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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Most, maybe all platoon HQ's were lost in the infamous "School of Hard Knocks". AFAIK none have been replaced in the subsequent battles. The HQ with one guy started like that at the start of La Haye. I only noticed later that he was not giving any C2 to his platoon. Anyway... am getting great experience in handling platoons that have no C2. I play WEGO Warrior, and I am as surprised as you guys probably are that I cannot perceive much difference between the platoons with C2 and the ones without C2. It was a lot more obvious to me in CM1. It doesn't mean there is none in CMBN. Maybe it is more realistic. I just cannot tell. That may be due to my fairly cautious game style(?)
  2. I still find the C2 system rather opaque. I wrote a couple weeks ago that as I battled thru the xnt but tough "Courage and Fortitude" campaign I lost several platoon HQ's. This has given rise to some interesting strange phenomena: 1) The Co HQ's did NOT give C2 to the leaderless platoons in their company even when literally sitting on top of them. 2) Platoon HQ's were NOT replaced in subsequent battles. So, in my current La Haye battle I have 4 or 5 leaderless platoons whose company CO's also do not give them any C2. 3) I have one platoon that started with a one-man HQ, and he does NOT give HIS OWN platoon any C2 even when literally sitting on his men. This doesn't spoil the enjoyment for me since I do not perceive that the leaderless/no C2 platoons are functioning any worse than the platoons with HQ's. It seems to indicate that C2 is perhaps a bit too subtle in the CM2 system (for game purposes). Someone asked me for a file to examine since it was possible there was something weird with the campaign itself. That was sent but I haven't heard anything since. I have been saving these game files almost every turn, so if anyone else is interested...
  3. That's very generous of you mj. However, I have everything downloaded already. And yes I now see that all the latest ones are zips. I have a lot of older uniforms that I already mixed and matched and adapted. So, it will take me a bit of time to go thru everything to see what is what... Will report progress next week if I need help...
  4. SS11955: You could ask for another players saved game files just for the purposes of getting to otherwise "unreachable" scenarios in a campaign.
  5. In CM1, it was possible to dismount in the middle of a transport's move if 1) the vehicle had to slow to a crawl, eg a sharp turn, and 2) the first inf waypoint was very close to that point. You could always see if that works in CM2. But, otherwise I think you are correct Ian.
  6. So bootiful... Is she still single?
  7. Ouch... I have SO many uniform mods now that I blanch at having to explode all of them to see which are duplicates with similar names, and then compare which bmp's to mix and match. Probably a man-day's work. But, thanks for doing all this as I know they will look awesome eventually...
  8. Re Sgt Joch's "2". IIRC the team will run to the ORIGINAL position of the vehicle and only then to X. Not sure if you can PU teams in the middle of a vehicle's move without the above happening. You'll need to experiment with this. That's easy enuff.
  9. You missed out "feeling under the weather" and "depressed." Oh wait... that will be in CM:Beyond PTSD
  10. I am certain you are absolutely correct Michael. However...
  11. I don't think so, but do try it out with a pause at the waypoint... You never know...
  12. To be fair, CM1 and CM2 are different games. It's like saying chess is SO much better than checkers, or dominoes. People play CM1 and CM2 for different pleasure reasons.
  13. If you let the unit stay with the KIA (or WIA) team so they give buddy aid, the KIA/WIA unit will disappear and MAYBE (probability driven) the OK unit will have acquired the ammo.
  14. I think it's the ORDER OF ORDERS that makes a difference. If your first order is a dismount, then MAYBE one needs to pause the vehicle before it's movement begins, but the passengers should dismount b4 the vehicle moves. Not 100% sure, but I think I have done this successfully a few times. You'll just need to try it.
  15. "immobilized and has no fighting capability..." One can definitely mount an immobilized vehicle, so it must be the "no fighting ability" aspect that is the problem.
  16. AFAIK you need to issue the DISMOUNT order if you want them to exit B4 the vehicle moves.
  17. AFAIK there is no way to get more mortar ammo other than from the ammo team(s) that accompany the mortar team(s).
  18. Make sure that there is adequate space inside the vehicle for the men you are trying to board. Sometimes you have to dismount the crew first. With small vehicles like jeeps and kubels etc, you will usually have to split your squad and board only the recon or AT team to ACQUIRE and then disembark and rejoin the squad.
  19. Re updating the manual, many cardboard game companies have "living rules" available at their sites which are updated regularly based on comments from customers. What would it take for the CM series to have a WIKI encyclopaedia sorta site where players could add their own explanations for certain game features? Between all of us here, it would probably become a comprehensive manual quite quickly.
  20. I removed all my inf mods and I see that some US troops do NOT have backpacks, you just see suspenders. eg Some members of the MG and mortar crew. So, the graphic and capability must be in there someplace.
  21. I agree it's best to not change the difficulty level as the skills of players can vary. At most you could produce a different version that is easier. But, some of us (at least) like a hard challenge as that is the best way to learn and improve. Am still bogged down in CMBN, but am looking forward to the new CMA (and CMSF) battles.
  22. I have been looking through lots of WW2 pics and it's rare to see any backpacks of (any nationality) troops in imminent danger of combat - which is what CM series depicts rather than moving safely in rear area. Is there a mod that gets rid of backpacks?
  23. I understand, Mord. I suppose the question is whether, within a single formation, would one see significantly different paint jobs? The other "nice to have feature" (which I suspect the randomization aspect makes impossible) would be to have a platoon of AFV's that are numbered correctly.
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