eh? And yes, if you MUST know, the "people" on Aldebaran say "Hi!" and were very impressed by CMBO and have called off the invasion that was impending vs. Earth due to my visit. This was due to my "whupping" of their combined High Command at a few games of CMBO and impressing on them that I was merely an average player and that there were "thousands upon thousands" more of us worldwide. This immediately put the "fear of CMBO" in them and they surrendered. I am returning to occupy the planet as Governor and surround myself with Cherubim...(hic..excuse me...)
  23. Yes, we don't rush these things, like some of the implusive sort here..Think of Bartles and Jamyes when you think of us..I am the one in the glasses.
  24. and in that same vein, at the Rune preview a couple? months ago, I distinctly remember an ISU152 that was hit by a Tiger. The ISU was KO'd immediately with 2 casualties. I then watched as the Tiger continued to pound the ISU until she blew, just as the crew counter appeared. The lone survivor was quite pleased to be alive and VERY routed... :eek:
  25. Well, I may be the furthest behind, since Kanonier Reichmann and I still have 15 turns to go in HFTH. Darn this extreme time zone difference and the size of this scenario. I hope that someone else has more to go, I don't relish having 40+ rabid gamers breathing down our necks...or you could watch the turns unfold with us...or not...or what the heck, who knows; the Shadow knows! muhahahaha!
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