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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. Also, being a grog wargamer is a great chat up topic at clubs and can bring very lucrative sponsorships (I heard...).
  2. I didn't realize there was no option for a hard end to a QB as opposed to variable ending. If that is so, it makes competitive play harder since it's more fair to both parties to know the end turn... especially when in a tournament and one is competing vs other players who are on the "same side".
  3. In CM5, you realize that when you agreed to the d/l terms, you have actually JOINED the Army! (And some will STILL be demanding more realism!)
  4. It's probably some girl who has a crush on him but is too shy to say. Girls can often appear hostile in thoise situations. If only Valentine's day was closer, she could send a card!
  5. Read the article. Find it incredible that "just enough" incriminating evidence was left by these "super warriors". Smells...
  6. Absolutely would love to see it. Unfortunately am prepping for travel till end of November, so playing time is almost over till I get back.
  7. I decided to put all of yours in an Afrika Korps folder and hope some kind soul designs Tunisian or NA scenarios.
  8. Hopefully in a good way(?) Redwolf. This will be great fun regardless of the actual assumed date.
  9. Anything that creates more variety is very welcome.
  10. Maybe he knows hehe....? Would love to help, but will be traveling in a few days minus CM-capable PC for a few weeks.
  11. I love this! Now that Egger is doing Afrika Korps mods, I hope we get some AK scenarios.
  12. Thanks Egger. Got all your great-looking Afrika Korps mods from CMMODS. I am only regretful when you do the same mods as Fuser/Aris has done, as it forces way too hard decisions re which to use.
  13. Ah... I didn't realize that one only needs to unzip rar #1. The problem is when I unzipped rar #2. I did get it CMMODS version as well, so probably I have all the files ok. But, just in case I tried unzipping both rars from the BF d/l. Just to check, exactly how many bmp files should be in the buildings mod folder once unzipped? I have 134.
  14. This looks SO amazing LLF. I may actually have to emerge from my hole and attempt H2H just to play this. (But, I am really scared...)
  15. Thanks GAJ. Will you be enabling "sort CMSF mods by date"? Currently, it's hard to figure out if one has all the latest ones...
  16. There are a lot of "Syrope" mods out there. But, I don't think they were comprehensive and featured that many vehicles. Very exciting to see this developing. I note that is is circa 2000. Are there insufficient units for earlier date conversion - eg the 80's? (Maybe that's what Syrope was attempting.)
  17. "the remains of a Spetsnaz soldier, face smashed in, teeth knocked out and fingers cut off to prevent identification" But, they left enough stuff to ensure he was positively ID'd as a big scary "spetznatz operative"????
  18. I have tried it a couple of times, but when I open the 2nd file rar folder and try to copy the files into the first unzipped folder, I still get the error message "data error... ...\building004-floor (01)bmp" file is broken", and the windows are frozen. Is there a very specific series of steps one needs to follow rather than simple intuition?
  19. ***SPOILERS*** Am wondering if there are multiple defense set-ups as unlike sburke, my Co 1 didn't encounter any opposition whatsoever until already in the northernmost buildings of Froitscheidt. (Or, perhaps you went further north thru the trees hoping to turn east and attack Froitscheidt at its center (where the path thru the woods is)? Co 1's reserve platoon advancing S through the woods to flank Froitscheidt stumbled into US units in foxholes in that area. I decided to back away and focus on the town buildings. I will leave the US troops guarding the road for reinforcing units from one of the other companies. Maybe bring a platoon of Co 1 into action at that time, so the US are surrounded in the woods.) I am at about 2hr 19min on the clock (to go). Kommerscheidt is cleared. The way the VL's look I thought we get 250 points per section of Kommerscheidt. But, you have to own both to get 250 points. Co 2 has been trying to kill the US units that were position or retreated into the wheatfields north of the SE VL section of the town. These US units in the open (including some 60mm mortars) have proven a lot harder to kill than the US units that were in the buildings. Odd. (Am worried that maybe I shouldn't be doing this as inevitably my inf are getting light wounds even if not serious or KIA. Can't use armor here as I think there are TD's and ATG's with LOS to this area. Maybe I should be using my 81mm mortars to finish em off safely.) Overall, US arty is either atrociously inaccurate, barraging areas of the woods where troops were maybe 30 minutes ago, or where they never were in the first place, or scarily on target - so maybe there are some US TRP's. Nearly all my troops are in buildings so no serious casualties from being caught in the open as yet. But, there is attrition... one guy here and there when a blast is close to an occupied building. HIDING the troops seems to mitigate this. However, in WEGO it's sometimes impossible to do that unless a spotting round arrives at least minute before FFE. US arty seem to be a mixture of 60mm and 81mm(?) mortars and also some much heavier stuff. Finding a use for the Tigers (and Stugs) has been difficult so far. Lost one Stug to a flank ATG shot from the west hill. Arty landing around them damages the tracks. An ATG firing at the front of a Tiger's turret causes damage. Only one Tiger is completely unscratched. The other 3 have light damage to track, optics, radio etc. So, have pulled them and the 3 surving Stugs back. I think I will have to use em all as assault guns to blast inf out of buildings as the only US armor I have seen are M10 TD's (on the hill to the west) and I don't want to duel with them. Am hoping to kill em with arty, along with two 76mm ATG's that have been spotted in trenches up there. My dilemma is whether to send either elements of the fresh Co 3, or the fresh Co 2 reserve platoon, east to help Co 1 deal with the US inf blocking the woods path east to Froitscheidt. That way Froitscheidt can be cleared more easily. The woods east to Froitscheidt appear impassible to vehicles, so one must use the path. But, I can't send vehicles through the woods path with ammo resupply until the TD's and ATG's on the west hill are dealt with as I suspect they have LOS to the entryway to that path. (Or, maybe use smoke to hide vehicles attempting to reach the path entrance.) I also have to decide whether to commit to attacking and capturing the buildings and hill to the west and entering Schmidt from the west, or push everything through the woods and Froitscheidt and enter Schmidt from the east. The third option is to use arty to destroy or blind with smoke the units on the hill to the west and advance directly south to Schmidt across the fields. A 76mm ATG was spotted directly in the way near Schmidt, but I think my arty has KO'd it. But, a halftrack scout went up in flamnes thanks to a 57mm ATG in the woods to the south as well. So, maybe even more ATG's around. Decision, decisions, decisions - this is why I think this a terrific scenario.
  20. You may want to let people know the full name, "Le Carillon 1 - Its Quiet - Too Quiet" as folks may have already got it from CMMODS. Your description re "road to La Meauffe" made me think it was a different game.
  21. Even tho' it was a first person game, PE was definitely not a shooter... more like what CM would be if you could actually occupy individual tanks and fight em as a crew. The inf in PE was very much an afterthought however, and not done well.
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