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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Erwin

  1. "...it would take a year or two at least to train and deploy a big enough army..." To think like that is almost the definition of "fighting the last war". Evidence is that the next war will be very very fast, using cyberwar to cripple national infrastructure with the primary target being homeland society and objective being mass panic and disintegration of community. And CMBS demonstrates that combat will be lethal in the way that WW1 shocked the world with its slaughter. The best deterrent is the knowledge by the decision-makers that in such a war, their nation's best troops and equipment will be destroyed leaving the "empires" of Russia, China and US militarily weak with low morale and easy pickings for smaller regional powers and uncon forces like ISIS.
  2. Nice video. Love your accent - it matches the German attack nicely.
  3. "You keep your high firepower weapons in the fight if at all possible." Yes, I said I agree with that. Was pointing out that using extreme outliers as examples is rather bogus and not helpful in proving the point. It's like trying to prove that using safety belts are dangerous cos of one horrific example where some poor sod was trapped by his seatbelt and burned to death.
  4. Still... 5 KIA. In RL only 1 Brit was killed. This is interesting: "The successful use of 1 PARA in Operation Barras influenced the creation of the Special Forces Support Group—a permanent unit, initially built around 1 PARA, whose role is to act as a force multiplier for British special forces on large or complex operations." Anyone know about this SFSG? Maybe a formation for a future scenario?
  5. THE biggest market would be for Israel vs everyone. But that hasn't happened - possibly for political reasons. May have similar problems in Far East and even India-Pakistan. They are not so great on Free Speech and games that could be "offensive" etc. (Even the Germans ban Nazi stuff in games.)
  6. Why not just upload it to CMMODS? Many here will not join up new services and give em our info and end up deluged with marketing and/or hack attacks.
  7. Files are about 10-15MB each. Let me know what is best 4 u.
  8. Maybe I send you a file? Maybe you won't see these issues in which case maybe I have a corruption?? I have saves of the HIDE issue and the unable to ACQUIRE issue.
  9. Yes. Think if the extensive tunnel systems dug by ISIS etc. in Syria and Iraq. Uncons popping up in your rear was not uncommon.
  10. Aside from the Korean peninsular, it's hard to envisage US ground troops any other place - the logistics and dangers of supplying them would be mindblowing. However, due to current events it would be a timely game and I'd buy it. (But after we get an upgraded CMSF please.)
  11. It makes sense that a crewman would take over when the gunner is out of action. But, the example outlined above is one extraordinary event that cannot and should not be used as evidence of a general rule. The guy didn't get the medals cos that is what always happened. He got the medals for extraordinary bravery. One could argue that the example given above is evidence that normally, a crewman would NOT step in to replace the gunner. You don't get medals for doing things that are normal or an everyday occurrence.
  12. CMBS Scenarios and Campaigns uploaded. Enjoy...
  13. But, the embarked HQ cannot ACQUIRE or do anything other than disembark. I thought when one embarks a team, they are able to man the MG's etc(?)
  14. 1) I have an HQ embarked on a BMP. However, the BMP screen indicates that the BMP is dismounted and cannot be issued any orders. (I can order that same HQ unit to "Dismount" so I know it is mounted.) 2) If you issue commands like HIDE to an inf unit that has several waypoints and then you change your mind and un-select the HIDE button, the last waypoint stops saying "Hide", but any intermediate waypoints still say "Hide". Anyone else experienced this? Savegame files available.
  15. Let me know if it's the latest version or if I need to update. Thanks...
  16. I think am going to regret asking this as it could be a real pain... But is there any interest in CMSF and CMA mods? Most seem to have vanished. But I am a mod slut and probably have everything ever made.
  17. This looks like real fun. Am struggling to get through the Russian Campaign in the new module. It's pretty good. But, very stressful trying to keep the comrades alive in such a lethal environment.
  18. If you do a full install or update do we still need to remove Z folder mods? Sometimes I do and sometimes I forget. But am unsure what is the issue about the Z folder mods(?)
  19. Have no idea about this particular scenario. However, it's a useful device to simulate uncon infiltration. Some CMSF and CMA missions are like that - you have to have 360 degree awareness all the time.
  20. Yeah thanks. I got both as I need to do full installs on a new computer and update my existing.
  21. My understanding is that Russians have a relatively small cadre of well-trained and equipped troops. They don't possess enuff of the good stuff to be doing a "Hitler World Tour" banging on everyone's doors all at the same time. If they overcommit in any arena, they would lose a lot of their good stuff, and have the Chinese at their backs. The US used to be able to fight one major war and one minor war simultaneously. That IIRC is no longer viable. Superpowers have limits. As a result we can be relatively unconcerned about Russia. China is a real problem cos of their support of N. Korea, and also their massive expansion into the South China seas grabbing hundreds of thousands of square miles of ocean through which sails something like 90% of world trade. Now, THAT is a threat that no one wants to talk about..
  22. Do we have to re-download the big bundle? I guess I better go check...
  23. In case anyone is interested... (According to BFC site) CMFI v2.00 (Engine 4) Released! CMFI News Saturday, 15 April 2017 After a long slog we finally completed the CM Fortress Italy Engine 4 Upgrade. What took so long? It was a lot harder to get the older formatted CMFI TO&E moved over to Engine 4 than anticipated. We basically wound up rebuilding everything so that CMFI fans can enjoy all the improvements to the historical accuracy and options seen in other CM games. We even added backpack flamethrowers into the mix while we were at it! Not sure where to actually d/l it. Anyone already done this?
  24. Hmmm... I thought if one bought the package with all the modules it worked out very economical. Note that this link provides access to a comprehensive set of all CMSF scenarios and campaigns to date (along with same from other titles). https://drive.google.com/drive/u/0/folders/0B0HhNCJWAbKmcUF0VHRERzdvYTA However, some will require the NATO and/or Brit modules.
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